Samuel Prescott Bush1863 Born in Brick Church, Orange, New
Jersey, to Harriet Eleanor Fay and Rev. James Smith Bush (18251889), an
Episcopal priest at Grace Church in Orange, New Jersey.
EH Harriman joins
the NYSE opening a brokerage with brother, William McCurdy Harriman, and
cousins, Oliver
Harriman and J. Borden Harriman, and a nephew, Joseph W. Harriman on Wall
1891 Samuel Prescott Bush becomes a
Master Mechanic.
1894 Samuel becomes
Superintendent of Motive Power.
EH Harriman is director
of Union Pacific Railroad.
1899 Samuel becomes Superintendent of Motive Power with
the Chicago, Milwaukee
& St. Paul Railroad.
1901 Samuel becomes
General Manager of Buckeye Steel Castings Company which manufactures railway
Buckeye is run by Frank Rockefeller, the brother of
John D. Rockefeller, and
among its clients are the railroads controlled by EH
EH Harriman becomes president of the Southern Pacific
Railroad. 1918 Samuel Prescott Bush, chief of the
Ordinance, Small Arms and Ammunition Section, reports directly to
Bernard Mannes Baruch in his office as
director of the Facilities Division of the
War Industries
Most of the records and correspondence of Samuel Prescott
Bush arms related section of the government have been destroyed but we know
Percy Rockefeller and Samuel Pryor Remington Arms supplied
machine guns
and Colt automatic pistols; millions of rifles to Tsarist Russia; over half of
the small-arms ammunition
used by the Anglo-American allies in World War I; and
69% of the rifles used by the US in that conflict.
Senate Nye Committee hearings reveal Samuel Pryor,
Remington Arms chairman
and founding director of Union Bank and American Ship & Commerce joined in
a cartel agreement
with IG
Also discovered is the
Nazis were armed with mostly
American small arms.
George Herbert Walker
1919 George
Herbert Walker, for whom George Herbert Walker Bush was named, was the son of a
dry goods wholesaler who had thrived on
imports from England.
The British connection paid for Walker summer houses in Santa Barbara,
California, and at "Walker's Point" at Kennebunkport, Maine.
George Herbert Walker had strong ties to the
Guaranty Trust in New York
and to the British-American banking house
George Herbert Walker becomes
president and chief
executive of WA Harriman & Co. and later President of the Belmont Park
race track.
How the Eucalyptus Came to California
1925 George Herbert Walker
and Averell Harriman, Pilgrims Society member, head a syndicate which
rebuilds Madison Square Garden.
The arena - 200 feet by 375 feet, with
seating on three levels with a capacity of 18,496 spectators for boxing - is
designed Thomas W. Lamb and built at the cost of $4.75 million in 249 days by
boxing promoter Tex Rickard.
George Herbert Walker is at the center of
New York's gambling scene.
1919 Prescott Sheldon Bush served as a
field artillery captain with the American Expeditionary Forces
(19171919) during World War I.
He receives intelligence training
at Verdun, France, and is briefly assigned to a staff of French
1920 The commercial
steamships of Hamburg-Amerika is confiscated by the US at the end of World War
WA Harriman acquires a controlling interest in
Averell Harriman is
granted "the right to participate in 50% of all business originated in Hamburg
for the next twenty years until 1940.
Percy Rockefeller is a director
and a founding financial sponsor.
The Harriman enterprise has "complete
control of all activities of the Hamburg line to and from the US."
Averell Harriman is
chairman and controlling co-owner with his brother Roland Harriman, Prescott
Bush's close friend
from Yale.
1924 Born this year George
Herbert Walker is a lifetime Anglican.
Owen D. Young coauthors war
reparations Dawes Plan.
1926 Prescott Bush
joins WA Harriman as its vice president, under the bank's president, George
Herbert Walker, now his father-in-law and the head of the family.
US embassy reports Hamburg-Amerika purchasing and distributing propaganda
against the German government for attempting to crackdown on Nazi paramilitary
Hamburg-Amerika provids free passage to individuals going
abroad for Nazi propaganda purposes, subsidized by
pro-Nazi newspapers in the
Christian Beck, a Harriman executive manages "freight &
Emil Helfferich is appointed chairman of
Hapag-Lloyd (North German Lloyd Co. merger with Hamburg-Amerika Line) and later
becomes chairman of Standard Oil in Germany.
