Conclusion: In depth understanding of the host
response to biomaterials is needed in order to engineer materials that
perform suitably in their applications.

"I have this sinking feeling that after the victory
handed to medical device manufacturers on a silver platter by the United
States Supreme Court decision in Riegel v. Medtronic, they are in
need of even more oversight and circumspection." - Michael B.
Mundorff 02/08/09
The repetition of objectified
female imagery has damaged perception of femininity to such a degree that an
alarming number of women think it's necessary to surgically alter their bodies
to be acceptable.
1667 The apparent danger of
using animal serums foreign to human beings and animal serums foreign to other
animals is reported in medical literature when
lambs blood is unsuccessfully used in a
human blood transfusion.
1963 In a National Institutes of Health sponsored
study, a observer transplants a baboon kidney
into a human and the experiment fails.
first baboon-to-human transplants
So they attempt to use chimpanzee
A brief history of cross-species organ
1976 Medical Device Regulation
Class I - General Controls for devices considered as low
risks for human use.
Class II - Performance Standards for devices
considered as moderate risks.
Class III - Premarket Approval for devices
considered as high risks.
If you are a device maker it is ideal to get
your device classified as I or II.
February 2008
United States Supreme Court rules that
any medical device manufacturer whose medical device has been approved for use
by the FDA may not be sued even if the
medical device fails to
perform as advertised.
"I have enlarged the breasts of
thousands of women with silicone implants since they were first introduced in
the 1960s.
I even wrote articles in favor of silicone.
Paula S.
came to see me in 1992.
At age 32, she had at least three breast
surgeries, and each time her breasts became rock-hard and painful.
replaced the silicone with smooth saline implants.
Within a short time
these too became hard, as did the next set.
Paula insisted on having
her implants removed.
She would not heed my warnings about deformity and
scarring, which we had all been told inevitably follows removal without
To my
surprise, she looked terrific - normal,
albeit smaller - and felt better.
Paula's problem turned out to be
common: Most breasts with silicone gel implants become hard with time. It's
called capsular contracture.
All foreign objects in the body get
encapsulated - just as the tissue around a thorn gets hard - until the foreign
body is removed.
Women with capsular contracture often end up with
disfigured breasts.
Recently I saw Helen S., 71, who had implants 23
years ago.
Her breasts also had hardened and become painful.
MRI showed rupture of implants and calcification of surrounding tissue.
When I removed the implants, the cavity was filled with gooey, liquid
silicone that had ruptured; there was virtualy no implant wall left.
the last 14 years, I have removed implants from almost 1,000 women.
I have found roughly 50% of implants
ruptured within 10 years, and more than 70% ruptured within 15 years.
We are still not sure of all the places where the micro-droplets
of silicone end up, though I have found it in
lymph nodes.
these known hazards, the FDA, under pressure from implant manufacturers,
plastic surgeons and patients, is allowing as of January 2007, a next
generation of silicone implants in women age 22 and over.
To monitor
health, the FDA will require women who receive implants to have regular MRls
and recommends the implants be replaced every 10 years.
These women will be used as
lab rats.
Most plastic surgeons
vehemently deny any connection
between health complaints and leaking silicone implants.
I have seen a
number of patients with symptoms, including
chronic fatigue,
memory loss,
joint pain, muscle pain,
skin rashes,
sleep patterns, depression and hair loss,
that clear up when implants are removed.
I completed a review of the
last 500 gel implant removals performed and found half the women had similar
symptoms, from mild to debilitating.
Grossly outsized artificial
breasts are a deformity that
flouts medical standards and plastic surgeons definition of "cosmetic" - often
encouraged by the media, which
celebrates these water
balloons for self-esteem. I no longer perform cosmetic breast
augmentation." - Edward Melmed,
Women seeking breast implants have a
higher-than-average risk of underlying psychological problems.
with breast implants are three times more likely to kill themselves according
to British Medical Journal.
"The slippery slope is if you go to a surgeon to
solve self-esteem problems
they will not be fixed." - Mark I. Levy, University of California, San
One the best examples of the way in which science was disregarded
by George Walker
Bush, just like his father
before him, is the way in which an advertising campaign was gutted to
placate the processed food industry.
The Health and Human Services Department prepared
a series of public service
announcements touting the
benefits of breast feeding.
Once the food processors that
manufacture infant formula heard about the
public service
announcements they contacted GW Bush administration officials and had the
public announcement campaign "softened."
Information based on valid
scientific research that would have made it likely for women to chose breast
feeding over infant formula is withdrawn.
It is well known within the
medical and scientific communities that breast fed infants are more healthy
than those fed infant formula.
Unfortunately most American women do not
have the information necessary to make an
informed decision about
breast feeding.

