
The first industrial
revolution lasted from around 1780 to 1850.
It was characterized by a
transition from small
scale craftwork to mechanized production in
The great catalyst in the process was the
steam engine which also
caused a revolution in transport as it was used in
railways and
The first
industrial revolution was centered around the cotton industry.
As steam
engines were made of iron
and ran on coal, both coal mining and
iron industry also
2nd industrial revolution started around 1870 and ended around
Characterized by rapid
ongoing mechanization with steel replacing
introduction of the assembly
line, development of
the chemical industry.
Furthermore coal and water are mostly
replaced by oil and
The internal
combustion engine is developed.
Whereas the first industrial
revolution revolved around
inventions by
amateurs, corporations invest money in professional observers during the
second revolution, looking for
new products and production
In search of finances small companies merge into large
scale enterprises headed by
professional managers and shares are put on
the market.
The third industrial revolution started around 1940 and
ended in 2020.
The US
and Japan played a leading role in the development of computers.
During WWII computer technology was
applied for military purposes.
The American space program increased
the number of applications.
Japan specialized in the use
of computers for industrial design purposes.
Family business had to
became Limited Liability Corporations to
2020 Fourth Industrial Revolution
started when c✡rp✡rate media pronounced, "Fifteen days to flatten
the curve".
Evidence Of Global Fraud
How Will the Fiction be Sustained?
Incite Seminars Present "Level-Up"
Mouse Utopia and
The Blackest Pill
Implementing the UK Biosecurity State
RNA-Type Vaccines Which Modify the Human Genome
The Great Reset: The Final Assault on the Living
The Ecology of Trust Mechanization For the Fourth Industrial
COVID-19 replicating RNA vaccine has robust response in nonhuman
COVID-19 Replicating RNA Vaccine Has Robust Response in Both
Young and Old Animal Models
FOI documents on origins of SARS-CoV-2, hazards of
gain-of-function research and biosafety labs
EcoHealth Alliance orchestrated key scientists' statement on
"natural origin" of SARS-CoV-2

"What is the
elephant in all our
rooms? The global
triumph of corporatism.
Democracy is fiercely
disputed while the history of corporatism
supports the crazy opinion
that corporatism is an
automatically self-correcting system.
Global markets are now more than
ever constantly out of equilibrium.
Again and again, corporatism has
needed the visible hands of
political, fiscal and
legal correction to
complement the invisible hand of
the market.
Marx thought capitalism would have a
problem finding consumers for the goods that
improving techniques of
production enabled it to churn out.
core logic of ever-expanding desires
through the manufacture of desires is
unsustainable on a global
scale." - Timothy Garton Ash
Message from the
Club of Rome
Winterthur, Canton Zurich, Switzerland
- founded in
1968 by David Rockefeller, Alexander
King, Aurelio Pecce
"Much of modern industrial culture has been
built upon the premise of
perpetual material growth.
The human world is beyond its
The present way of
doing things is unsustainable.
The future, to be viable, must
be one of drawing back, easing down, healing.
not better weapons or
struggles for power or
material accumulation, is the
ultimate challenge to the creativity of the
human race.
The difference between
optimists and
pessimists involves
the question of whether human
beings can operate
collectively from a basis of compassion.
In a society that
systematically develops
in people their collectivism,
their competitiveness,
and their cynicism, the
pessimists are the vast majority.
That pessimism is the
single greatest problem of the current
social system and the deepest cause of
unsustainability; not
dreaming of colonizing Mars.
A culture that cannot
believe in,
discuss, and
develop the best human qualities
is one that suffers from a tragic distortion of
information. " - Donella H. Meadows, Dennis L. Meadows, and Jørgen
"In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with
the idea that pollution,
the threat of global warming,
water shortages,
famine and the like would fit the bill.
their totality and in their interactions, these phenomena
constitute a common threat
which as the enemy, we fall into the trap about which we have already warned,
namely mistaking symptoms for causes.