Karl Lindemann,
director of Hamburg-Amerika, also becomes a top Standard Oil executive in
George Herbert Walker and
Averell Harriman
led a select group of Wall
Street and British Empire
speculators who restart the Russian oil industry, which had been
devastated by the first
Bolshevik Revolution.
They contract to mine
Soviet manganese, an element essential to modern hardened
[Mangalloy, also called manganese
steel or Hadfield steel,
is an alloy steel containing an average of around
13% manganese.
Mangalloy is known for its high impact strength and
resistance to abrasion once in its work-hardened state.
"It is the only
material that will survive in most of the large crushing equipment used today."
John Tasker]
These concessions are arranged directly
with Leon Trotsky,
then with Feliks Dzerzhinsky, founder of the KGB.
"Throughout the 1930s, John Foster Dulles arranged debt
restructuring for German firms under a series of decrees issued by Adolf
In these deals, John Foster Dulles struck a balance between the
interest owed to selected, larger investors, and the needs of the growing
Nazi apparatus.
debts crush Germany; reparations
required by Versailles Treaty.
Germany was looted by the London-New York banking system, and Hitler's
propaganda exploited the debt
Immediately after Germany came under Hitler's dictatorship,
the Anglo-American financiers granted debt relief, and other funds to be used
for arming the Nazi state. " - Webster G. Tarpley & Anton
1929 Prescott saves the
Harriman fortune by slashing costs and facilitating a merger with a bank owned
by fellow members of Skull &
WA Harriman merges with the British-American investment house, Brown Brothers.
Brown Brothers,
offices in the US and England, carry fully
75% of the slave cotton from the
American South to British mill owners
during the Civil War.
Bank of England
Governor is Montagu Collet
Norman, a Brown Brothers partner.
Montagu Norman's
grandfather ran Brown Brothers
during the Civil War.
Allen Welsh Dulles and his brother, John Foster
Dulles, work as lawyers
for Prescott Bush and Averell Harriman, 2 of the 16 Yale graduate founding
partners, eight of which are Skull &
Crossbones members.
March 7, 1933 American Ship & Commerce, run by
Prescott Bush, designates Max Warburg as the
representative of Hamburg-Amerika.
Prescott Bush
is a director and shareholder of in many companies involved in direct dealing
with Fritz Thyssen including Consolidated
Silesian Steel.
"Each of you, Jew and Gentile alike, who has not
already enlisted in this
sacred war should do so now and here. It is not sufficient that you buy no
goods made in Germany. You must refuse to deal with any merchant or shopkeeper
who sells any German-made goods or who patronizes German ships or
shipping." -
Samuel Untermeyer
1942 Prescott Bush, politically active on social issues,
becomes involved with the American Birth Control
"You have done more evil than all who lived
before you." - 1 Kings 14:9"Of about ⅓ New
England, ⅓ mid-Atlantic, and ⅓ Southern ancestry, George Herbert
Walker Bush was the 1st US president related to half the American
Gary Boyd Roberts

"The CIA used
George HW Bush' oil company, Zapata (also used as a CIA codename), both as a
cover for CIA agents and as a conduit for funds to set up training facilities
and invasion launches against
Cuba, all under the guise of
oil contracts.
also placed CIA agents as executives in PEMEX, the big Mexican national oil
corporation. One CIA asset who became central to a spy ring at the heart of the
Mexican government, Bush's business partner Jorge Diaz Serrano, eventually
became the head of PEMEX and a close associate of Ted Shackley's when
Shackley took over the
CIA's PEMEX franchise in
the late 1970s." - Patricia Goldstone
Interlock: Art, Conspiracy and the Shadow Worlds of Mark
1977 George Herbert Walker Bush
hired by First International.
George HW Bush brings in Saudi funds
while providing a line of credit for Salem bin Laden, Osama's older brother.
"The military power the Saudis needed in order to survive had to be
provided by the United States."- Joseph Trento
International goes on an acquisition spree.
Fourteen months later
First International fails and requires a 3.5 billion federal
This causes a Texas
recession while benefiting a group of foreign investors.
Brewton of the Houston Post described the destruction of the savings and
loan industry in Texas as a
'bust-out' of organized crime.
A failing company is taken over,
pumped up on credit and then dumped into
bankruptcy, known on Wall
Street as a classic
'pump-and-dump' scheme.
