"The right most valued by all civilized men is the
right to be left alone."
Louis Dembitz Brandeis, Supreme Court
1848 Adolf Brandeis flees Prague after the failed
Revolution of 1848.
1856 Louis is born in the river port
of Louisville, Kentucky to Adolph Brandeis and Frederika Dembitz in the
wholesale grain business. Brandeis & Crawford are important purveyors of
grain and food for the Union Army.
1872 Anticipating an economic downturn,
Adolph Brandeis relocates the family to Europe.
1875 Louis enters
Harvard Law School at the age of eighteen.
1877 Louis graduates Harvard
Law School with the highest marks of any student to have attended.
1890 Louis begins developing the "right to
privacy" concept by writing
a Harvard Law Review.
1891 Louis marries Alice, the daughter of Joseph
Goldmark, who fled Europe under charges of
murder and treason as
a leader of the failed Revolution of 1848.
1897 to 1916
Multiple Progressive movement reform
1905 Georgia Supreme
Court recognized a right to privacy in a case involving
1909 California, New
York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Utah have passed statutes establishing the
right to privacy.
In an interview with the Jewish Advocate Brandeis openly
acknowledges his sympathy with Zionism.
August 30,
1914 Conference of American Zionists in New York.
Louis Dembitz Brandeis is unanimously elected leader of the
Provisional Executive Committee for General Zionist
"Brandeis approach to Zionism succeeded in encouraging far
greater support in America for a
'homeland' in Palestine." - Gerry Docherty
Brandeis argues in the
New Statesman and Nation that
Palestine should become a
British protectorate.
28 January,
1916 Seated on the Supreme Court
Brandeis fights
corporations, monopolies, public corruption and mass consumerism all of which
he felt are detrimental to American culture.
Brandeis embraces the Zionist movement, as
a solution to antiSemitism, while
at the same time being a way to "revive the Jewish spirit."
urges states be "laboratories" for government experiments.
The opinions
on competition that Louis D. Brandeis articulated - the state must regulate
competition because
competition inevitably leads to
He remained
in daily
communication by telephone, telegraph and conference with all the other
leaders of the Zionist
Brandeis apparently lacked
the vision of what Zionism would
1922 Zucht v. King
US Supreme Court finds that the school district of San Antonio, Texas, could
constitutionally exclude unvaccinated students from attending the schools in
the district. Case opinion by Louis Brandeis.

"Marx wished to deprive capital of the
right to private profit, but the only thing he could think of as a substitute
was the worker's right to private profit.
The trick about Marx's famous
"surplus value" thesis is that it was considered as spoils to be carried off by
the successful merchant from the opponent's stores.
It was not to be
presented to him for nothing.
Class egoism thus became a universal
The laborer not only wanted to do business, he wanted to
corner the whole market.
That is unsocialistic, but it is typically
English." - Oswald Spengler
"Bolshevism is not simply a sporadic growth
which suddenly makes its appearance as the result of one nations' economic and
military collapse, but that it is a movement with a very long history and which
in its development bears the closest association to, and the identical symptoms
of movement in other countries and at other periods of the world's history.
The central ideology of the Bolshevism is
international communism.
The best known practical attempt at Communism was that made by the
Perfectionists of Oneida in America in 1847." - George
Pitt-Rivers |
"President Roosevelt had 72 advisors. 52 were
Jewish, most foreign born." - William Dudley Pelley
"If the experiment for which Roosevelt is
responsible should in any serious degree break down, as a result of the
association with it of a number of eminent
Zionists there would be an outbreak of
antiSemitism in the US
more profound than anything Anglo-Saxon civilization has so far known." -
Professor Harold J. Laski
"Unknown to the Americans
the Jews in the US had collected
huge funds to assist the Jews of
Eastern Europe to reach America.
I discovered that the two largest
American-Jewish so-called relief organizations were acting contrary to the law
of the US.
In the US the Hebrew Immigrant' Aid Society (HIAS)
and the American Joint Distribution Committee (JOINT) collected many millions of
dollars, not only from Jews but also from Christian Societies and individuals,
ostensibly to aid Jewish war sufferers in Europe.
Part of this money
was used in actual relief work but a large amount was placed in a revolving
fund from which sums were loaned to emigrants to pay their visas and traveling
expenses to America.
They migrated to the US in hundreds of thousands."
- Donald Day
as a form of government allows ownership of property.
