"There is a
pressing need for such negative
eugenics in the Atlantic
communities due to the steady elimination of death selection from human
conditions, is shown by the British Board of Education Report of the Mental
Deficiency Committee (1929). This records an increase of one hundred per cent
in the defectives of Great Britain between 1906 and 1927, while the population
as a whole has increased only fourteen per cent. [
] The birthrate of
defectives it seems has not risen, but the
defective children have
been better taken care of and have survived. So that they in their turn are
capable of parentage." - HG Wells,
HG Wells and Population Control, John S. Partington, Wells, Huxley &
Wells ([1930]: III, 968); also in Wells, Huxley & Wells (1938:
1491) |
"The notion that the lower classes are
biologically inferior to the upper classes is meant to
legitimate the structures of
inequality in our society by putting a biological gloss on them" - Harvard
geneticist Richard Lewontin, 'The Doctrine of DNA: Biology as Ideology',
"Plato interprets medicine as a
form of politics.
He regards
Æsculapius, god of
medicine, as a politician.
Medical art must not consider the
prolongation of life as its aim, but only
the interest of the
State. " - Karl Popper
Eugenics proposes the human species will advance by discouraging
reproduction of persons with congenital defects presumed to
have inheritable undesirable traits - negative eugenics - while encouraging
reproduction by persons presumed to have inheritable desirable traits -
positive eugenics.
People tend to
deny the possibility
government may be ethically challenged and that events such as
9/11 may have been strategically planned
It is difficult to comprehend the
desire of profits from permanent
As psychologically the leader fills the role of protector
people subconsciously entrust that leader to make
the best decisions for the
population's survival.
government does the opposite
there must be a sinister
There is a
plan is designed to
decrease population over the coming years.
The Center for Disease Control
(CDC) approves harmful toxic
compounds containing mercury, squalene and
aluminum in scheduled
The Food and
Drug Administration allows untested
genetically modified foods on
grocery store shelves as well as
toxic petrochemicals.
an alliance of groups
is trying to cause harm to the people of Earth?
Is there a
purposeful intention behind
the pollution of the environment?
Has a
transnational elite infiltrated
governments to ensure they unravel?
A ludicrous conspiracy theory with
disturbing evidence to support it?
Eugenics, improving the human race by the scientific control of
breeding, was viewed by a large number of scientists for almost one hundred
years as the means of producing
paradise on
These scientists concluded that many human traits were
genetic, and that persons who came from genetically 'good families' tended to
turn out far better than those who came from 'poor families.'
The next
step was to encourage the good families to have more children, and the poor
families to have few or no children.
From these simple observations
developed one of the most far-reaching movements,
Social Darwinism, which
culminated in the loss of millions of lives.
It discouraged aiding the
sick, building asylums for the
insane, or even aiding the poor and all those who were believed to be in
some way 'genetically inferior', which included persons afflicted with an
extremely wide variety of unrelated physical and even psychological
The goal was to save the human race from the 'evolutionary
The means was sexual sterilization, permanent custody of
'defective' adults by the state, marriage restrictions, and even the
elimination of the unfit through means which ranged from refusal to help them
to outright killing.
The eugenics movement grew from Thomas Huxley's
confusion about the
Theory of Evolution by Charles
Aldous attempted to correct his grandfather's mistakes but
it is yet to be seen whether or not Western culture in general would accept his
Eugenics spanned the political spectrum from
conservatives to international
socialists; what they had in common was a belief in evolution and a faith
that science, particularly genetics, held the key for improving the lives of
1857 Dred Scott decision "Negroes are
so inferior that they have no rights which a white man is bound to respect."
1859 Darwin's Origin of Species.
General Theory of Evolution defended by Thomas Henry Huxley,
"Darwin's bulldog" who misunderstands survival of the fittest.
1870 Franco-Prussian War. The
participants see it as a race war. (George Mosse, Towards the Final
Solution, p. 90)
After the defeat of the Prussians (Germans) by
Napoleon at the battle of
Jena, Prussia had established a three-tiered educational system considered
"scientific" in nature.
volkschulen have
been successfully conditioned into
freedom from stressful
thinking and to follow
orders with a generous
dose of racism.
1871 The German physiologist
Rudolf Virchow conducts a study of 6.7 million children in Germany, comparing
Jewish and Christian children across a range of
physical characteristics.
No differences are found.
However, the findings from the study
produced no cultural impact. (George Mosse, Towards the Final Solution,
p. 90-92).
Virchow is essentially the last major voice in
Germany arguing against the
idea that there are "races" within mankind.
Descent of Man published by Charles Darwin.
It's main thesis:
man developed from a lower life form.
Premillennial dispensationalism
rejects evolution theory on these grounds.
Francis Galton, Darwin's cousin, coins the word "eugenics".
His early
aim is to selectively marry off the population so that poor heredity will be
eliminated. Galton begins popularizing his ideas.
1891 Hans Dreisch splits a fertilized sea urchin egg which is
at the two-cell division stage by hand.
Each cell subsequently
developed into two small but identical sea urchin larva.
His research
was carried on by Hans Spemann in Germany and Ross Harrison in the US.
Charles Benedict
Davenport, a Harvard
PhD, becomes an assistant professor at the
University of
"Charles Davenport saw little difference between national
and ethnic identity.
He claimed that Italians, Irish, Poles and
"Hebrews" were all biologically distinct races.
He asserted that Jews
were "intermediate between slovenly Servians and Greeks and the tidy Swedes,
Germans and Bohemians." Italians - prone to crimes of violence; Poles -
self-reliant and clannish.