All these dangers are caused by
human intervention and it is only through
changed attitudes and behavior
that they can be overcome.
The real enemy then is
humanity itself."
The First Global Revolution: A Report by the
Council of The Club of Rome Alexander King & Bertrand
NATO becomes the foundation for pan-European security architecture.
North Atlantic Cooperation Council liason between Central European,
Eastern European, and Central Asian neighbors.
1994 North Atlantic Cooperation Council founds the
Mediterranean Dialogue with six non-member Mediterranean countries:
Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia, with Algeria joining in
1997 North Atlantic Cooperation
Council rebranded Euro-Atlantic Partnership

The dominant ideology of
transnational corporations is predatory.
The notion transnational
corporations are remotely interested in such things as "free trade," or "democracy" flies
in the face of basic common sense.
The industries wreaking
havoc have monopolies using
the powers of government
to legislate and regulate sub-contractors they
wish to control.
People inclined to abuse wealth
and power do as they have always done.
Powerful transnational
corporations control the
election process, the
courts, the legislative powers of
government, the international treaty
process, world
currencies and of course, virtually total control of mainstream
"The tool
can be treated just like a piece of metal - you use it if you want, you throw
it away if you don't want it.
If you can get human
beings to become tools like that, it's more efficient by some measure of
efficiency - a measure
which is based on dehumanization.
You have to
demoralize workers.
That's part of the
system." - Noam
Sweatshops trick the uneducated rural poor,
children and adults alike, into starting work
without informed consent.
Sweatshops retain workers through
debt bondage and/or
Sweatshops injure workers and
the environment at greater rates existing in places without effective enforced
workplace safety and environmental
"Our country needs to insist that our trading partners enforce
their own labor laws and respect international labor standards."- Byron L.
Christmas tree ornaments sold at Walmart Stores and other major
retailers were made in a Chinese sweatshop employing workers as young as 12 and
others who work more than 100 hours a week according to Byron L.
Nike internal pricing documents, found by Charles Kernaghan in
the Dominican Republic, purpose was to maximize the profit to be wrung out of
girls and young women who sew garments in the 'developing' world.
Production of a shirt is broken down into twenty-two separate
5 steps to cut the material, 11 steps to sew the garment, 6
steps to attach labels, hang tags, and put the shirt in a plastic bag, ready to
be shipped.
A time is allotted for each task, with units of ten
thousandths of a second.
The calculations demanded each shirt take a
maximum of 6.6 minutes to make - 8 cents for labor - for a shirt Nike sells in
the US for $22.99.
has roughly 4,400 supplier factories
in China.
A large proportion of these are sweatshops.
Business Week investigation found in 1999, Kathie Lee handbags were
being made in a Chinese factory where employees worked
14-hour days, 7
days a week, 30 days a month, for an average wage of 3 cents an
2004 Gap terminates 136 labor suppliers and
admittes forced labor,
child labor,
wages below the minimum
wage, physical
punishment and coercion were among abuses it had found at those sweatshop
October 2007 Child workers, some as
young as 10, are found working in
sweatshop slavery to produce beaded children's blouses with serial numbers
that Gap admits correspond with its Gap Kids inventory.
With endorsements from celebrities including
Madonna, Lenny
Kravitz and Sex and the City star Sarah Jessica Parker, Gap has
become one of the most successful and iconic brands in fashion.
Liberia workers are not treated any better.
"Each tapper will draw sap
from about 650 rubber trees a day, where they spend perhaps a couple of minutes
at each tree." - Dan Adontis, president Firestone Natural Rubber Company
That translates
into a 21 hour work day.
If employees don't make
their quota their daily wage of $3.19 is cut in

List of American corporations exporting
jobs prior to dawn 2nd
millennium 3Com
3M A. Schulman, Inc. Aalfs
Manufacturing Aavid Thermal Technologies Abbott Laboratories ABC-NACO Accenture
Access Electronics Accuride Corporation Accuride International Acme Packaging
Adaptec ADC Admanco Adobe Air Adobe Systems Admanco Advanced Energy Industries
Aei Acquisitions Aetna Affiliated Computer Services AFS Technologies A.G.