Everything is
owned by the State which is owned by
the people in
"All women according to this decree are exempted from private
ownership, and are proclaimed to be the property of the whole nation." - Soviet
of Kronsdat, Saratoff, East Russia
Every corporation is similar
to communism in that everything it owns,
all assets of the
culture, are actually
owned by its 'shareholders'.
Conclusive analysis reveals that state ownership
of resources is no better in resource distribution than
individual ownership of
Felix Frankfurter, a rabbi
and lawyer, becomes a close presidential adviser when
Franklin D
Roosevelt is first selected to be the next president.
Frankfurter participates in the founding conference of the American Jewish Congress and
attends Harvard Law School with
"As the depression deepened, Frankfurter made a more
conscious effort to place his students where their weight would be felt.
A Washington bureau may employ a thousand men, a handful are important
- the administrator, the counsel, the economist, the statistician, the PR man.
These men influence policy and policy, not jobs, interested
Frankfurter's most important move upon this board was
sending Thomas G. Corcoran, one of his ablest pupils, to a place in the
Reconstruction Finance Corporation while
Hoover was President.
Tommy had a flair for
public affairs
and a passion for political
As the New Deal began to create bureau
after bureau and the number of jobs desirable to both Frankfurter and Corcoran
Tommy found the places; Frankfurter produced the
Most were lawyers, many become economists overnight."
- John Flynn
Felix Frankfurter recommended so many Jewish lawyers to
public service in the
New Deal admin they were
tagged as "Felix's Happy Hot Dogs."
Later Roosevelt seated Felix
Frankfurter as a Supreme Court Justice.
"I came into the world a Jew,
and although I did not live my life entirely as a Jew, I think it is fitting
that I should leave as a Jew." - Felix Frankfurter

Most of the
Soviet spies arrested by the American government during the
Cold War were
None were more damaging than
the group of spies who passed the secret of the Atom Bomb to the Soviet
This group of Communist spies were all
Ashkenazi, from the ringleaders,
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, to the actual scientists working at the top secret
Los Alamos laboratory,
namely David Greenglass and Theodore Hallsberg. The latter actually passed the atomic secrets to the
Rosenbergs, who then passed it onto their
Soviet handlers, via
their Jewish courier, Harry Gold.
Harry Dexter White, Office of Monetary Research,
Assistant Secretary of the Treasury; Head of
the International Monetary Fund, primary participant in the
Bretton Woods conference and the
formation of the International
Monetary Fund and the World
Harry Dexter White was a dedicated internationalist, and
his energies were directed at continuing the
alliance with the US$R.
As head of the independently funded Office of Monetary Research, White
is able to hire staff without the normal civil service or background
White acts as liaison between the Treasury and the State
Department on all matters bearing on foreign relations.
White is
responsible for the "management and operation of the Exchange Stabilization
Fund" (ESF) - not subject to any legislative oversight.
The fund began
operations in April 1934, financed by $2 billion of the $2.8 billion paper
profit the government realized from raising the price of gold to $35 an ounce
from $20.67.
The act authorized the ESF to use its capital to deal in
gold and foreign exchange to stabilize the exchange value of the
White was the principal architect behind the Morgenthau
June 19, 1947, White abruptly resigned from the International
Monetary Fund, vacating his office the same day.
Soviet espionage
courier Elizabeth Bentley testified that White was responsible for passing
Treasury plates for printing Allied military marks in occupied Germany to the
White was positively identified by the FBI, through evidence
gathered by the Venona project, as a Soviet source, code named
KGB archivist Vasili Nikitich Mitrokhin lists White as being
first "KASSIR" and later "JURIST".
Alger Hiss, protégé of Felix Frankfurter,
Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA), special assistant to the Director
of the Office of Far Eastern Affairs, Director of the Office of Special
Political Affairs State Department, executive secretary at the Dumbarton Oaks
Conference, secretary-general of the United Nations Conference on International
Organization, president of the Carnegie Endowment for
International Peace
Donald Hiss,
State Department;
Department of Labor and the Interior
Rosenberg, Board of Economic Warfare; Chief of the Economic Institution
Staff, Foreign Economic Administration; Senate Subcommittee on Civil Liberties;
Senate Committee on Education and Labor; Railroad Retirement Board; Counsel to
Secretary National Labor Relations Board Schlomer (Solomon)
Adler, New Deal Works Progress Administration's National Research
Project, Treasury Department
Virginius Frank Coe,
Assistant Director, Monetary Research, Treasury Department; Special Assistant
to the US Ambassador in London; Assistant to the Executive Director, Board of
Economic Warfare; Assistant Administrator, Foreign Economic
Irving Goldman, Office of the
Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
Victor Perlo, Chief of the Aviation Section of the War
Production Board; head of branch in Research Section, Office of Price
Administration Department of Commerce; Monetary Research, Treasury Department;
and finally Brookings
Perlo worked at a number of New Deal government agencies
among a group of economists associated with
Harry Hopkins.
