
"Journalist Danny Casolaro
had been investigating an international crime syndicate he termed the "Octopus" at the time of his
death in 1991.
Casolaro believed that this "Octopus" involved powerful
individuals in the private and public sectors as well as the criminal
underworld and that they were collectively responsible for some of the biggest
scandals of the 1980s, including
BCCI and the
theft of the PROMIS
Casolaro had told friends and family that he was close to
concluding his investigation and several people close to him had seen documents
involving money transfers involving BCCI and the World Bank to people involved
in these scandals, such as Earl Brian and
Adnan Khashoggi.
Casolaro went to Martinsburg,
Virginia to meet with some sources to get the final piece of the puzzle and
"bring back the head of the Octopus."
Two days
after arriving in Martinsburg, Casolaro was found dead in his hotel room and
his briefcase full of his research notes and evidence was missing.
death was ruled a suicide." - Whitney Webb
The Danny Casolaro Primer: 13 reasons to doubt the official
narrative |
"We act as a potent deterrent against government
actions that may adversely affect investments."- World Bank website
"The must be given
credit for having invented and successfully marketed the concept of 'structural
adjustment,' a concept that packaged together microeconomic and macroeconomic
Structural adjustment was sold as the process that countries
needed to undergo in order to save their economies from the crisis.
governments that bought into the package, the distinction between sound
macroeconomic policies that maintain external balance and stable prices, on the
one hand, and
policies that determine openness [like
free trade], on the other, was
obfuscated." - Dani Rodrik, Harvard economist
"The World Bank is increasing financing of fossil-fuel projects
One example is the coal-powered Tata Ultra Mega power plant
in western India, a $4.14 billion project scheduled to go online in 2012.
When it is fully operational, it will become one of the world's 50
largest greenhouse-gas emitters and "will emit more carbon dioxide annually
than the nation of Tunisia," according to the US Department of Energy.
The World Bank will provide "$450 million in loans and guarantees for
the project and also may buy a $50 million stake in it." - Pittsburgh
Tribune-Review, August 24, 2008
"The World Bank is simply not
slowing down its significant funding to fossil-fuel projects that will emit
greenhouse gases for 20 to 40 years." - Heike
1944 The
International Monetary Fund and the
World Bank are devised at the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference
in Bretton Woods.
1960s "My job on Wall
Street was to be balance and payments economist for
Chase Manhattan in the 1960s.
first job there was to calculate how much debt could third world countries pay,
and the answer was 'Well, how much do they earn?'
And whatever they
earned, that's what they could afford to pay in interest.
And our
objective was to take the entire earnings of a third world country and say
'Ideally, that would be all paid as interest to us.' " - University of Missouri
economic historian and Wall Street economist Michael Hudson
1968 Robert Strange McNamara resigns as Secretary of Defense
to become President of the World Bank.
"Robert McNamara shaped the Bank as no one before him.
He came brimming
with energy, forceful, active, pushing to get things done."
McNamara Nairobi Speech 1973
During his tenure the previous Bank
strictures against lending to public sector banking institutions or enterprises
were relaxed.
McNamara did not see private capital as a realistic option
in addressing critical development needs.
Reliance upon government
intervention meant turning a blind eye to coercive practices - the involuntary
collectivization of farmers in Tanzania, for example.
1980s "Chicago
School believers tend to portray the mid-eighties onward as a smooth and
triumphant victory march for their ideology: at the time countries were joining
the democratic wave, they had the collective epiphany free people and
unfettered free markets go hand in hand.
That epiphany was always fictional.
What actually happened is that just as
citizens were finally
winning their long-denied freedoms, escaping
the shock of the torture
chambers under the likes of the Philippines'
Ferdinand Marcos and Uruguay's Juan
Maria Bordaberry, they were hit with
a perfect storm of financial
shocks - debt shocks, price shocks and currency shocks - created by the
increasingly volatile, deregulated global economy." - Naomi
August 18,
1991 Gorbachev is placed under house arrest.
Leaders of the coup
declare a state of emergency.