Davenport was appalled by even the suggestion
of sexual self-indulgence.
He was opposed to birth control largely
because it encouraged, he claimed, sexual excess.
He frequently placed
sexual immorality in the same
category as feeblemindedness and propensities for crime. " - Thomas A.
Stanford president David Starr Jordan originates the notion of "race and blood"
in his racial epistle "Blood of a Nation," in which the university
scholar declares that human
qualities and conditions such as talent and poverty are
passed through the blood.
1903 Eugenics Movement founded in America.
Experts: David Star Jordan is
chairman (a prominent biologist and chancellor of Stanford University), Luther
Burbank (the famous plant breeder), Vernon L. Kellog (a world renowned
biologist at Stanford), William B. Castle (a
Harvard geneticist), Roswell H.
Johnson (a geologist and a professor of genetics), and Charles R. Henderson of
the University of Chicago.
Francis Galton endows a chair of eugenics at the University of London. (Bernard
Schreiber, The Men Behind Hitler, A German Warning to the World, 1971,
p. 15).
The Journal for Racial and Social Biology, founded in
Germany in this year, will follow Francis Galton's work in England (Eugenics
Education Society) very closely. (Mosse, p. 75).
Charles Benedict
Davenport becomes director for the
Carnegie Institute
station for experimental evolution at Cold Spring Harbor.
Thorndike of Columbia University, one of the most influential educational
psychologists in history, is also involved as well as
Henry Havelock Ellis, Dr Frederick Walker
Mott, and Dr A. F. Tredgold.
Frederick Walker Mott in a lecture to the
Eugenics Education Society claims that
PTSD is rare in volunteers
as opposed to regular conscripted men, and that it was
not a new
disorder but merly a variety occurring in those already
Davenport argues that hereditability is a major influence
in everything from criminality to epilepsy, even alcoholism and pauperism
(being poor).
He assumed that traits which we now know are polygenic in
origin were single Mendelian characters.
This error caused him to
greatly oversimplify interpolating from the genotype to the phenotype.
He ignores the forces of the environment to such a degree that he
labels those who 'loved the sea' as suffering from thalassaphilia, and
concludes that it was a sex-linked recessive trait because it was virtually
always exhibited in males!
Davenport also concluded that
prostitution is caused not by social, cultural or
economic circumstances, but a dominant genetic trait which causes a woman to be
a nymphomaniac.
"Carnegie Institution established a laboratory
complex at Cold Spring Harbor on Long Island that stockpiled millions of index
cards on ordinary Americans, as observers carefully plotted the removal of
families, bloodlines and whole peoples.
From Cold Spring Harbor, eugenics advocates agitated
in the legislatures of America, as well as the
nation's social service
agencies and associations." - Edwin Black
1907 State of Indiana
passes the world's first mandatory sterilization law. (John David Smith,
"Minds Made Feeble", p. 136-137)
Svante Arrhenius publishes
Chemicals are studied in connection with
biological problems such as the relationship between toxins and antitoxins,
serum therapy, its role for digestion and absorption as well as for the
gastric and pancreatic
Sterilizations in Indiana officially start with the world's
first eugenic sterilization law.
Sterilizations in Indiana
1908 Henry H.
Goddard translates Alfred Binet's work, popularizing it among the intellectual
The notion of a scientific elite classifying people based on
aptitude, assigning an efficient role for everyone,
appeals to the conceit of
The idea of quantity, ranking, and assessing
cognitive performance caught on in the US, where eugenics was
a prevailing intellectual
What might have been a humanitarian push to provide
remedial help to students into a weapon of war against the weak.
1909 Swedish Society for Racial Hygiene founded.
Svante August Arrhenius becomes a member.
1911 Eugenics journals are common throughout Europe. (Mosse, p
Eighteen solutions are explored in a Carnegie-supported
"Preliminary Report of the Committee of the Eugenic Section of the American
Breeder's Association to Study and to Report on the Best Practical Means for
Cutting Off the Defective Germ-Plasm in the Human Population."
Point eight is euthanasia.
The most commonly suggested method
of eugenicide in America was a "lethal chamber" or public locally operated gas
Troubled 29-year-old helped to die by Dutch
Child Euthanasia in Belgium
Euthanasia instances in Belgium from 2002 to 2018
becomes first minor to die by euthanasia in Belgium
Physically healthy 24-year-old granted right to die in
Shortening Lives of Patients without Their Explicit
Katie Hopkins proposes euthanasia vans as UK has 'far too many
old people'
1912 American sociologist Henry
Herbert Goddard, director of the Training School for Feeble-Minded Boys and
Girls in Vineland NJ, publishes his account of the Kallikaks.
Deborah Kallikak was considered feeble-minded.
Her family tree
was purportedly traced back through
six generations of
Elizabeth Kite, an assistant of Goddard who has
no formal training, does most of the
The work falsely demonstrates that feeble-mindedness and a
propensity towards crime are
Years later, the data is found to have been fabricated
by Kite and Goddard.
1914 Henry Herbert Goddard
publishes Feeblemindedness: Its Causes and Consequences the study of the
300 families of the Kallikak line.
Stories on the Jukes and Nams of
New York, the Tribe of Ishmael
in Indiana, the Hill Folk of Ohio and the Dacks of Pennsylvania are also
published about this time
Dr A. F. Tredgold writes Mental Deficiency
He devoted an entire chapter to the
idiot savant describing 20
patients "with special aptitudes" due to
brain damage
experienced either "prenatal or post natal'.