1980 According to Stu Webb
Silverado, Lincoln and other
failed saving and loans were set up as part of a global fraud network to fund
covert operations.
"Webb describes a "Golden Circle" of interrelated,
ClA-friendly companies pumping up their book values by flipping each other
"illusory profits" in the form of falsely appraised real estate that would then
be further magnified by increased equity-based borrowing power and junk-bond
subordinate note sales. In its scope, what he is really describing is the early
stages of a stealth financial coup, the subject of some of tax lawyer and
financial commentator James Rickards's favorite fulminations." - Patricia
James Rickard was the general council for
Long Term Capital
"On January 25, 1980, Frank Nugan, the Australian
co-founder of Nugan Hand
Bank, was found dead in his car near Bowenfels, New South Wales from a
"self-inflicted" rifle shot wound to his head.
The card of ex-CIA
director William
Colby, who, himself was found floating in Chesapeake Bay, Maryland in 1996,
was found in Nugan's pocket.
Colby was Nugan Hand's legal counsel. Hand
had planned to move with his wife and three young children to Florida but
someone did not like the idea of Nugan showing up in Florida during the year
George HW Bush was trying to become the president of the United States." -
Wayne Madsen
Banking Crises of the 1980s and Early 1990s:1980s and Early
March 30, 1981
President Ronald Reagan and
three others are shot and wounded by a benzo addled John Hinckley Jr. in
Washington, DC.
From that moment on HW Bush and his legal associates
direct Ronald, as a puppet master directs a
puppet, much as his GE masters
had previously.
Dirty Secrets of George HW Bush
1989 George HW Bush begans
the multi-billion dollar Project Hammer using an investment strategy to
bring about the economic destruction of the
Soviet Union through
the destabilization of the ruble.
1991 Soviet coup d'état attempt
August Putsch coup
leaders are hard-line members of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
(CPSU) opposing Gorbachev's reform program and the new union treaty which
central government power.
They are opposed, mainly in Moscow, by
a short but effective
campaign of civil resistance led by
Boris Yeltsin.
"George HW Bush and Alan
Greenspan, both Pilgrims Society members, financed $240 billion in
illegal bonds to economically decimate the Soviet Union and bring Soviet oil
and gas resources under the control of Western investors, backed by the
Black Eagle Trust.
The $240 billion in illegal bonds were apparently replaced with
Treasury notes backed by US taxpayers.
To conceal
the clearance of $240 billion
in securities, the Fed, within two months, increased the money supply to
pre-9/11 numbers which resulted in the
American taxpayer refinancing
the $240 billion." - Deanna Spingola
All a president
has to do to commit a crime is assign the criminal act to an underling and if
the underling gets caught, as I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby did,
then the president can simply pardon him.
"George Walker Bush's
commutation of I. Lewis "Scooter"
Libby' sentence is particularly insidious because I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby'
crime was committed on behalf of the administration. What's to stop George
Walker Bush, or any future president, from assigning staff to commit crimes
with the understanding that the staffer will get off?" - Ryan Snyder
"Scott McClellan admits that
George Walker Bush, Richard
Bruce Cheney, Andrew H. Card Jr. as well as
Karl Rove and
I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby all
lied about involvement in outing of a covert CIA agent, Valerie Plame.
Former president
HW Bush, signed
into law severe sanctions for
the outing of agents, called this kind of disclosure "high treason." - Eric
"What they did was
wrong and harmful to national
Scooter Libby was
guilty of perjury and
obstruction of
justice." - Scott
"McClellan is a hero.
Why is the media so blind and
shortsighted? Please connect the
dots." - Raquel Brac
certain political actors would expect McClellan to value tribal affiliation
over honesty is reprehensible. When we come to value
loyalty over truth
we have truly lost our way." -
Matthew Bilinsky
"The brilliant minds in the George Walker Bush
administration have forged a private Gestapo of rogue agents, mercenaries and
hit men whose allegiance is not to Americans but to the
US dollar. This is far
worse than just another failed experiment in privatization; it is
a treasonous abrogation and
dereliction of duty." - Steve
1968 Laura graduates from
Southern Methodist University with a bachelor's degree in education, and takes
a job as a second grade teacher.
After attaining her master's degree in
library science at the University of Texas at Austin, she is employed as a
1973 Harken
Energy founded as an unprofitable
collection of Texas oil wells for investors seeking tax
Arbusto Energy oil and gas exploration firm founded by
George W Bush with front
money from BCCI.
