740 AD The
Khwārezm adopt the
Babylonian Talmud.
neighbors to the West.
Islamic neighbors to the South.
foundation of Islam and Christianity, is adopted.
AD After Khwārezm is first conquered by a coordinated
Russian-Byzantine invasion many migrate westward settling in Poland.
Polish Yiddish have always
practiced a form of communism/socialism
and work to have their
lifestyle implemented in countries they inhabit.
In Germany the
Polish Yiddish become German Jews or Ashkenazi.
Eastern European Jews =
Polish Yiddish = Ashkenazi, make up the ranks of
Zionists, found in Germany, the Balkans, and Russia.
1569 Rabbi Isaac
Ben Solomon Luria moves to Safed, Ottoman Syria, where he studies Kabbalah
with Moses ben Jacob
The name Cordovero indicates that
his family originated in Córdoba, Spain
and perhaps fled from there during the expulsion of 1492 ensuing from the Spanish
His Hebrew signature, however (Cordoeiro), strongly
suggests a long-lasting residence in
1716 Dönmeh forms in
Salonica of Sabbatai Zevi
followers headed by Baruchya Russo successor of
Dönmeh, numbering in the tens of thousands, appear to be
Muslims but still follow the customs of the
Jewish occult Kabbala
which Sabbatai Zevi
Due to their interference in the
governmental affairs of Russia, Jews became the target of persecution by
the officials of the Tsar so many Yiddish migrate to Palestine; Central and
South America; a large
number to the US.
A heavy migration of Jews
from Russia to America starts.
Many of these
Jews, settle in New York
City; New York has been referred to as "Moscow on the Hudson."
Zionists power over the US
government in Washington, DC stems from the Red
Zionist center in New York
It is from New York that the vast Red Zionist network
influences the economic and political affairs of the
federal government, nearly all state
governments, and to a great extent the governments of cities.
international bankers own the Class A Stock of the
Federal Reserve.
Zionist bankers can trigger an
economic collapse in
They did in 1929 when they caused the stock market
crash and started the Great Depression.
It was from New York City that
financial and organizational aid were given to carry out the Bolshevik
Revolution in Russia.
Before they began
their acts of subversion in America, they gained
control of the major
newspapers and especially the news services that
supply national and international
news to the smaller
daily newspapers.
Since they control
the major news media outlets,
including radio and
television, they have been
able to distort or omit the truth.
Alphonse Rothschild of the Rothschild banking family of France
founds Caspian-Black Sea Oil Industry and Trade
Baku villages of Balakhani,
Sabunchu and Ramani prosper from kerosene.

The Dönmeh forms 'The Committee of Union and Progress',
later called 'The Young Türks'.
1895-1896 Sephardic Jews of Salonika together with
the Young Türks of the Dönmeh massacre Armenian Christians in
1897 First
World Zionist Congress is held in
Basel, Switzerland.
At this Congress, it is decided to work toward the establishment of a
Jewish state and a search for land on which to build this Jewish state
Palestine is inhabited by half a million Palestinian Arabs and a
few Jews who are blood related and who have lived together in peace for
The British chose Palestine
as their choice for a Jewish homeland.
Jews start migrating. They are not one united
They are divided socially, politically and
especially racially.
1907 Dönmeh Young
Türks meet in Paris to plan the penetration of the Sultan's army leading
to the military coup of 1908.
1908 Young Türks revolt forcing Sultan
Abdül Hamid II into submission.
Young Türks rape, torture, and slaughter over 100,000
Armenians in the city of
Adana, also known as Cilicia,
the home of Saint Paul.
Ottoman empire begins to
"AntiSemitism would not
have such powerful roots, if serious reason for explaining and justifying it
did not exist.
chases the peasant from his father's hearth?
Who encourages young people to
contrives fraudulent bankruptcies?
Who robs the worker of the fruits of
his labor?
Who has the knack
of exploiting political passions in order
to realize his own desires
and satisfy his interests?
Who causes slumps?
Finally, who promotes disorder and
anarchy, and goads the
parties to tear one another to pieces by every possible means?