Nobel laureate George
Bernard Shaw HG Wells, and planned
parenthood founder Margaret Sanger are also very involved.
As the
eugenics movement grew, it added other prominent individuals.
Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone was 'one of the most respected, if
not one of the most zealous
participants in the American Eugenics Movement.'
He published
numerous papers in scholarly journals specifically on genetics and the deafness
Of the many geneticists who are today recognized as scientific
pioneers that were once eugenicists include J. B. S. Haldane, Thomas Hunt
Morgan, William Bateson, Herman J. Muller, and evolutionary biologist
Julian Huxley.
'Julian Huxley and the Continuity of Eugenics in
Twentieth-century Britain'
Professors were prominent among both the
officers and members of various eugenics societies which sprang up in the US
and Europe.
In virtually every college and university were professors
'inspired by the new creed,' and most of the major colleges had credit courses
on eugenics.
These classes were typically well attended and their
content was generally accepted as proven science.
Many eugenicists also
lectured widely and developed new courses, both at their institutes and
elsewhere, to educate the public in the principles of eugenics.
eugenics movement attacked the idea of
democracy itself.
Many concluded that letting inferior persons
participate in government was naive, if not dangerous.
educational opportunities and governmental benefits for everyone likewise
seemed a misplacement of resources: one saves only the best cows for breeding,
slaughtering the inferior ones, and these
Laws of Nature must be applied
to the human animal.
If the primary determinant of mankind's
behavioural nature is genetic as the movement concluded, then
environmental reforms are
largely useless.
those who are at the bottom
of the social ladder in society, such as Blacks, are in this position not
because of social injustice or discrimination, but as a result of their own
Francis Galton, a cousin of
Charles Darwin, began his lifelong quest to quantify humans, and search for
ways of genetically improving the human race around 1860.
The idea
that humans could achieve biological progress and eventually breed a superior
race was not seen as heretical to the Victorian mind.
All around Galton
were the fruits of the recent advances in technology and the industrial
revolution that had dramatically proved human mastery over inanimate
They knew that, by careful selection, farmers could obtain
better breeds of both plants and animals, and it was logical that the human
races could similarly be improved.
Galton and his coworker, Karl
Pearson, are regarded as founders of the modern field of statistics, and both
made major contributions.
Thorough, detailed research was extremely
convincing, especially to academics.
Francis Galton believed the route
to produce a race of gifted humans was by controlling marriages of superior
Thus the marriage license.
Eugenics was fully accepted by
the educated classes.
Books on eugenics became best-sellers
Albert E. Wiggam wrote at least four popular books on eugenics, several were
best-sellers and the prestigious Darwinian family name stayed with the eugenics
movement for years the president of the British Eugenics Society from
1911 to 1928 was Major Leonard Darwin, Charles' son.
1916 Margaret Sanger opens her first birth control clinic.
1917 Goddard and the new IQ tests determined
that the average settler had a "moron-grade" intelligence level. (Smith, p. 6)
Intelligence Quotient is seen as immutable, fixed in the genes. (Donald
K. Pickens, "Eugenics and the Progressives", p. 151)
Sanger founds the Birth Control League, and it's magazine The Birth
Control Review.
She edits this magazine until 1938.
promotes Sanger's idea "More children from the fit, less from the unfit".
1903 to 1918 Karl Pearson and his staff publish
over 300 works, plus various government reports and
popular expositions of
When Francis Galton dies University College establishes a
Galton eugenics professorship, and a new department called Applied
The fund enables Karl Pearson to be freed from his
'burdensome' teaching to devote full time to eugenics research.
Pearson contributions in statistics are crucial to virtually all modern
scientific research.
He develops the Pearson product moment
correlational coefficient, regression analysis,
multiple correlation, and chi square, and made numerous important contributions
in the area of statistical analysis including the goodness of fit

1918 Popenoe, the Army venereal
disease specialist during World War I, co-writes the widely used textbook,
Applied Eugenics, which argues, "From an historical point of view,
the first method which presents
itself is execution
Its value in keeping up the standard of the race
should not be underestimated."
Applied Eugenics devote a chapter
to "Lethal Selection," which operates "through the
destruction of the individual by
some adverse feature of the environment, such as excessive cold, or
bacteria, or by
Eugenic Society of São Paulo is founded
with Rockefeller Foundation
This represents the institutionalization of eugenics in
Brazil by elites.
CN LIVE! with Pepe Escobar
1920 The Release of Unworthy Life, That It Might Be
Destroyed by the German lawyer Karl Binding and the physician Alfred
The book is definitely utilitarian.
It asserted that
"useless" eaters had to die so others could use scarce resources to live.
Euthanasia is
based on a common respect for "everyone's will to live".
Note the
correspondence to resource preservation and overpopulation arguments. (Mosse,
p. 216)
During the 1920s US congress introduces and passes many laws
restricting the influx of 'inferior races,' including Southern and Eastern
Europe and China.
Inter-racial marriage is forbidden by law and
discouraged by social pressure.
American belief that education could benefit everyone is attacked as
Suggesting social
reform and social justice can reduce human misery is
1921 The Birth Control League
changes its name to the American Birth Control League.