Edwards Agere Systems Agilent Technologies A.H. Schreiber Co.
American International
Group Air Products & ChemicalsÊ Alamo Rent A Car Albany
International Corp. Albertson's
Alcoa Alcoa Fujikura
Allen-Edmonds Shoe Corporation Allen Systems Group Allflex USA Alliance Fiber
Optic Products, Inc. Alliance Semiconductor
Allstate Alpha Thought
Global Altek Altria Group Amazon.com Ames True Temper AMD Americ Disc American
Dawn American Express American
Fashion American Greetings American Household American Management Systems
American Standard American Tool American Uniform Company Applied Micro Circuits
Corp. Amerigon Incorporated AMETEK AMI DODUCO Amloid Corporation Amphenol
Corporation Analog Devices Anchor
Glass Container Anchor Hocking ANDA Networks Anderson Electrical Products
Andrew Corporation Angelica Corporation Anheuser-Busch Ansell Health Care
Ansell Protective Products Anvil Knitwear America Online A.O. Smith Apex
Systems Apparel Ventures, Inc. Apple Applied Materials Applied
Micro Circuits Corp. Arimon Technologies, Inc. Arkansas General Industries
Ark-Les Corporation Arlee Home Fashions Artex International Art Leather
Manufacturing ArvinMeritor Asbury Carbons Asco Power Technologies Ashland
AstenJohnson Asyst Technologies AT&T AT&T Wireless Atchison Products,
Inc. A.T. Cross A.T. Kearney ATMI-Ecosys Corporation Augusta Sportswear
Aurafin-OroAmerica Authentic Fitness Corporation Automatic Data Processing
Avanade Avanex Avaya Avery Dennison Axiohm Transaction Solutions AXT, Inc.
Azima Healthcare Services B.A.G. Corporation Bakka Ball Corporation Bank of
America Bank of New York Bank One Bard Access Systems Barnes Group Barth &
Dreyfuss of California Bassett Furniture Bassler Electric Company Bausch &
Lomb BBi Enterprises L.P. Beacon Blankets BearingPoint
Bear Stearns BEA Systems
Bechtel Becton Dickinson BellSouth
Bemis Manufacturing Co. Bentley Systems Berdon LLP Berne Apparel Bernhardt
Furniture Besler Electric Company
Best Buy Bestt Liebco
Corporation Beverly Enterprises Bijur Lubricating Corp. Birdair, Inc. BISSELL
Black & Decker Black Diamond Equipment Blauer Manufacturing Blue Cast Denim
Blyth, Inc. BMC Software Bobs Candies Boeing Borden Chemical Bose Corporation
Bourns Bowater Braden Manufacturing Brady Corporation Briggs Industries Brinker
International Bristol-Myers Squibb Bristol Tank &
Welding Co. Brocade Brooks Automation Brown Wooten Mills Inc. Buck Forkardt,
Inc. Bumble Bee Burle Industries Burlington House Home Fashions Burlington
Northern and Santa Fe Railway C&D Technologies Cadence Design Systems Cains
Pickles California Cedar Products Company Camfil Farr Candle Corporation
Capital Mercury Apparel Capital One Cardinal Brands Cardinal Industries Carrier
Carris Financial Corp. Carter's Caterpillar C-COR.net Cellpoint Systems
Cendant Centis, Inc. Centurion Wireless Technologies Cerner Corporation Charles
Schwab The Cherry Corporation ChevronTexaco CIBER Ciena Cigna
Circuit City Cirrus Logic Cisco Systems Citicorp Clear Pine Mouldings Clorox
CNA Coastcast Corp. Coca-Cola Cognizant Technology Solutions Coherent, Inc.