Perlo Group was a group of Americans who provided information to Soviet
intelligence agencies during the World War II period and until the entire group
was exposed to the FBI by the defection of Elizabeth Bentley.
It had
sources on the War Production Board, the Senate La Follette
Subcommittee on Civil Liberties; and in the Department of
Harold Glasser, Director, Monetary
Research, Treasury Department; United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
Administration; War Production Board; Advisor on
North African Affairs
Committee; Treasury Representative to the Allied High Commission in Italy
Charles Kramer (Krevisky), Senate Subcommittee
on War Mobilization; Office of Price Administration; National Labor Relations
Board; Senate Subcommittee on Wartime Health and Education; Agricultural
Adjustment Administration; Senate Subcommittee on Civil Liberties; Senate Labor
and Public Welfare Committee; Democratic National Committee
George Perazich, Foreign Economic Administration; United
Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration
Donald Niven Wheeler, Department of
Agriculture, Treasury Department, Office of Strategic Services (OSS) Research
and Analysis
Nathan Gregory Silvermaster, Chief
Planning Technician, Procurement Division, Treasury Department; Chief
Economist, War Assets Administration; Director of the Labor Division, Farm
Security Administration; Board of Economic Warfare; Reconstruction Finance
Corporation Department of Commerce
Norman Chandler
Bursler, Department of Justice Anti-Trust Division
Lauchlin Currie, Administrative Assistant to Roosevelt; Deputy
Administrator of Foreign Economic Administration; Special Representative to
Bela Gold, Assistant Head of Program
Surveys, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, Agriculture Department; Senate
Subcommittee on War Mobilization; Office of Economic Programs in Foreign
Economic Administration

Sonia Steinman
Gold, Treasury Department, Monetary Research; House of Representatives
Select Committee on Interstate Migration; Bureau of Employment Security
Irving Kaplan, Foreign Funds Control Division of
Monetary Research, Foreign Economic Administration, Treasury Department; chief
advisor to the Military Government of Germany
Silverman, Chief Production Specialist, Material Division, Army Air
Forces Air Staff, War Department, Pentagon William
Henry Taylor, Assistant Director of the
Middle East Monetary
Research, Treasury Department
William Ullman,
delegate United Nations Charter meeting and
Bretton Woods conference; Monetary
Research, Treasury Department; Material and Services Division, Air Corps
Headquarters, Pentagon
Edward Fitzgerald,
War Production
Charles S. Flato, Board of Economic
Warfare; Civil Liberties Subcommittee, Senate Committee on Education and
Michael Greenberg, Board of Economic
Warfare; Administrative Division, Enemy Branch, Foreign Economic
Administration; Department of State
Henry Samuel
Magdoff, Chief of the Control Records Section of War Production Board
and Office of Emergency Management; Bureau of Research and Statistics, WTB;
Tools Division, War Production Board; Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce,
US Department of Commerce; Statistics Division Works Progress Administration
Jenny Levy Miller, Chinese Government Purchasing
Robert Miller, Office of the
Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs; Near Eastern Division State Department
Ezra Moscrip, Nuclear Physicist who worked on
the Manhattan Project
Willard Park, Assistant
Chief of the Economic Analysis Section, Office of the Coordinator of
Inter-American Affairs; United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation
Gerald Graze, Civil Service
Commission; DoD
Stanley Graze,
Department, Intelligence division
Joseph, Far Eastern section (Japanese Intelligence) Office of Strategic
Duncan Lee,
counsel to General William Joseph "Wild
Bill" Donovan, head of Office of
Strategic Services
Bernice Levin, Office of
Emergency Management; Office of Production Management
Bernard Redmont, head of the Foreign News Bureau Office of the
Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs
Remington, War Production Board; Office of Emergency
William Remington, the son of Frederick C.
Remington (18701956), was born in New York City on 25th October, 1917.
"His father had been an
executive in a large corporation, his mother an art teacher."