Stoddard is on the board of
"Birth control propaganda is thus the entering wedge for
the eugenic educator." - Margaret Sanger ("The Eugenic Value of Birth
Control Propaganda", Birth Control Review, October 1921, p. 5)
1922 Margaret Sanger publishes Pivot of
advocates birth control and IQ testing as mandatory for the lower
Philanthropy is seen as a
positive danger to society, since it allows the
lower classes to
Sanger later asserts that up to 70% of the population
have an intellect
of less than a 15-year old (David Kennedy, Birth Control in America, the
Career of Margaret Sanger, p. 116)
She will also
promote the idea of
parenthood licenses -
no one being permitted to have a child unless they first obtain
a government-approved parenthood permit.
Margaret Sanger, a strong
advocate and practitioner of polygamy, considers marriage an abomination and
an assault on human liberty.
She supports compulsory education
and restriction on child
labor, not because it is good for the children, but because it would prove
to be a burden to the poor and force them to restrict family
Lothrop Stoddard publishes The Revolt Against Civilization.
It asserts that uncontrolled reproduction among defective families
would bring the "twilight of the American
mind" and the "dusk of mankind". (Smith, p.3)
Svante Arrhenius,
holding honorary degrees from the Universities of Birmingham, Cambridge,
Edinburgh, Greifswald, Groningen, Heidelberg, Leipzig and Oxford, actively
engages in the process leading to the creation in of The State Institute for
Racial Biology in Uppsala, Sweden, originally proposed as a Nobel
Institute, taking a position on the board.
American Eugenics Society
The prominent list of original founders of
sponsors of the American Eugenics Society each has some direct relationship
with either Wickliffe Draper of The Pioneer Fund or Andrew Preston founder of
The Boston Fruit Company,
later United Fruit in
New Orleans:
JP Morgan, Jr., chairman of US Steel.
Mary Duke
Biddle, tobacco fortune heiress, family founded Duke University.
H. and Cleveland E. Dodge and their wives, who used some of the huge fortune
that Phelps Dodge made on copper mines and other
metals to support eugenics.
Robert Garrett, family fortune made through
banking in Maryland and the B&O railroad, helped finance two international
eugenics congress'.
Miss Ellen Browning Scripps, from whose wealth came
the Scrips-Howard newspaper network and
United Press (later
Dorothy H. Brush, Planned Parenthood activist, whose wealth
came from Charles Francis Brush (18491929), who invented the
arc lamp for street
lights and founded the Brush Electric Company.
Finance Committee
members included:
Leon F. Whitney, Chairman;
Frank L. Babbott,
the well-known philanthropist and educator;
Madison Grant, noted
Helen Hartley Jenkins;
John H. Kellogg who started the Kellogg's Cereal
1924 The Immigration Restriction
Act comes into effect.
This act won't be removed until 1965.
It is passed largely due to the
supporting testimony of
the Eugenics Records Office,
Cold Spring
Harbor, Long Island. (Smith, p. 3)
Virginia passes the Racial
Integrity Act, which forbids miscegany (sexual relations between whites and
This law will become the
model for the
German Nuremburg laws.
It is itself modelled on a sterilization act
developed by Harry Laughlin.
The law was written by W.A. Plecker; a
eugenicist and the registrar for vital statistics for Virginia, he also worked
closely with the Eugenics Record Office, and belonged to several eugenic
organizations. (Smith, p. 154-156).
Foundation begins funding Margaret Sanger.
1925 Karl Pearson begins publishing The Annals of
Eugenics and continues until he dies.
Part of the reason that the
eugenics movement caught on so rapidly was because of the failures of the many
innovative reformatory and other programs designed to help the poor, the
criminal, and people with mental and physical problems.
Many of those
who worked in these 'institutions'
conclude that most people in these classes were 'heredity losers' in the
struggle for existence.
The unfit should not be allowed to survive and
breed indiscriminately.
Social Darwinism gave them an
answer to the difficulties that they faced.
Instead of helping
people charity was destroying
positive habits of industry and enabling them to breed more of their
own genetically inferior type.
Many of those who began their
careers helping the poor conclude that many, if not most, of their programs are
doing more harm than good.
Many eugenicists believe negative traits
picked up in life can be passed on.
As many of the supposed
biologically inferior groups reached their second and third generation in
America, such as Ashkenazi, many did
extremely well, empirically documenting that such groups were not biologically
Another problem was that not only were
Blacks and Jews singled out but the
Irish, Welsh and numerous
other groups were also judged as racially inferior.
It soon became
apparent that many of the hodgepodge claims were false.
Research by
anthropologists shows how
incredibly important culture and learning are, even in
shaping minor behavior
observers proved that diet and sanitary conditions are extremely important,
especially in the so-called feeblemindedness condition.
The irony of the
assumption that feeblemindedness was inherited became apparent when it was
found that many
clearly mentally deficient persons
produced offspring which were
fully normal.
This was especially true of those whose children were
raised by relatives and had
decent food and
October 19, 1927 Carrie Buck of Charlottesville, the mentally
normal daughter of a mentally retarded mother, is legally sterilized against
her will at the Virginia Colony Home for the Mentally Infirm.
US Supreme Court
upholds the validity of mandatory
sterilization in Buck v. Bell.
As many as 10,000 perfectly
normal women were forcibly sterilized for "legal" reasons until 1981 in
During the Nuremburg trials, a German doctor will cite Buck
vs. Bell as the precedent for Nazi race hygiene and sterilization programs.
(Smith p. 156)
1930 The Lambeth
Conference in England approves, for the first time, the use of
contraceptives, albeit only within marriage and only for grave reasons.
Derrick Sherwin Bailey is a
participant in this conference.
Derrick Sherwin Bailey was ordained as
an Anglican priest in
1943 and from 1951 to 1955 Central Lecturer to the Church of England Moral
Welfare Council.