Collins & Aikman Collis, Inc. Columbia House Columbia Showcase &
Cabinet Company Columbus McKinnon
Comcast Holdings Comdial
Corporation CompuServe Computer Associates Computer Horizons
Computer Sciences Concise
Fabricators Conectl Corporation Conseco Consolidated Metro Consolidated Ventura Continental
Airlines Convergys Cooper-Atkins Corporation Cooper Crouse-Hinds Cooper
Industries Cooper Power Systems Cooper Tire & Rubber Cooper Tools Cooper
Wiring Devices Copperweld Cordis Corporation Corning Corning Cable Systems
Corning Frequency Control Countrywide Financial COVAD Communications Covansys
Cray, Inc. Creo Americas Crompton Corporation Cross Creek Apparel Crouzet
Corporation Crown Holdings CSX Cummins Curtis Instruments Cutler-Hammer Cypress
Semiconductor Dana Corporation Daniel Woodhead Dan Post Boot Company Dan River
Data-Ray Corporation Datex-Ohmeda Davis Wire Corp. Daws Manufacturing Dayton
Superior Dearborn Brass DeCrane Aircraft Delco Remy
Dell Computer Del Monte Foods DeLong
Sportswear Delphi Delta Air Lines Delta Apparel Disney Direct TV Discover DJ
Orthopedics Document Sciences Corporation Dometic Corp. Donaldson Company
Dorr-Oliver Eimco USA, Inc. Douglas Furniture of California
Dow Chemical
Dresser Dun &
Bradstreet DuPont DuPont Beaumont
Works Earthlink Eastman Kodak Eaton Corporation Edco, Inc. Editorial America
Edscha eFunds e-Gain Communications Corp. Egs Electrical Group Ehlert Tool
Company Elbeco Inc. Electroglas Electronic Data Systems Electronics for Imaging
Electro Technology Eli Lilly Elkins
Hardwood Dimension Elmer's Products E-Loan EMC Emerson Electric Emerson Power
Transmission Emglo Products Endwave Corporation Engel Machinery En Pointe
Technologies Equifax Ernst & Young Essilor of America Ethan Allen Ethicon
Evenflo Evergreen Wholesale Florist Evolving Systems Evy of California Exabyte
Corporation Exfo Gnubi Products Group Expedia Extrasport
ExxonMobil Fairfield
Manufacturing Fair Isaac Fansteel Inc. Farley's & Sathers Candy Co. Fasco
Industries Fawn Industries Fayette Cotton Mill FCI USA Fedders Corporation
Federal Mogul Federated Department Stores Fellowes Fender Musical Instruments
Fidelity Investments Financial Techologies
International Findlay Industries First American Title Insurance First Data
First Index Fisher Controls Fisher Hamilton Fisher-Rosemount Systems Flowserve
Fluidmaster Fluor FMC Corporation Fontaine International Ford Motor Foster
Wheeler Franklin Mint Franklin Templeton Freeborders Friedrich Air Conditioning
Co. Frito Lay Friwo-Emc
Fruit of the Loom Garan Manufacturing Gateway GE Capital GE Medical Systems
G.E. Packaged Power Gemtron Corporation General Binding Corporation General
Cable Corp. General Electric
General Mills
General Motors
Generation 2 Worldwide Genesco Georgia-Pacific Gerber Childrenswear Gillette
Glacier West Sportswear Global Power Equipment Grp. GlobespanVirata Golden
Northwest Aluminum Goldman Sachs
Gold Toe Brands Goodrich Goodyear
Tire & Rubber Google Goss Graphic Systems Graphic Controls Graphite Design
International Green Bay Packaging Greenpoint Mortgage Greenwood Mills Grote
Industries Grove US LLC Guardian Life Insurance Guilford Mills Gulfstream
Aerospace Corp. Haggar Halliburton Hamilton Beach/Procter-Silex Hamilton
Sundstrand Harman International Industries Harper-Wyman Company The Hartford
Financial Services Group Hasbro Manufacturing Services Hawk Corporation Hawker
Power Systems, Inc. Haworth Headstrong HealthAxis Hedstrom Hein-Werner Corp.