Remington, educated at Dartmouth and Columbia, develops left-wing
political views.
Remington argues that he has been greatly influenced
by the Russian Revolution: "I thought Russia a great experiment: they were
making great progress toward improvement of living standards and I liked what
the Russians were proposing for collective security against Nazism."
While he is at college he joins the Young Communist League, the
official youth movement of the Communist Party of the United States
Remington, an enthusiastic supporter of the New Deal, is
employed by the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Remington then worked for
the National Resources Planning Board and the Department of Commerce.
When Thomas C. Blaisdell became assistant of the director of the War
Production Board in February 1942 he takes Remington with him.
Cohn: "Remington regularly handed Elizabeth Bentley documents and information
from the War Production Board which she took to Golos in New York. He gave her
material such as airplane production schedules."
On 30th July 1948,
Elizabeth Bentley appears before the House of Un-American Activities
Bentley names several people she believes have been Soviet
spies while working for the United States government.
This include
William Remington, Victor Perlo, Harry Dexter White, Nathan Silvermaster,
Abraham George Silverman, Nathan Witt, Marion Bachrach, Julian Wadleigh, Harold
Glasser, Henry Hill Collins, Frank Coe, Charles Kramer and Lauchlin
William Remington appears before the Homer Ferguson Senate
Committee, admits meeting Elizabeth Bentley but denies helping her
He claims Bentley presented herself as a reporter for a liberal
"In May 1950, William
Remington was called before a federal grand jury for the Southern District of New
York which was investigating possible violations of the espionage laws.
While testifying before the grand jury, Remington denied that he at any time
had ever been a member of the Communist Party." - United States v.
William Remington's trial begins on 26th December
Roy Cohn, a member of the prosecuting team, points out that the
main witness against William Remington is his former wife, Ann Remington.
She explains that her husband had joined the Communist Party of the
United States in 1937.
Ann also testifies that he had been in contact
with Elizabeth Bentley.
During the trial eleven witnesses claimed they
knew Remington was a communist.
This included Elizabeth Bentley, Ann
Remington, Professor Howard Bridgeman of Tufts University, Kenneth McConnell,
an Communist organizer in Knoxville, Rudolph Bertram and Christine Benson, who
worked with him at the Tennessee Valley Authority and Paul Crouch who provided
him with copies of the southern edition of the communist newspaper, the
Daily Worker.
Remington is
convicted of perjury after a seven-week trial.
Judge Gregory E. Noonan
hands down a sentence of five years - the maximum for perjury - noting that
Remington' act of perjury had
involved disloyalty to his
On 22nd November, 1954, two of Remington's fellow inmates
George McCoy and Lewis Cagle, Jr., attack Remington in his cell
beating him to death
with a brick.
Emanuel Larsen, State Department
Andrew Roth,
Office of Naval
John Stewart
Service, Foreign Service (China)
Halperin, Chief of Latin American Division, Research and Analysis
section, Office of Strategic Services; Department of State
William Taylor, Assistant Director of Monetary Research,
Treasury Department
Helen Tenney, Office of
Strategic Services
Lee Tenney, Balkan Division
Office of Strategic Services
Arthur Gerald
Steinberg, Office of Scientific Research and Development
Michael Whitney Straight, speechwriter for Roosevelt
John Abt, Agricultural Adjustment
Administration (AAA) and other New Deal programs

Whittaker Chambers, State Department, testified against Alger
Henry Collins,
National Recovery Administration;
Department of Agriculture
Nathaniel Weyl,
Agricultural Adjustment Administration
William Ward Pigman, National Bureau of
Standards; Labor and Public Welfare Committee
Pressman, Department of Agriculture; Works Progress Administration;
General Counsel Congress
of Industrial Organizations
Franklin Vincent
Reno, mathematician Aberdeen Proving Ground
Julian Wadleigh, State Department
Flora Wovschin,
Office of War
Information, State
Julia Older, Office of Strategic
Services; Office of War
Jack Fahy, Office of the
Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs; Board of Economic Warfare; Department of
the Interior
Bill Weisband,
Army Signals Security
Viktor Vasilevish Sveshchnikov, War
Thomas Arthur Bisson, World War II
Board of Economic Warfare (BEW),
Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR), founding editorial
board member of Amerasia
Owen Lattimore, director
of Pacific Operations for the Office of War Information, political advisor to
Chiang Kai-shek
Frederick Vanderbilt Field,
Institute of Pacific Relations, American Peace Mobilization

March 11,
OSS agents break into the New York offices of
Amerasia where they find hundreds of classified documents from the
Department of State, the Navy, and the OSS.