Many of the wealthiest people in the world are
members of the American Eugenics Society.
Aldous Huxley publishes Brave
New World.
Brave New World explicitly
models a collectivist society in
which the bodies of everyone are the common property of all.
have been purged of all the inhibitions which
tradition has
This is
inverted totalitarianism
- government control of
individual minds - in exchange for
governments must make their subjects obedient servants, and this is best
undertaken by allowing unlimited hedonism
moral degradation, and
the silence which it
entails, is the best weapon of propaganda in controlling population as
anyone that disagrees is shunned.
According to Huxley, in
order for totalitarianism to take hold, four principles must be present:
1) Greatly
improved techniques of suggestion.
Huxley proposed drugs such as
scopolamine, and
infant conditioning.
He wrote before the
effects of television were well-understood.
2) A fully developed
science of human differences.
People must be placed correctly in the
social hierarchy to avoid the dangerous thoughts which people uncomfortable
with their social situation feel.
3) Mental vacations.
vacations can come in a multiple of forms.
In Western culture social
heirarchy people strive to be able to afford to take
real vacations to
destinations in Paradise.
4) Eugenics, in order to standardize the
human product. (Huxley, Perennial Classic, 1946, vii-xiii)
special recipient of Rockefeller funding is the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for
Anthropology, Human Heredity and Eugenics in Berlin run by Otmar Freiherr von
Verschuer, a hero in American eugenics circles.
Verschuer had a
long-time assistant. His name was Josef Mengele.
A product can be
defective in 3 main ways:
1. If a product is marketed with
inadequate instructions
or warnings as to foreseeable risks, it has
a marketing defect.
2. If it's manufactured with a flaw, but the design and marketing are
fine, it's called a manufacturing
3. If a
product is designed in a way that injury could foreseeably result, and if
the risk of injury could
have been reduced by an
alternative design, then a
product is said to have a design defect.
US Public Health Service in Tuskegee, Alabama
diagnose 400 poor, black
sharecroppers with syphilis.
Observers use the men as
human guinea pigs to follow the symptoms and
progression of the disease over the next
4 decades.
"In its first twenty-five years of
eugenic legislation,
California sterilized 9,782 individuals, mostly women.
Many were
classified as "bad girls," diagnosed as "passionate,"
"oversexed" or "sexually wayward."
Sonoma women were sterilized with abnormally large clitoris or
1,278 coercive sterilizations were performed, 700 of which were
on women.
The state's two leading sterilization mills in 1933 were
Sonoma State Home with 388 operations and Patton State Hospital with 363
Other sterilization centers included Agnews, Mendocino,
Napa, Norwalk, Stockton and Pacific Colony state hospitals.
Only after eugenics became entrenched in the United States
was the campaign transplanted into Germany, in no small measure through the
efforts of California eugenicists, who published booklets idealizing
sterilization and circulated them to German officials and scientists." - Edwin
Black, War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a
Master Race
Adolf Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany by
Hitler studied American eugenics laws.
He tried to
legitimize his antiSemitism
by medicalizing it, and wrapping it in the more palatable pseudoscientific façade of
The April issue of "The Birth Control Review" is
devoted entirely to eugenic sterilization, with a feature article by Dr. Ernst
Rudin, the director of Germany's Eugenics institute. (Schreiber, p. 35).
July 14: Hereditary Health Law inacted, based on the Laughlin
Germany also sets up the first eugenics courts.
Within a
year 56,000 people have been sterilized.
This move is roundly
applauded by American
eugenicists. (Smith p 156).
November: The Kallikak study is
republished in Germany.
Harry Laughlin puts the number of eugenic
sterilizations performed in the US at 15,000 through December 1931.
Hans Spemann, developer of chimeric animals, delivers the
Silliman invitational lecture at Yale
about intra-species transplantation experiments.
1934 The German constitution of 1871
prohibited abortion, the
article which outlawed it is changed when the Hamburg courts declare a "racial
Abortion is permitted in
Germany for the first time since the German state came into being.
Neglect of mentally and physically handicapped patients is encouraged.
(Robert Jay Lifton, The Nazi Doctors, p. 62)
Summer Institute of
Linguistics founded by William C. Townsend.
SIL is a Rockefeller &
USAID funded
Evangelical organization translating the Wycliffe Bible into hundreds of
indigenous languages in Central and South America.
SIL employees a "virulent brand of Christian fundamentalism
that uses linguistics to
undermine the social cohesion of indigenous communities and accelerate
their assimilation into Western culture".
Financial support for
Evangelical faith in Brazil extends to the present, with the massive and
politically influential Pentecostal "Universal Church of the Kingdom of God"
whose head Bishop, Edir Macedo told his followers the Rockefellers have been
generous contributors.
1935 The
Nuremburg laws are passed.
An estimated half million
abortions have been performed in Germany.
1936 The Nazis award Harry Laughlin an honorary degree from
Hiedelburg University as part of the 550th
anniversary celebration,
in appreciation for his
eugenics efforts.
Laughlin, in his acceptance, states that the Germans
provide the "human seed-stock which ... founded my own country and thus gave
basic character to our present lives and institutions". (Smith, p. 158).
The American Eugenics Society has a roundtable discussion at
which Nazi eugenicist Maria Kopp reads her paper on eugenic sterilization.
Germans based their laws on the sterilization program in California
carried out by the Human
Betterment Foundation, now known as the Association for Voluntary
(Marie Kopp Legal and Medical Aspects of Eugenic
Sterilazation in Germany; a talk delivered at the annual meeting of the
American Eugenics Society, May 7, 1936).