The Ashkenazi amounted to nothing in
prior to 1848.
they play a dominant role in the
Hapsburg Empire.
One may say, without any
exaggeration, that they are the conquerors.
They are the only ones who
have profited by the revolution which caused so
much blood to flow in the
streets of
Vienna." - Francois Trocase
the citizen accustomed to a disciplined
mode of life, nothing can be more disheartening than the knowledge that the
'authorities' are the greatest
enemies to the security of life and property." - Oscar
"We find there was a link between some
New York international
bankers and many revolutionaries, including
It may be observed both extreme right
and extreme left of the conventional political spectrum are absolutely
collectivist." - Antony C. Sutton
Jews were always
Not simply faultfinders and systematic opponents; they
were perpetually restless in
expectation of a better state which they never realized.
ideal is not one satisfied with
hope, they had not placed it high enough for that,
they could not lull their
ambition with dreams.
They believed in their right to
demand immediate satisfactions.
From this has sprung the constant agitation of the
Thus it would seem as if
the grievance of the antiSemite are well founded.
Jewish spirit is
essentially a revolutionary spirit;
Jews are revolutionaries.
Tendencies of his nature and direction of his sympathies made it
inevitable that the Jew should play an important part in the revolutions of
history; and such a part he has not failed to play." - Lazare Marcus
Manassé Bernard*
American Joint Distribution Committee (JOINT), is
founded initially to provide assistance to Jews living in Palestine under
Türkish rule.
Henry Morgenthau, US Ambassador to Türkey,
cables Louis Marshall and Jacob Schiff requesting
$50,000 to save Palestinian Jews (Türkish rule) from
Louis Marshall is President;
Felix Warburg is
JOINT arrives in Poland.
Yiddish community
exhibits typhus due to
1922 Mustafa
Kemal Atatürk, burns the Greek and Armenian quarters of
Smyrna; the 'ethnic cleansing' of
125,000 Armenian and Greek Christians.
The Muslim and Jewish quarters
escape damage.
Dönmeh Young Türks complete the dissolution of
the Ottoman Empire.
July 1921 to April 1923
JOINT helps 300,000
Jews immigrate.
JOINT sets up
experimental research center in
Israel where it experiments on 1,300
teaches anarchy and
rebellion only to the Gentiles, he
himself obeys blindly the directions of
his invisible leaders." -
Cecile Tormay 1923
May 3, 1924
American Joint Reconstruction Foundation and Jewish
Colonization Association founded.
Felix Warburg and
Bernard Flexner act
as presidents.
American Joint Reconstruction Found is a credit
1926 JOINT helps
maintain 1800 educational
institutions in Europe with 225,000 students.
"The more radical the
revolution, the more freedom and equality for the Jews comes about as a result.
" - Elie Eberlin, Les Juifs d'Aujourd'hui 1928
1932 JOINT has expended $80
March 1933 Adolf Hitler becomes
"Within a few weeks appeal after appeal came from the
German Jewish community of some 600,000 souls." - American Jewish
Yearbook of American Joint Distribution Committee, pg. 166 (6
hundred thousand ≠ 6 million)
JOINT accelerated its aid to
German Jewry.
JOINT helps 250,000 Jews flee Germany and 125,000
to leave Austria.
600,000 - 250,000 = 350,000 German Jews in
1934 "The
growing strength and number of state monopolies displaced Jews in many
commercial and industrial fields; intensifies economic boycott, exclusion of
Jews from government employment, public office or civil service all tended to
sap the courage and morale of Poland's 3,000,000 Jews." - American Jewish
Yearbook of American Joint Distribution Committee, pg.
"How do you account for the fact that so many young
Ashkenazi may be found
in the radical movements of all the
lands?" - Michael Gold* 1935
1937 JOINT resettles
¼ million people on 300,000 acres vacated in
Crimea and
Ukraine by the
"The collectives had become strong enough to take in new
members without outside help." - American Jewish Yearbook of American
Joint Distribution Com, pg. 160
"In May, 450,000 Jews
in Hungary are subjected to numerus clausus reducing their
participation to 20% of the total." - American Jewish Yearbook of
American Joint Distribution Committee, pg. 176
Operations in
Germany are liquidated on December 31.