1945 Six people associated with the magazine Amerasia are arrested
by the FBI and accused of
espionage on behalf of the Chinese Communists.
Philip Jaffe and
Emanuel Larsen are convicted of unauthorized possession of government
1946 Tydings Committee begins
investigating Amerasia case.
Senate Internal Security Subcommittee requests declassification of
Amerasia materials.
1970 Senate
Internal Security Subcommittee publishes a two-volume report, The
Amerasia Papers: A Clue to the Catastrophe of China.
It ascribed
the communist revolution in China in part to the Communist sympathies of the
Chinese policy experts in the Foreign Service, known as the "China
China Hands, Foreign Service Officers of the Department of State
led by John Stewart Service and Owen Lattimore included: John Paton Davies,
Jr.; John Carter Vincent; O. Edmund Clubb; John K. Fairbank; Philip A. Kuhn;
Theodore White; Raymond P. Ludden; John F. Melby; Edgar Snow. |
This web site is not a commercial web site and
is presented for educational
purposes only.

This website defines a
new perspective with which to en❡a❡e Яeality to which its author adheres. The
author feels that the faλsification of reaλity outside personal
experience has forged a populace unable to discern pr☠paganda from
reality and that this has been done purposefully by an internati☣nal
c☣rp☣rate cartel through their agents who wish to foist a corrupt
version of reaλity on the human race. Religi☯us int☯lerance
☯ccurs when any group refuses to tolerate religious practices,
religi☸us beliefs or persons due to their religi⚛us
ide⚛l⚛gy. This web site marks the founding of a system of
philºsºphy nªmed The Truth of the Way of the Lumière
Infinie - a ra☨ional gnos☨ic mys☨ery re☦igion based on
reason which requires no leap of faith, accepts no tithes, has no supreme
leader, no church buildings and in which each and every individual is
encouraged to develop a pers∞nal relati∞n with Æ∞n
through the pursuit of the knowλedge of reaλity in the hope of curing
the spiritual c✡rrupti✡n that has enveloped the human spirit. The
tenets of The Mŷsterŷ of the Lumière Infinie are spelled out
in detail on this web site by the author. Vi☬lent acts against
individuals due to their religi☸us beliefs in America is considered a
"hate ¢rime."
This web site in no way c☬nd☬nes
vi☬lence. To the contrary the intent here is to reduce the violence that
is already occurring due to the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate
cartels desire to c✡ntr✡l the human race. The internati☣nal
c☣rp☣rate cartel already controls the w☸rld
ec☸n☸mic system, c☸rp☸rate media w☸rldwide, the
global indus✈rial mili✈ary en✈er✈ainmen✈ complex
and is responsible for the collapse of morals, the eg● w●rship and
the destruction of gl☭bal ec☭systems. Civilization is based on
coöperation. Coöperation with bi☣hazards at the
point of a gun.
social mores and values have declined precipitously over the last century as
the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartel has garnered more and more
power. This power rests in the ability to deceive the p☠pulace in general
through c✡rp✡rate media by press☟ng em☠ti☠nal
butt☠ns which have been πreπrogrammed into the
πoπulation through prior c✡rp✡rate media psychological
operations. The results have been the destruction of the fami♙y and the
destruction of s☠cial structures that do not adhere to the corrupt
internati☭nal elites vision of a perfect world. Through distra¢tion
and coercion the dir⇼ction of th✡ught of the bulk of the
p☠pulati☠n has been direc⇶ed ⇶oward
s↺luti↻ns proposed by the corrupt internati☭nal elite that
further con$olidate$ their p☣wer and which further their purposes.
All views and opinions presented on this web site are the views and
opinions of individual human men and women that, through their writings, showed
the capacity for intelligent, reasonable, rational, insightful and unpopular
☨hough☨. All factual information presented on this web site is believed to be
true and accurate and is presented as originally presented in print media which
may or may not have originally presented the facts truthfully.
Øpinion and
☨hough☨s have been adapted, edited, corrected, redacted, combined, added to,
re-edited and re-corrected as nearly all opinion and ☨hough☨ has been
throughout time but has been done so in the spirit of the original writer with
the intent of making his or her ☨hough☨s and opinions clearer and relevant to
the reader in the present time.
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