George marries
Laura and starts attending the Methodist church.
1984 Arbusto Energy merges with Spectrum
1986 Harken Energy acquires Spectrum 7
for 200,000 shares from George W Bush.
1987 Sheik
Abdullah Bakhsh, a Saudi billionaire, invests in Harken and the Emirate
of Bahrain grants Harken Energy an extraordinary off-shore oil
concession as Harken had no off-shore experince, choosing it over
June 22, 1990 George W Bush sells 212,140
shares of Harken Energy for a grand total of $848,560 making him
Bush neglects to inform the SEC until 34 weeks had
Bush Knew Firm's Plight Before Stock Sale
Bush's insider connections preceded huge profit on stock
"I have observed the US
campaign against the
FARC and
cocaine in Colombia, the aim
of all US anti drug campaigns abroad has never been the hopeless ideal of
The aim of all such campaigns has been to
capture market share, to
target specific enemies to ensure drug traffic remains under the control of
those traffickers who are allies of the state security apparatus and the
This was notably true of Laos."
- Peter Dale Scott
1977 to 1979 Jeb serves as
vice president for Texas Commerce Bank in Caracas.
1980 Jeb hooks up with Cuban-American Miami businessman
Armando Codina, who helped Jeb make millions of dollars in the real estate
business and eventually help launch him on his
political career that
took him to the governor's mansion in Tallahassee.
Jeb, as a principal
of the Codina Group, was able to arrange the sale of high-priced condos and
mansions in the Miami area to his elite friends in Venezuela, with Jeb
receiving handsome sales
President of the
General Coffee Company of
Colombia Duque finances a $30 million real estate development project run
by Jeb.
"Serving with Jeb on the campaign was the CIA official who gave
him his in-brief at Langley in 1977, Robert Gambino, the deputy director of
security at the agency.
Jeb Bush provided liaison
between national
security adviser, Donald Gregg, and Florida-based right-wing Nicaraguan and
Cuban exiles helping to fight the
clandestine war against the Sandinista government of Nicaragua.
was appointed by his father to the board of the National Republican
Institute, the GOP branch of the National Endowment for Democracy
(NED), the CIA-financed money laundering operation that saw millions pour into
the coffers of the Nicaraguan contras, Cuban exile groups, and Salvadorean,
Guatemalan, and Honduran death squads.
Jeb acted as a liaison between
Dr. Mario Castejon, a right-wing candidate for president of
Guatemala, and
Vice President HW Bush.
Castejon sought funding for a secret shipment of arms to the contras
and other right-wing rebel groups in Central America that would be masked as
"medical supplies."
Jeb Bush's relationship with City National Bank,
whose other senior director was Leonard Abess, a director of the
Anti-Defamation League (ADL), ensured that a large share of National
Endowment For Democracy money flowed to Israeli security firms like Tadiran,
which helped Guatemala and Honduras track down leftist guerrillas and
exterminate them.
Jeb Bush's current support for
Israel stems from his early business relationships with Zionists like Abess and
other offshoots of the Meyer
Lansky "Kosher Nostra" crime family in south Florida.
Abess is
currently a member of the Federal Reserve Bank branch of Miami."- Wayne
1983 Alberto Duque is convicted for fraud
and sent to federal prison.
"Jeb should fully explain his relationship
with Alberto Duque, a Colombian national who
laundered drug money for
the Medellin and Cali narco-cartels and Nicaraguan contras while serving as
owner of City National Bank of Miami and president of the General Coffee
Company of Colombia.
Duque financed a $30 million real estate
development project run by Jeb Bush.
Duque hired a Bush family CIA
crony to serve as City National Bank's president.
He was Don Beazley,
who previously worked for the CIA's Nugan Hand Bank in
Before it
collapsed, Nugan Hand was responsible for laundering money from the
CIA's Golden Triangle opium
and heroin smuggling operations from Southeast Asia's Golden Triangle and
paying off US surrogates in Asia, including Ferdinand Marcos in the
Philippines, Suharto in Indonesia, Park Chung Hee in
South Korea, and various Thai
In return for CIA money, Marcos ordered his Energy Minister,
Geronimo Velasco, to have the Philippines National Oil Corporation enter
into business relationships with three Bush family-owned businesses: Zapata Petroleum Corporation, Zapata Offshore Company, and Overbey Oil Development Corporation.