1993 When the
Russian Parliament rejects structural adjustment
Boris Yeltsin unilaterally
dissolved parliament and launched a military assault on Parliament that kills
500 people and injures over a thousand more.
Boris Yeltsin would have
become a successful dictator had the World Bank and International Monetary Fund
just kept its side of the bargain by allowing the structural adjustment to be
implemented over time and had not failed to remit the aid of $15 to $30 billion
that Jeffery Sachs claimed was necessary to secure the Russian state's economic
"While Jeffery Sachs saw the collapse of the Soviet Union as a
liberation from authoritarian rule and was ready to roll up his sleeves and
start helping, his Chicago School colleagues saw it as a freedom of a different
sort - as the final liberation from
Keynesianism and the
do-gooder ideas of men like Jeffrey Sachs.
Seen in that light, the
do-nothing attitude
that so infuriated Jeffery Sachs when it came to Russia was not "sheer laziness" but
laissez-faire in action.
All the men charged with Russian policy -
Dick Cheney,
George Bush ,
Larry Summers, Stanley Fischer at the
IMF - were indeed doing something: practicing pure
Chicago School
ideology, letting the market do its worst.
Russian bankruptcy was what
Friedian ideology looked like in practice, a foreshadowing of the
get-rich-or-die-trying dystopia that
many of these same players would create a
decade later in Iraq." - Naomi Klein
Boris Yeltsin starts a war in Chechnya.
Harvard economics
professor Andrei Scleifer and his deputy Jonathan Hay help the Russian
Oligarchs design the "new economy."
The "Oligarchs" gain control of the
Russian economy as industries are sold off for a fraction of their
Norlisk Nickle, fifth largest producer of nickle in the world, is
sold for $170 million - profits reach 1.5 billion annually by
Yokos, which controls more oil than Kuwait, is sold for $309
A 51% stake in Sidanko, worth $2.8 billion in 2007 is sold for
$130 million.
A huge weapons
factory is sold for $3 million.
Harvard ends up settling for $26.5
million for bad economic advice after a seven year court battle finds Harvard
breached its contract: Andrei Scleifer, Jonathan Hay and Hay's wife personally
profited from "economic design."
1996 Boris
Yeltsin is re-selected.
Viktor Vekselberg*, whose wealth originates in
the privatization of the Soviet aluminum industry, becomes co-owner and
chairman of Tyumen
1998 "Like most of Russia's nouveau
riche, Goussinsky, a 45-year-old former theatrical director, made his money
quickly and mysteriously.
From a modest start in 1986 with a small
company specializing in metal works, he expanded his holdings to include a bank
and, later, a financial-industrial group called Most.
Experts credit
much of Goussinsky's meteoric financial rise to his close ties with Moscow
Mayor Yuri Luzhkov - and when it appeared possible that Communist Party
candidate Gennadi Zyuganov would defeat Yeltsin in the 1996 presidential
election, Goussinsky and six other key financiers banded together to fund
Yeltsin's victorious re-election campaign.
[Vladimir] Goussinsky is more than just one of Russia's
wealthiest men.
As the president of the Russian Jewish Congress,
he is the public figurehead of Russian
Jewry and the leading Russian sponsor of Jewish communal projects." -
Jewish News of Greater Phoenix, August 21, 1998
World Bank
grants Armenia $30 million to upgrade the water supply in its capital city of
Yerevan, provided that it hand over the public water utility to a transnational
Despite massive subsidies, the
private operator fails to improve basic water delivery in Yerevan.
parliamentary investigation discovered that through a series of crooked deals
the corporation misappropriated an estimated $35 million from the
Armenian people and amassed over
$50 million in debt.
Today, water flows from the tap only a few hours a
day, and residents live in
fear of outbreaks of water contamination.