Helen of Troy Helsapenn Inc. Hershey Hewitt Associates
Hewlett-Packard Hoffman Enclosures,
Inc. Hoffman/New Yorker The Holmes Group
Home Depot The HON Company
Honeywell Hooker Furniture Corporation HSN Hubbell Inc. Hudson Rci Humana
Hunter Sadler Hutchinson Sealing Systems, Inc HyperTech Solutions IBM iGate
Corporation Illinois Tool Works IMI Cornelius Imi Norgren Imperial Home Decor
Group Inamed Corporation Indiana Knitwear Corp. IndyMac Bancorp Inflation
Systems Infogain Ingersoll-Rand Innodata Isogen Innova Solutions Insilco
Technologies Intalco Aluminum Corp. Intel InterMetro Industries International
Garment Processors International Paper International Steel Wool Corp. Interroll
Corporation Intesys Technologies Intuit Invacare Iris Graphics, Inc. Isola
Laminate Systems Iteris Holdings, Inc. Itronix Corporation ITT Educational
Services ITT Industries Jabil Circuit
Jacobs Engineering Jacuzzi Jakel, Inc. JanSport Jantzen Inc. JDS Uniphase
Jockey International John Crane John Deere Johns Manville Johnson & Johnson
Johnson Controls JPMorgan Chase J.R.
Simplot Juniper Networks Justin Brands K2 Inc. K&S Interconnect KANA
Software Kaiser Permanente Kanbay Kayby Mills of North Carolina Keane Kellogg
Kellwood Kelly-Springfield Tire Co. KEMET KEMET Electronics Kendall Healthcare
Kendro Laboratory Products Kenexa Kentucky Apparel Kerr-McGee Chemical KeyCorp
Key Industries Key Safety Systems Key Tronic Corp. Kimberly-Clark KLA-Tencor
Knight Textile Corp. Kojo Worldwide Corporation
Kraft Foods
Kulicke and Soffa Industries Kwikset LaCrosse Footwear L.A. Darling Company
Lake Village Industries Lamb Technicon Lancer Partnership Lander Company Lands'
End Lau Industries Lawson Software Layne Christensen La-Z-Boy Leach
International Lear Corporation Leech Tool & Die Works Legendary Holdings,
Inc. Lehman Brothers Leoni
Wiring Systems Levi Strauss Leviton Manufacturing Co. Lexmark International
Lexstar Technologies Liebert Corporation Lifescan Lillian Vernon Linksys Linq
Industrial Fabrics, Inc. Lionbridge Technologies Lionel Littelfuse LiveBridge
LNP Engineering Plastics Lockheed Martin
Longaberger LOUD Technologies Louisiana-Pacific Corporation Louisville Ladder
Group LLC Lowe's Lucent Ludlow Building Products Lund International Lyall
Alabama Madill Corporation Magma Design Automation Magnequench Magnetek Maida
Development Co. Maidenform Mallinckrodt, Inc. The Manitowoc Company Manugistics
Marathon Oil Marge Carson, Inc. Marine Accessories Corp. Maritz Marko Products,
Inc. Mars, Inc. Marshall Fields Master Lock Masterwork Electronics Materials
Processing, Inc. Mattell Maxim Integrated Products Maxi Switch Maxtor
Corporation Maxxim Medical Maytag McDATA Corporation McKinsey & Company
MeadWestvaco Measurement Specialties, Inc. Mediacopy Medtronic
Mellon Bank Mentor Graphics Corp.
Merck Meridian Automotive
Systems Merit Abrasive Products Merrill Corporation Merrill Lynch Metasolv
MetLife Michigan Magnetics Micro Motion, Inc. Micron Technology
Microsoft Midcom Inc. Midwest Electric
Products Milacron MKS Instruments Modern Plastics Technics Modine Manufacturing
Moen Money's Foods Us Inc. Monona Wire Corp. Monsanto Moog, Inc.