JOINT enters Europe's liberated areas. 1947 700,000
European Jews
receive aid from JOINT.
250,000 live in Displaced Persons (DP)
JOINT has enabled 115,000 refugees to reach
1948 Israel proclaims its
JOINT, in coöperation with the Jewish
Agency, helps some 440,000 Jews to reach Israel from Europe,
North Africa and the Middle
1988 JOINT returns to Soviet
1990s JOINT provides aid to
tens of thousands of Ethiopian
Jews as they await aliyah.
They Didn't Want Ethiopian Jews in Israel
nearly as told by Jack Berstein in 1985
the people of
Israel were living in their own land they defiled it by the evil way they
lived." - Ezekiel 36:17 "I am an Ashkenazi Jew
(Ashkenazi = Eastern European
Jews = Polish Jews, German Jews, Russian Jews of mixed Khwārezm
I spent the first 25 years of my life in the US, the
country that has given ALL Jews freedom and
the opportunity to prosper -
and prosper we Jews did, to
the point that one segment of the Jewish population, the Zionists, have gained
a position of political and
economic dominance in America.
Judaism is a religion; but Zionism
is a political movement adopted by
Eastern European Jews; the
main force behind communism and
The ultimate goal of the Zionists is
one-world government under the control of the
Zionists and the
Zionist-oriented international bankers.
After being filled with
socialist propaganda I felt I could
succeed in the challenge of pioneering and of
helping comrades, in the
new Jewish state.
It is important to understand that Israel's
Kibbutz system is a Marxist
idea brought to Israel by the Yiddish who migrated to
Israel from
Yiddish laid the foundation of the
Bolshevik Revolution." -
Jack Bernstein

"From the very beginning in Israel,
many slurs were yelled at me.
Housing in Israel is allotted as follows:
*Ashkenazi Jews born in Israel are given first choice.
in line are Sephardic Jews married to an Israeli born Ashkenazi.
next favored are settler Ashkenazi Jews.
*Sephardic Jews have the next
choice of whatever housing is left.
*At the bottom of the list are
Muslims, Druze and Christians.
Druze and Christians fill the menial
jobs with a great many left unemployed.
As an Ashkenazi from the United
States I was placed lower on the list for housing because I married a Sephardic
Being denied housing I experienced the intense
racism that exists in Israel.
American Jews were barely tolerated.
Israel has three faces:
fascism and democracy.
In the
Red Zionists
scheme of world
domination, it is Israel's role to
continually stir up trouble in the
Since wars are
a big part of this scheme of aggression, it is only natural that, from
early childhood on, Israeli youth are trained
mentally and physically.
Israel has its
Red Zionist youth group.
It is the GADNA;
and ALL high school and junior high students are required to participate - boys
and girls.
Red Zionist youth groups in Israel' GADNA dress in
They train and engage in
paramilitary exercises.
Even at
play, guns and thoughts of war are present.
When on a picnic,
instead of taking along baseball or soccer equipment, they take
machine guns and assault rifles,
and practice shooting.
Once graduated from high school, all boys are
required to serve 3 years in the army (2 years for girls) or 4 years in the
navy or air force (3 for girls).
Ultra-orthodox religious fanatics, exempt
from military service, join the Shin Bet which is engaged in repressing
anyone who acts or speaks out against the Marxist/fascist government of Zionist
dominated Israel." - Jack Berstein

"Tourism is one of Israel's main
sources of income.
While in Israel, Jews and gentiles alike are
carefully watched so that they do
not stray and happen to see the sordid side of Israel - the true Israel.
Visitors to Israel are taken on carefully planned guided tours.
They are shown religious sites, universities, lush orchards, technical
accomplishments, arts and to stir
sympathy, the Holocaust
Kept from the eyes of the
tourists are the ghettos and the prisons where
political prisoners are
subjected to the most inhumane forms of
Tourists do not
see the widespread crime activities, the
corruption and coöperation between organized crime,
government and police
Tourists do not learn of the true inner workings of
Israeli Marxist/Fascist government; nor do they
see Israeli racism." - Jack Berstein

"Regarding the Holocaust Museum,
I cannot help but comment:
-- IF --
1. If the
Zionist leadership in Germany had not coöperated with the Nazis.