The three
Bush firms were also linked to various CIA activities, including the abortive
1961 Bay of Pigs
invasion of
Jeb Bush's Texas
Commerce Bank was also the bank used by the Zapata.
Geronimo Velasco died of a
sudden heart attack
in San Francisco in 2007.
Velasco's Republic Glass
Corporation became a holding company that owned a number of British
Virgin Islands-based subsidiaries." - Wayne Madsen
1984 Jeb is approached by
Miguel Recarey Jr., the owner of International Medical
Centers (IMC), a large health maintenance organization.
Tampa Bay Times described Recarey as a charming yet volatile personality
who openly brags about his
connection to the crime boss
Santo Trafficante Jr.
Recarey, allegedly approaching
Jeb to help him acquire an office building, receives an additional bonus,
numerous calls by Jeb to Washington to request a waiver of
Medicare rules that are
threatening International Medical Centers profits.
1990 Jeb urges his father to pardon
Bosch, a Cuban exile who had been convicted of firing a rocket into a
Polish ship which was on passage to Cuba.
Bosch was released from
prison and granted residency in the US.
Bosch is a key figure in Operation
Condor, which was an alliance of Latin American military dictatorships
that targeted leftist leaders for assassination across international borders.
Bosch helped carry out the
October 1976 bombing of Cubana Airlines flight 455, which
was en route from Barbados to Jamaica.
73 passengers and crew are
killed in the attack, including children and the Cuban fencing team.
Operation Condor
Argentine court sentences Plan Condor
2007 Jeb Bush goes to work for
Lehman Brothers
which hires him as a paid advisor for unspecified millions to make use of his
family connections in persuading the world's richest man,
"Slim" Helú to invest in the firm.
Uncle Bucky
2005 William HT Bush,
'Uncle Bucky' to George Walker Bush, cashes in
stock options of
Engineered Support Systems Inc. worth a half million dollars.
ESSI supplies extra armor for
military vehicles deployed in Iraq.
William HT Bush collectes $1.9 million in cash and $800,000 for the sale of
Engineered Support Systems Inc.
Engineered Support Systems Inc. CEO Michael Shanahan is sued by
regulators for backdating options. |

This web site is not a commercial web site and
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This website defines a new
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author adheres. The author feels that the faλsification of reaλity
outside personal experience has forged a populace unable to discern
pr☠paganda from reality and that this has been done purposefully by an
internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartel through their agents who wish
to foist a corrupt version of reaλity on the human race. Religi☯us
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supreme leader, no church buildings and in which each and every individual is
encouraged to develop a pers∞nal relati∞n with the Æon
through the pursuit of the knowλedge of reaλity in the hope of curing
the spiritual c✡rrupti✡n that has enveloped the human spirit. The
tenets of The Mŷsterŷ of the Lumière Infinie are spelled out
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individuals due to their religi☸us beliefs in America is considered a
"hate ¢rime."
This web site in no way c☬nd☬nes
vi☬lence. To the contrary the intent here is to reduce the violence that
is already occurring due to the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate
cartels desire to c✡ntr✡l the human race. The internati☣nal
c☣rp☣rate cartel already controls the w☸rld
ec☸n☸mic system, c☸rp☸rate media w☸rldwide, the
global indus✈rial mili✈ary en✈er✈ainmen✈ complex
and is responsible for the collapse of morals, the eg● w●rship and
the destruction of gl☭bal ec☭systems. Civilization is based on
coöperation. Coöperation with bi☣hazards at the
point of a gun.
social mores and values have declined precipitously over the last century as
the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartel has garnered more and more
power. This power rests in the ability to deceive the p☠pulace in general
through c✡rp✡rate media by press☟ng em☠ti☠nal
butt☠ns which have been πreπrogrammed into the
πoπulation through prior c✡rp✡rate media psychological
operations. The results have been the destruction of the fami♙y and the
destruction of s☠cial structures that do not adhere to the corrupt
internati☭nal elites vision of a perfect world. Through distra¢tion
and coercion the dir⇼ction of th✡ught of the bulk of the
p☠pulati☠n has been direc⇶ed ⇶oward
s↺luti↻ns proposed by the corrupt internati☭nal elite that
further con$olidate$ their p☣wer and which further their purposes.
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