Morgan Stanley Motion Control
Industries Motor Coach Industries International
Motorola Mrs. Allison's Cookie Co.
MTD Southwest MTI Technology Corporation Mulox Munro & Company My Room,
Inc. Nabco Nabisco NACCO Industries National City Corporation National Electric
Carbon Products National Life National Semiconductor National Textiles NCR
Corporation neoIT NETGEAR Network Associates Newbold Corporation Newell
Porcelain Co. Newell Rubbermaid Newell Window
Furnishings New World Pasta New York Life Insurance Nice Ball Bearings
Nike Noble Construction Equipment Nordstrom
Northrop Grumman Northwest
Airlines Nu Gro Technologies Nu-kote International NutraMax Products Nypro
Alabama O'Bryan Brothers Inc. Ocwen Financial Office Depot Ogden Manufacturing
Oglevee, Ltd Ohio Art Ohmite Manufacturing Co. Old Forge Lamp & Shade The
Oligear Company Olympic West Sportswear Omniglow Corporation O'Neal Steel Inc.
ON Semiconductor Oplink Communications, Inc. Oracle Orbitz OshKosh B'Gosh
O'Sullivan Industries Otis Elevator Outsource Partners International
Owens-Brigam Medical Co. Owens Corning Owens-Illinois, Inc. Oxford Automotive
Oxford Industries Pacific Precision Metals Pak-Mor Manufacturing Palco Labs
palmOne Paper Converting Machine Co. Parallax Power Components Paramount
Apparel Parker Hannifin Parks & Wolson Machine Co. Parsons E&C;Pass
& Seymour Legrand Paxar Corporation Pearson Digital Learning Peavey
Electronics Corporation Pendleton Woolen Mills PeopleSoft PepsiCo Pericom
Semiconductor PerkinElmer PerkinElmer Life Sciences, Inc. Perot Systems
Pfaltzgraff Pfizer Phillips-Van Heusen
Photronics Pinnacle Frames Pinnacle West Capital Corporation Pioneer Companies
Pitney Bowes Plaid Clothing Company Planar Systems Plexus Pliant Corporation PL
Industries Polaroid Polymer Sealing Solutions Portal Software Portex, Inc.
Portola Packaging Port Townsend Paper Corp. Power-One Inc. Pradco Pratt &
Whitney priceline.com Price Pfister Pridecraft Enterprises Primanex Corporation
Prime Tanning Primus Telecom Procter & Gamble Progress
Lighting ProQuest Providian Financial Prudential Insurance Q.C. Onics Ventures
Quadion Corporation Quaker
Oats Quantegy Quark Quickie Manufacturing Corp.
Qwest Communications
Radio Flyer Radio Shack Rainbow Technologies Rawlings Sporting Goods Rayovac
Aircraft RBX Industries RCG Information Technology Red Kap Regal-Beloit
Corporation Regal Rugs Regal Ware, Inc. Regence Group Renfro Corp. Respiratory
Support Products Rexnord Industries R.G. Barry Corp. Richardson Brothers Co.
Rich Products River Holding Corp. Robert Manufacturing Robert Mitchell Co.
Rochester Button Co. Rockshox Rockwell Automations Rockwell Collins Rogers Rohm
& Haas Ropak Northwest Roper Industries, Inc. Royce Hosiery RR Donnelley
& Sons Rugged Sportswear Russell Corporation S1 Corporation S & B
Engineers and Constructors Sabre Safeway SAIC
Sallie Mae Samsonite Samuel-Whittar,
Inc. SanDisk Corporation Sanford Sanmina-SCI Sapient Sara Lee Saturn
Electronics & Engineering Sauer-Danfoss SBC Communications Scantibodies
Laboratory Schott Scientific Glass Schumacher Electric Scientific Atlanta The
Scott Fetzer Company Seal Glove Manufacturing Seco Manufacturing Co. SEI
Investments SEMCO (Southeastern Metals Manufacturing) Sequa Corporation Seton
Company Sheldahl Inc. Shipping Systems, Inc. S.H. Leggitt Co. Shugart Corp.