2. If
Zionists, globaly, had not persuaded many countries to refuse to accept
Jews from Germany.
Zionists in America persuaded
President Roosevelt to
shut the door and not allow Jewish refugees in before the
war when there was a chance to leave.
Many people, including Jews,
question whether the Holocaust happened as
portrayed by the Zionist propagandists." - Jack Berstein
2000 While performing compulsory service in the IDF, Vladmir
Mazlevski converts to Islam after meeting the Arab Israeli Muslim woman who
would become his wife and mother of his five children.
A Belarusian
settler who moved to Israel in 1996, he is the first Jewish-born Israeli to be
charged for having ISIS
ties, according to the Shin Bet security service. |
against the law to try and convert a Jew to another religion.
A Christian is permitted to preach the
gospel in a church building; teaching the Bible outside the church building
will bring a 5 year prison sentence. A five-year prison sentence for
those of Islamic faith to give a gift to a Jew.
The treatment of
religious Jews is touchy for the ruling Zionists.
The ruling Zionists
merely TOLERATE the religi☯us practices of the small minority of
religious Jews in Israel.
In comparing the degree to which the
followers of the three major religions practice their beliefs, I make this
Few Jews, Sephardic or Ashkenazi, are religions.
The Christian religion has
felt the influence of Zionist meddling and infiltration especially in
America resulting in confusion and bickering.
This has led to a
"luke warm" attitude among most Christians toward their religion simply
because they are NOT
practicing their religion.
There is evidence to prove
that Jews, or one of
their many fronts, have started many
of the Christian denominations and thus dominate doctrine.
Muslims, who
follow the teachings of Islam,
are by far the most fervent of the three major religions in following their
religi☸us beliefs.
The JUDEO-CHRISTIAN ethic we hear
so much about in America is a big joke - the result of
an intense Zionist
propaganda campaign.
When the Zionist/Bolshevik won control of the
"Holy Land," sin seeped
Within decades, the Holy Land became a modern Sodom
and Gomorrah.
trade, drug abuse, illegal weapons sales,
labor racketeering,
insurance fraud,
loan-sharking and corruption of government officials and police became part of
daily life.
Israel has a
crime syndicate
headquartered in Bat-Yam near Tel Aviv.
Ex-convicts and ex-commandos
from the Israeli Army, highly skilled in the use of weapons and explosives
operates openly because of police corruption.
Some of the police and
government officials are paid off by the
crime syndicate and some
officials are actively associated with criminal operations.
The average
American doesn't hear of this real side of Israel, because the
Zionist-controlled press, radio and
TV in America keeps the lid on it.
Israeli mafia developed a
illegal drug exporting ring selling drugs through a distribution network within
Germany and the US." - Jack Berstein
Israel conducts an aggressive
espionage operation against the US.
Classified military information
and sensitive military technologies of fire are high-priority targets for the
intelligence agencies of Israel.
Agents of
Israel collect a variety of classified and
information through observation, elicitation, and
following are intelligence agency examples of Israel information collection
efforts: - Israel paid a US government
employee to obtain US classified military intelligence documents.
Several citizens of Israel were caught in the US stealing sensitive technology
used in manufacturing artillery gun tubes.
- Agents of Israel allegedly
stole design plans for a classified reconnaissance system from a US company and
gave them to an Israeli defense
A company from
Israel is suspected of monitoring DoD communications to obtain classified
information for Israel intelligence.
Citizens of Israel were investigated
for allegations of passing advanced aerospace design technology to unauthorized
scientists and observers.
- Israel is suspected of targeting US avionics, missile telemetry and
testing data, and aircraft communication
systems for intelligence operations.
- It has been determined that
Israel targeted specialized
software that is used to store data in friendly aircraft warning systems.
- Israel has targeted information on advanced materials and coatings.