"California was considered an
epicenter of the American eugenics movement.
California's eugenicists
included potent but little known race scientists, such as Army venereal disease
specialist Dr. Paul Popenoe, citrus magnate and Polytechnic benefactor Paul
Gosney, Sacramento banker Charles M. Goethe, as well as members of the
California State Board of Charities and Corrections and the University of
California Board of Regents.
Eugenics would have been so much bizarre parlor talk had it
not been for extensive financing by corporate philanthropies, specifically the
Carnegie Institution, the
Rockefeller Foundation
and the Harriman railroad
They were all in league with some of America's most
respected scientists hailing from such prestigious universities as Stanford,
Harvard, and
academicians espoused race theory and race science, and then
faked and twisted data to
serve eugenics' racist aims." - Edwin Black
North Carolina becomes the first state to contribute money to Margaret Sanger's
birth control movement. (Diversity Magazine, March/April 1992, p 12, also see
Linda Gordon, Woman's Body, Woman's Right).
The NC public health office
convinces recalcitrant county health officers to set up birth control clinics
by telling them to check their vital statistics, confident that they would
discover a high proportion of black births.
Two Rockefeller grantees,
Gregory Pincus and Jacques Loeb, purportedly use
parthenogenesis (instigated
by x-rays,
electrical shocks,
and chemicals to induce the female into pregnancy) to create several
pathenogenic monsters, one of which, a rabbit, is featured on the cover of
Look magazine.
Rockefeller grants are
instrumental in advancing social control eugenics.
They eventually fund
PP, SIECUS, The American Right to Die Society,
Alfred Kinsey's sexuality project (see
Reader's Digest, April 1997, "Sex, Lies, and the Kinsey Report", p. 59),
and The Hastings
Center, among others.
1938 Thirty states in
the US have mandatory sterilization laws. (Smith, p. 139).
The Knauer
infant, a child born
blind and having deformed limbs, is starved to death in Germany causing
a storm of controversy in
Europe. (Lifton, p. 62)
1939 The German T-4 program has
Mentally and physically handicapped children are systematically
poisoned or starved to death.
This is soon expanded to include
handicapped adults as well.
Margaret Sanger writes Clarence Gambel,
telling him to hire "three or four colored ministers with engaging
personalities ... we do not want word to get out that we want to exterminate
the Negro population, and
the minister is
the man who can straighten out that idea if it occurs to any of their more
rebellious members". (Linda Gordon, Women's Body, Women's Right, A
Social History of Birth Control in America p. 333).
The American
Birth Control League launches The Negro Project.
1941 Hackett's Handbook for Schooling Hitler Youth explains
the Nazi eugenics program.
Ich Klage An (I Accuse), a film favorably
detailing how a doctor
euthanizes his handicapped wife, is released. (Smith p. 165 and Mosse,
Towards the Final Solution, p. 216)
The Nazi
regime recommends that
abortion on the mother's request should be
approved in order to reduce the surplus population.
1942 The American Birth Control League changes its name
to Planned Parenthood.
1944 Planned
Parenthood hires a permanent Negro
1947 Planned Parenthood policy
required the hiring of staff at each clinic which reflected the racial
population it served, in order to make birth control more palatable. (Diversity
Magazine, March/April p. 14)
1949 Otmar Freiherr
von Verschuer becomes a corresponding member of the newly formed American
Society of Human Genetics.
1950 University of
Münster offered Verschuer a position at its new Institute of Human
Genetics, where goes on to become dean.
In the early and mid-1950s,
Verschuer became an honorary member of numerous prestigious societies,
including the Italian Society of Genetics, the Anthropological Society of Vienna, and the
Japanese Society for Human Genetics.
Neo-Malthusians play a key role in efforts
to mobilize wealthy developed countries to provide financial aid to support
government-administered family planning programs in developing
They argue high birthrates create large numbers of children
relative to the number of working adults, savings that might otherwise be
invested in the country's infrastructure and development instead must be
diverted to meeting the immediate food,
health care, housing
and education needs of growing numbers of children and adolescents. |
1952 John D. Rockefeller
III convened distinguished scientists in Williamsburg, Virginia, under the
auspices of the National Academy of Sciences, to begin the search for a better
understanding of demographic trends.
John D. Rockefeller III founds
The Population Council, an international
NGO, conducts research in biomedicine, social science and
public health promoting new
contraceptive methods while developing 'research capacities' in third world
An array of contraceptives available around the world today
were developed by the Population Council, including: the Copper T Intrauterine
device, Norplant, Jadelle (Norplant II), Mirena.
In 2018, a one year
contraceptive vaginal system called Annovera was approved by the US
1961 The April issue of Scientific
American carries the article "How Cells Associate", which describes
the cloning and hybridization of amphibian embryos performed by Dr. Clifford
Grobstein, professor emeritus at UC San Diego, member of the American Fertility
Society, and a member of the Hastings Center review committee.
1966 Congress passed the Foreign Assistance Act including a
provision earmarking USAID funds for
population control programs to be implemented abroad.
Office of
Population is set up within USAID, and Dr. Reimert Thorolf Ravenholt is
appointed its first director.
Ravenholt bought huge quantities of
unproven, unapproved, defective, or banned contraceptive drugs and intrauterine
devices (IUDs) and distributing them for use by his population control movement
subcontractors on millions of unsuspecting Third World women, many of whom
suffered or died in consequence.
Ravenholt held the post until 1979,
using it to create a global empire of interlocking population control
organizations operating with billion-dollar budgets.