Siebel Systems Sierra Atlantic Sights Denim Systems, Inc. Signage, Inc. Signal
Transformer Signet Armorlite, Inc. Sikorsky Silicon Graphics Silvered
Electronic Mica Company Simmons Juvenile Products Simonds International Simula
Automotive Safety SITEL Skyworks Solutions SMC Networks SML Labels Snap-on,
Inc. SNC Manufacturing Company SoftBrands Sola Optical USA Solectron Solon
Manufacturing Co. Sonoco Products Co. Southwire Company Sovereign Bancorp
Specialized Bicycle Components Spectrum Control Spicer Driveshaft Manufacturing
Spirit Silkscreens Springs Industries Springs Window Fashions
Sprint Sprint PCS SPX
Corporation Square D SRAM Corporation Standard Textile Co. Stanley Furniture
Stanley Works Stant Manufacturing Starkist Seafood State Farm Insurance State
Street Steelcase StorageTek Store Kraft
Manufacturing StrategicPoint Investment Advisors Strattec Security Corp.
Strombecker Corp. STS Apparel Corporation Summitville Tiles Sun Microsystems
Sunrise Medical Suntron SunTrust Banks Superior Uniform Group Supra Telecom
Sure Fit SurePrep The Sutherland Group Swank, Inc. Sweetheart Cup Co. Swift
Denim Sykes Enterprises Symbol Technologies Synopsys Synygy Takata Retraint
Systems Target Teccor Electronics Techalloy Company, Inc. Technotrim Tecumseh
Tee Jays Manufacturing Telcordia Telect Teleflex TeleTech Telex Communications
Tellabs Tenneco Automotive Teradyne Texaco
Exploration and Production Texas Instruments Textron Thermal Industries
Therm-O-Disc, Inc. Thermo Electron Thomas & Betts Thomas Saginaw Ball Screw
Co. Thomasville Furniture Three G's Manufacturing Co. Thrivent Financial for
Lutherans Tiffany Industries Time Warner The Timken Company
Tingley Rubber Corp. TMD Friction Tomlinson Industries The Toro Company
Torque-Traction Mfg. Tech. Tower Automotive Toys "R" Us Trailmobile Trailer
Trans-Apparel Group TransPro, Inc. Trans Union Travelocity Trek Bicycle
Corporation Trend Technologies TriMas Corp. Trinity Industries Triquint
Semiconductor TriVision Partners Tropical Sportswear Trumark Industries TRW
Automotive Tumbleweed Communications Tupperware Tyco Electronics
International Tyler Refrigeration UCAR Carbon Company Underwriters
Laboratories UniFirst Corporation Union Pacific Railroad Unison Industries
Unisys United Airlines UnitedHealth Group Inc. United Online United Plastics
Group US Ceramic Tile United Technologies Universal Lighting Technologies USAA
Valence Technology Valeo Climate Control Valeo Switches & Detection Systems
VA Software Vaughan Furniture Co. Velvac Veritas
Verizon Vertiflex
Products Vestshell Vermont, Inc. VF Corporation Viasystems Vilter Manufacturing
Corp. Virginia Industries Virginia KMP Corporation Vishay Intertechnology
Vishay Vitramon Visteon VITAL Sourcing Wabash Alloys, L.L.C. Wabash
Technologies Wachovia
Bank Walgreens Walls Industries Warnaco Washington Group International
Washington Mutual Waterbury Companies Waterloo Industries Weavexx Webb
Furniture Enterprises WebEx Weiser Lock WellChoice Wellman Thermal Systems
Werner Co. West Corporation West Point Stevens Wetherill Associates Weyco Group
Weyerhaeuser Whirlpool White Rodgers Williamson-Dickie Manufacturing Company
Winpak Films Wolverine World Wide Woodstock Wire Works Woodstuff Manufacturing
WorldCom World Kitchen Worldtex Wright Products
Wyeth Wyman-Gordon Forgings
Xerox Xpectra Incorporated Xpitax Yahoo! Yarway Corporation York International
Zenith ZettaWorks Zimmerman Sign Company
This web site is not a commercial web site and
is presented for educational purposes only.