The World Bank refuses to
recognize corruption, and instead continues to insist the project - and the
private contractor - surpassed all expectations.
"This case raises
difficult questions about the
legitimacy of development projects all over the world where so-called
'public-private partnerships' are involved, World Bank complicity in corruption
calls water lending into disrepute." - Patti Lynn
"I can guarantee again that it is easier for a
camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the
kingdom of
"Only a blitzkrieg approach during the 'window of opportunity' provided by the
'fog of transition' would get the changes made before the population had a
chance to organize to protect its previous
vested interests." -
Joseph Stiglitz, chief economist at
the World Bank
A handful of international corporations, led by
Vivendi Universal and Suez, aggressively take
over the management of public water services in countries around the world,
dramatically raising the price of water to local residents.
2000 More than 100,000 people in
Kwazulu-Natal province, South
Africa become ill with cholera after water and
sanitation services to local
communities are cut off for nonpayment.
The World Trade Organization
now prohibits the use of export controls.
Quotas or bans on the export
of water imposed for environmental reasons will be
challenged as a form of
protectionism. 2001 Global water services
industry makes a trillion dollars in profits.
Paul Dundes Wolfowitz, a
former steering committee member of the Bilderberg group, ascends to World Bank
Paul Dundes Wolfowitz
resigns on May 17.
Wolfowitz Resigns, Ending Long Fight at World
This web site is not a commercial web site and
is presented for educational purposes only.

This website defines a
new perspective with which to engage reality to which its author adheres. The
author feels that the falsification of reality outside personal experience has
forged a populace unable to discern propaganda from reality
and that this has been done purposefully by an international corporate cartel
through their agents who wish to foist a corrupt version of reality on the
human race. Religious intolerance occurs when any group refuses to tolerate
religious practices, religious beliefs or persons due to their philosophical
ideology. This web site marks the founding of a system of philosophy named The
Truth of the Way of the Lumière Infinie - a rational gnostic mystery
religion based on reason which requires no leap of faith, accepts no tithes,
has no supreme leader, no church buildings and in which each and every
individual is encouraged to develop a personal relation with the Creator and
Sustainer through the pursuit of the knowledge of reality in the hope of curing
the spiritual corruption that has enveloped the human spirit. The tenets of The
Truth of the Way of the Lumière Infinie are spelled out in detail on
this web site by the author. Violent acts against individuals due to their
religious beliefs in America is considered a "hate crime."
This web site
in no way condones violence. To the contrary the intent here is to reduce the
violence that is already occurring due to the international corporate cartels
desire to control the human race. The international corporate cartel already
controls the world economic system, corporate media worldwide, the global
industrial military entertainment complex and is responsible for the collapse
of morals, the elevation of self-centered behavior and the destruction of
global ecosystems. Civilization is based on coöperation. Coöperation
does not occur at the point of a
American social mores and values have declined precipitously
over the last century as the corrupt international cartel has garnered more and
more power. This power rests in the ability to deceive the populace in general
through corporate media by pressing emotional buttons which have been
preprogrammed into the population through prior corporate media psychological
operations. The results have been the destruction of the family and the
destruction of social structures that do not adhere to the corrupt
international elites vision of a perfect world. Through distraction and
coercion the direction of thought of the bulk of the population has been
directed toward solutions proposed by the corrupt international elite that
further consolidates their power and which further their purposes.
views and opinions presented on this web site are the views and opinions of
individual human men and women that, through their writings, showed the
capacity for intelligent, reasonable, rational, insightful and unpopular
thought. All factual information presented on this web site is believed to be
true and accurate and is presented as originally presented in print media which
may or may not have originally presented the facts truthfully.
Opinion and thoughts
have been adapted, edited, corrected, redacted, combined, added to, re-edited
and re-corrected as nearly all opinion and thought has been throughout time but
has been done so in the spirit of the original writer with the intent of making
his or her thoughts and opinions clearer and relevant to the reader in the
present time.
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