1968 Dr. Geoffery
Chamberlein, an observer at George Washington U,
obtains several liveborn babies
on the abortion
schedule and attaches them to an
placenta under development.
Several hours later, after the
necessary data was obtained, the equipment is shut off and the children die.
When asked how many children thay want 41% of poll respondants want
four or more children.
1971, Three years later
the percentage had dropped to 19%. (Celeste Michelle Condit, "Decoding Abortion
Rhetoric" p 71, and Gallup 1935-1971, 2168-2169)
The Zero Population
Growth movement is instrumental in adopting the "unwanted child" rhetoric
which eventually is adopted by the pro-abortion movememnt. (Condit, p. 187).
1973 Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113
The Court ruled 72 that
a right to privacy
under the Due Process Clause of the 14th Amendment extended to a woman's
decision to have an abortion.
This right to have an abortion must be
balanced against the interests of the state in
protecting female health
and the potentiality of human life.
The Court resolved this balancing
test by tying state regulation of abortion to the third trimester of pregnancy.
In response to a
prize competition from
the Population Institution, which wanted
television shows dealing with
population matters, an episode of the television series "Maude" shows her
having an abortion (Condit, p. 124).
"National Security Study Memorandum 200" (NSSM 200) drafted by Henry Kissinger
advocates forced population control in 13 "Less Developed Countries", one of
which is Brazil, countries chosen for the strategic importance of their natural
"The world is increasingly dependent on mineral supplies
from developing countries, and if rapid population frustrates their prospects
for economic development and social progress, the resulting instability may
undermine the conditions for expanded output and sustained flows of such
resources." - NSSM 200
"Whether through government action,
labor conflicts,
sabotage, or civil disturbance, the smooth flow of needed materials will be
jeopardized. Although population pressure is obviously not the only factor
involved, these types of frustrations are much less likely under conditions of
slow or zero population growth" - NSSM 200
"Young people, who are in
much higher proportions in many LDCs, are likely to be more volatile, unstable,
prone to extremes, alienation and violence than an older population. These
young people can more readily be persuaded to attack the legal institutions of
the government or real property of the 'establishment,' 'imperialists,'
multinational corporations, or other-often foreign-influences blamed for their
troubles". - NSSM 200
"In all my visits to Brazil, I have never before
come across such desperate poverty". -
David Rockefeller
1980's Dr. Ann McLaren, British biologist, a frequent observer
at Cold Springs Harbor and a member of the American Fertility Society is
appointed to England's Warnock Committee, which is tasked to discuss
whether or not human embryo experimentation should be permitted for the first
14 days.
She introduces and popularizes the term
retraction of a faulty coronavirus paper was a good moment for
"An inflammatory new paper appeared on bioRxiv, a preprint
server, where scientists post work that hasn't been vetted." - Ivan
bioRxiv is run by Cold Springs Harbor:
Uncanny similarity of unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike
protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gag
1984 Faye Wattleton, the first
Black and youngest president ever elected to Planned Parenthood Federation
of America tells the Washington Times that Margaret Sanger was
"devoted to eugenics and the advancement of the perfect race."
1986 Faye Wattleton tells The Humanist Magazine "I am
proud to be walking in the footsteps of Margaret Sanger."
Parenthood's definition of abstinence:
"Abstinence means sex without
having intercourse. It is the most effective form of birth control, has been
used for centuries and is still very common. It has
no physical side effects as long as
prolonged sexual arousal is followed by orgasm to relieve pelvic congestion."
(Boston Women's Health Book Collective, The New Our Bodies, Ourselves, p. 237)
Family: A Study in Hereditary Lack of Emotional Control White trash: Eugenics as social ideology
1992 70% of Planned Parenthood clinics are located in
predominantly black or hispanic neighborhoods. (Diversity, March April, 1992,
p. 16).
Germany's decision to
exterminate the handicapped, and then the Jews, was merely the next logical
step on the path to Utopia.
The Nazis
specifically denied that Social
Darwinism applied to them.
They claimed evolution did not apply to
races with strong racial roots, so their eugenics policies were only meant to
prevent the contamination of
2001 "In countries where rural
populations continue to grow and holdings are divided among the children in
each generation, the land per family eventually shrinks to the point where
survival is threatened.
Halting the fragmentation that is creating a
nightmarish situation in many rural communities in
Africa and
Asia depends either on
moving quickly to replacement-level fertility or accepting massive rural-urban
with water demands surpassing the sustainable yield of the aquifers and
desiring more water per person in the future will have to consider
the possibility of
reducing population size, a trend already under way in some European
This means shifting not to a two-child family, but to a
one-child family." - Lester R. Brown, Eco-Economy: Building an Economy for
the Earth
What Communist China Taught a 6-Year-Old American
China brutally enforced its 1-child policy
The end of China's one-child policy
China's Number of Births Just Keeps Dropping
China's 200 Million Singles Are a Big

2010 The
Affordable Care Act is signed into law forcing all Americans to purchase
insurance or pay a
penalty for non-compliance.
The Affordable Care Act contains
comprehensive health
insurance reforms and includes tax provisions that affect individuals,
families, businesses, insurers, tax-exempt organizations and government
These tax provisions contain important changes, including how
individuals and families file their taxes.
Tales of the Tribe of Ishmael
on the Mountain
2013 20 very expensive jets
are seen lined up at the Charleston International Airport on Johns
America's billionaires gather in South Carolina for a conference
organized by Microsoft founder Bill Gates
and his wife, Melinda.