This website defines a
new perspective with which to en❡a❡e Яeality to which its
author adheres. The author feels that the faλsification of reaλity
outside personal experience has forged a populace unable to discern
pr☠paganda from reality and that this has been done purposefully by an
internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartel through their agents who wish
to foist a corrupt version of reaλity on the human race. Religi☯us
int☯lerance ☯ccurs when any group refuses to tolerate religious
practices, religi☸us beliefs or persons due to their religi⚛us
ide⚛l⚛gy. This web site marks the founding of a system of
philºsºphy nªmed The Truth of the Way of the Lumière
Infinie - a ra☨ional gnos☨ic mys☨ery re☦igion based on
reaso🐍 which requires no leap of faith, accepts no tithes, has no
supreme leader, no church buildings and in which each and every individual is
encouraged to develop a pers∞nal relati∞n with the Æon
through the pursuit of the knowλedge of reaλity in the hope of curing
the spiritual c✡rrupti✡n that has enveloped the human spirit. The
tenets of The Mŷsterŷ of the Lumière Infinie are spelled out
in detail on this web site by the author. Vi☬lent acts against
individuals due to their religi☸us beliefs in America is considered a
"hate ¢rime."
This web site in no way c☬nd☬nes
vi☬lence. To the contrary the intent here is to reduce the violence that
is already occurring due to the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate
cartels desire to c✡ntr✡l the human race. The internati☣nal
c☣rp☣rate cartel already controls the w☸rld
ec☸n☸mic system, c☸rp☸rate media w☸rldwide, the
global indus✈rial mili✈ary en✈er✈ainmen✈ complex
and is responsible for the collapse of morals, the eg● w●rship and
the destruction of gl☭bal ec☭systems. Civilization is based on
coöperation. Coöperation with bi☣hazards at the
point of a gun.
social mores and values have declined precipitously over the last century as
the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartel has garnered more and more
power. This power rests in the ability to deceive the p☠pulace in general
through c✡rp✡rate media by press☟ng em☠ti☠nal
butt☠ns which have been πreπrogrammed into the
πoπulation through prior mass media psychological operations. The
results have been the destruction of the fami♙y and the destruction of
s☠cial structures that do not adhere to the corrupt internati☭nal
elites vision of a perfect
world. Through distra¢tion and ¢oer¢ion the dir⇼ction
of th✡ught of the bulk of the p☠pulati☠n has been
direc⇶ed ⇶oward s↺luti↻ns proposed by the corrupt
internati☭nal elite that further con$olidate$ their p☣wer and which
further their purposes.
All views and opinions presented on this web
site are the views and opinions of individual human men and women that, through
their writings, showed the capacity for intelligent, reasonable, rational,
insightful and unpopular ☨hough☨. All factual information presented
on this web site is believed to be true and accurate and is presented as
originally presented in print media which may or may not have originally
presented the facts truthfully. Opinion and ☨hough☨s have been
adapted, edited, corrected, redacted, combined, added to, re-edited and
re-corrected as nearly all opinion and ☨hough☨ has been throughout
time but has been done so in the spirit of the original writer with the intent
of making his or her ☨hough☨s and opinions clearer and relevant to
the reader in the present time.
Fair Use Notice

This site may contain
copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically
authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our
efforts to advance understanding of ¢riminal justi¢e, human
rightϩ, political, politi¢al, e¢onomi¢,
demo¢rati¢, s¢ientifi¢, and so¢ial justi¢e
iϩϩueϩ, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any
such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright
Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site
is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for rėsėarch and ėducational
purposės. For more information see:
www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml. If you wish to use copyrighted
material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you
must obtain permission from the copyright owner. |
© Lawrence Turner All Rights Reserved |