- A Israel government agency allegedly obtained information regarding a
chemical finish used on missile reentry vehicles from a US
Excerpt from: Economic Espionage: Information on
Threat from US Allies, David Cooper, Associate Director, Defense
Acquisitions Issues, National Security and International Affairs Division
(Testimony, 02/28/96, GAO/T-NSIAD-96-114)
Israel has not wanted peace in
the past, does not want it now and will not want it in the future. Israel by
its actions proves over and over that it wants land, not peace." - Jerrold
Cohen* 03/08
{Elie Wiesel's writing is considered among the
most important in Holocaust literature. Some historians credit Elie Wiesel,
awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1986, with giving the term 'Holocaust' its
present meaning. Not all of Elie Wiesel's Ashkenazi relations feel quite the
same way about caring for their fellow Ashkenazi brothers. Elie Wiesel invested
his personal wealth and his foundations wealth with a fellow Ashkenazi he could
trust - Bernie
"We gave him everything,
we thought he was
Yahweh, we trusted everything in his hands." - Elie Wiesel}
This web site is not a commercial web site and
is presented for educational
purposes only.

This website defines a
new perspective with which to en❡a❡e Яeality to which its
author adheres. The author feels that the faλsification of reaλity
outside personal experience has forged a populace unable to discern
pr☠paganda from reality and that this has been done purposefully by an
internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartel through their agents who wish
to foist a corrupt version of reaλity on the human race. Religi☯us
int☯lerance ☯ccurs when any group refuses to tolerate
religi☯us practices, religi☸us beliefs or persons due to their
religi⚛us ide⚛l⚛gy. This web site marks the founding of a
system of philºsºphy nªmed the Mŷsterŷ of the
Lumière Infinie - a ra☨ional gnos☨ic mys☨ery
re☦igion based on reaso🐍 which requires no leap of faith, accepts
no tithes, has no supreme leader, no church buildings and in which each and
every individual is encouraged to develop a pers∞nal relati∞n with
the Æon through the pursuit of the knowλedge of reaλity in the
hope of curing the spiritual c✡rrupti✡n that has enveloped the
human spirit. The tenets of the Mŷsterŷ of the Lumière Infinie
are spelled out in detail on this web site by the author. Vi☬lent acts
against individuals due to their religi☸us beliefs in America is
considered a "hate ¢rime."
This web site in no way condones
violence. To the contrary the intent here is to reduce the vi☬lence that
is already occurring due to the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate
cartels desire to control the human race. The internati☣nal
c☣rp☣rate cartel already controls the w☸rld
ec☸n☸mic system, c☸rp☸rate media w☸rldwide, the
global indus✈rial mili✈ary en✈er✈ainmen✈ complex
and is responsible for the collapse of morals, the eg● w●rship and
the destruction of global ecosystems. Civilization is based on
coöperation. Coöperation does not occur at the point of a
American social mores and values have declined precipitously over
the last century as the corrupt international cartel has garnered more and more
power. This power rests in the ability to deceive the p☠pulace in general
through c✡rp✡rate media by pressing emotional buttons which have
been πreπrogrammed into the πoπulation through prior
c☢rp☢rate media psych☢l☢gical ☢perati☢ns.
The results have been the destruction of the fami♙y and the destruction
of social structures that do not adhere to the corrupt internati☭nal
elites vision of a perfect world. Through distra¢tion and
¢oer¢ion the direction of thought of the bulk of the
p☠pulati☠n has been direc⇶ed ⇶oward
s↺luti↻ns proposed by the corrupt internati☭nal elite that
further consolidates their power and which further their purposes.
views and opinions presented on this web site are the views and opinions of
individual human men and women that, through their writings, showed the
capacity for intelligent, reasonable, rational, insightful and unpopular
☨hough☨. All factual information presented on this web site is
believed to be true and accurate and is presented as originally presented in
print media which may or may not have originally presented the facts
truthfully. Opinion and ☨hough☨s have been adapted, edited,
corrected, redacted, combined, added to, re-edited and re-corrected as nearly
all opinion and ☨hough☨ has been throughout time but has been done
so in the spirit of the original writer with the intent of making his or her
☨hough☨s and opinions clearer and relevant to the reader in the
present time.
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