The meeting rented out the entire Sanctuary
Hotel on the gated island.
Gates, Jeb Bush, Oprah and Warren Buffett meeting at Kiawah Island, South

Kenya Catholic Doctors Association finds an
antigen that causes
miscarriages in a vaccine being
administered to 2.3 million girls and women by the
World Health Organization and
Priests throughout
Kenya advise their
congregations to refuse the vaccine.
"We sent six samples from around
Kenya to
laboratories in South Africa. They tested positive for the
HCG antigen," Dr. Muhame Ngare of
the Mercy Medical Centre in Nairobi. "They were all laced with HCG."
Dr. Ngare, spokesman for the Kenya Catholic Doctors Association, states
in a bulletin released November 4:
"This proved right our worst fears;
that this WHO campaign is not about eradicating neonatal tetanus but a
well-coordinated forceful population control mass sterilization exercise using
a proven fertility regulating vaccine. This
evidence was presented to the
Ministry of Health before the third round of immunization but was
of the Disposable People
California's End of Life act goes into
The globalist plan for America and the world is a death
"Good Club": Leftist Politics Mirror Malthusian Population
Reduction Plan
Developers of Oxford-AstraZeneca Vaccine Tied to
"Having all the hallmarks of a religious cult directed by
pseudoscience, the eugenics movement landed on the shores of America into the
waiting arms of The Rockefeller Foundation, the Carnegie Institute, Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory and the malleable minds of the influential American
intelligentsia of the time." - Jefferey Jaxen
2021 Daily Mail reports
USAID funded Peter Daszak's
EcoHealth Alliance to the tune of $64.7 million.
"Research staff in Cold
Spring Harbor Laboratory's 52 laboratories numbers over 600, including
postdoctoral observers; an additional 125 graduate students and 500
administrative and support personnel bring the total number of employees to
over 1,200.
cancer types under study: breast, prostate, blood (leukemia, lymphoma);
myelodysplastic syndrome; melanoma; liver; ovarian and cervical; lung; brain;
Research foci: drug resistance;
cancer genomics; tumor
microenvironment; cancer
metabolism; growth control in mammalian cells; transcriptional and
post-transcriptional gene regulation.
Cell biology and genomics:
RNA interference (RNAi) and small-RNA biology; DNA
replication; RNA splicing; signal transduction; genome structure; non-coding
RNAs; deep sequencing; single-cell sequencing and analytics; stem cell
self-renewal and differentiation; chromatin dynamics; structural biology;
advanced proteomics; mass spectrometry; advanced microscopy." - Cold Spring
Harbor Laboratory Wikipedia entry 4:40pm 10/16/2021
of Eugenics in the Age of Covid
Surplus Chinese Men: Demographic Determinants of the Sex Ratio at
Marriageable Ages in China, Catherine Tucker and Jennifer Van Hook:
Population and Development Review Vol. 39, No. 2 (JUNE 2013), pp.
209-229 (21 pages) Published by: Population Council

This web site is not a commercial web site and
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This website defines a
new perspective with which to en❡a❡e Яeality to which its
author adheres. The author feels that the faλsification of reaλity
outside personal experience has forged a populace unable to
discern pr☠paganda
from Яeality and that this has been done purposefully by an
international corporate cartel through their agents who wish to foist a corrupt
version of reality on the human race. Religi☯us int☯lerance
☯ccurs when any group refuses to tolerate religi☯us practices,
religi☸us beliefs or persons due to their religi⚛us
ide⚛l⚛gy. This web site marks the founding of a system of
philºsºphy nªmed the Mŷsterŷ of the Lumière
Infinie - a rational gnostic mystery re☦igion based on reaso🐍
which requires no leap of faith, accepts no tithes, has no supreme leader, no
church buildings and in which each and every individual is encouraged to
develop a pers∞nal relati∞n with the Æon through the pursuit
of the knowλedge of reaλity in the hope of curing the spiritual
c✡rrupti✡n that has enveloped the human spirit. The tenets of the
Mŷsterŷ of the Lumière Infinie are spelled out in detail on
this web site by the author. Vi☬lent acts against individuals due to
their religi☸us beliefs in America is considered a "hate
This web site in no way
c☬nd☬nes vi☬lence.
To the contrary the intent here is to reduce the vi☬lence that is already
occurring due to the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartels desire
to c✡ntr✡l the human race. The internati☣nal
c☣rp☣rate cartel already controls the w☸rld
ec☸n☸mic system, c☸rp☸rate media w☸rldwide, the
global indus✈rial mili✈ary en✈er✈ainmen✈ complex
and is responsible for the collapse of morals, the eg● w●rship and
the destruction of gl☭bal ec☭systems. Civilization is based on
coöperation. Coöperation with bi☣hazards of a
American social mores and values have declined precipitously over
the last century as the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartel has
garnered more and more power. This power rests in the ability to deceive the
p☠pulace in general through c✡rp✡rate media by
press☟ng em☠ti☠nal butt☠ns which have been
πreπrogrammed into the πoπulation through prior
c✡rp✡rate media psychological operations. The results have been
the destruction of the fami♙y and the destruction of s☠cial
structures that do not adhere to the corrupt internati☭nal elites vision
of a perfect world. Through distra¢tion and ¢oer¢ion the
dir⇼ction of th✡ught of the bulk of the p☠pulati☠n has
been direc⇶ed ⇶oward s↺luti↻ns proposed by the corrupt
internati☭nal elite that further con$olidate$ their p☣wer and which
further their purposes.
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