1997 American Academy of Pediatrics
issues a policy statement crediting breast milk with reducing the incidence or
severity of bacterial
infections, sudden infant death
syndrome, diabetes,
obesity and some
No infant formula can compete, nutritionally or
immunologically, with human mammary milk tailored to the precise needs of human
Human mammary milk is tailored to the precise needs of human
infants as the mother has been exposed to
proteins in the
environment and passes that recognition on to her offspring through
antigens in her breast milk. 2006 Over a billion
dollars worth of infant formula is sold in the US.
Formula fed infants
72% more
likely to develop asthma;
64% more likely to develop
50% more likely to develop inner
40% more likely to develop
36% more likely to
experience sudden death syndrome;
20% more likely to develop
childhood leukaemia.
2008 Animals and humans digesting melamine develop
In China 50,000 children are sickened.
At least four
infants die after consuming
melamine tainted infant formula.
Why is melamine in baby formula, your food - and your pets'
April 3, 2009 Centers for Disease Control has found that 15
brands of infant formula are contaminated with perchlorate.
Two brands
account for 87% of milk based infant formula US sales.
a potent thyroid toxin,
interferes with fetal and infant brain development.
The study found
that reconstituting the formula with water that has levels as low as 4ppb of
perchlorate would cause 54% of infants to exceed "safe" dosage levels of the
2010 Lanzhou University finds ingestion of
melamine leads to rapid
aggregation of metabolites cyanuric acid diamide (ammeline) and cyanuric acid
building uric acid kidney
stones which lead to

11 US Senators and 30 US Represenatives own stock in
June 2006 After
Merck wins approval for
Gardasil® money is funneled through Women in Government in a bid to
change state laws by making it mandatory for
11 to 12 year old girls to be vaccinated with a new cervical cancer
vaccine amalgamation by Merck.
Merck stands to make a fortune off
Gardasil® as Merck is charging $360 for the three shot regime.
Approximately 2 million American girls would need to be vaccinated
yearly, Merck would gross $720 million a year if the Gardasil®
vaccine became mandatory.
Gardasil® will not block infection
with all of the human papilloma virus types that can cause cervical cancer.
According to the American Cancer Society 3,700
American women died of cervical cancer
in 2002 which is about 3 out of 100,000. [Great aunt listed as death
from cervical cancer - she was 91. She had fallen, her circulation was bad, her
foot died so her neice suggested the doctors amputate her leg. So they took
her leg. My aunt said to me "They took my leg, they want to take my other one,"
and then she died.]
Gardasil® contains
substances which may cause sterility in women receiving
it and any protection lasts only a few years, so 9 year olds will probably not
be sexually active by the time this protection has worn off.
Merck's Gardasil® vaccine
causes death, collapse and chronic illness in young woman and
girls, including a new, never-before described "disease" labeled juvenile
amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis, a fatal condition in which the
nervous system is slowly
destroyed while consciousness remains unimpaired.
This vaccine increases
cervical cancer by 44.7% in women and girls who already have Human Papilloma
More than 150 types of Human Papilloma Virus are
acknowledged to exist.
Cervical Cancer is easily detected and cured in
early stages.

Vaccine insert info:
Hypersensitivity, including severe allergic reactions to yeast (a
vaccine component), or after a previous dose of GARDASIL.
Vaccinees may
develop syncope, sometimes resulting in
falling with injury, observation for 15 minutes after administration is
Syncope, sometimes associated with
tonic-clonic movements and other
seizure-like activity, has been reported
following vaccination with GARDASIL.
When syncope is associated with
tonic-clonic movements, the activity is usually transient and typically
responds to restoring
cerebral perfusion by maintaining a supine or Trendelenburg
position. |
Febuary 2007 FDA notifies
health care
providers that infants have been contracting a serious bowell condition
after being given a Merck vaccine to protect
against rotavirus.
"Merck is steeped in a
well-documented record of criminality. Such actions include, but are not
limited to, intentionally hiding the liver damaging effects of its
cholesterol drug,
intentionally withholding
the release of clinical
data that revealed the failures of another
cholesterol drug; it has dumped
vaccine waste and manufacturing
chemicals into water supplies; it opened up offshore banking accounts to
avoid paying billions of dollars in US taxes, and it was caught in
a huge scheme of
scientific fraud when it was discovered that the incorporation used
in-house writers to secretly write so-called "independent" studies that were
published in peer-reviewed medical journals." - Dr. Doug Henderson and Dr. Gary

"Jasmine was a very healthy girl.
After her first Gardasil vaccination
(NJ02260) Jasmine broke out with warts on her hands, and her skin and moods
The warts were burned off on the 20th October, and didn't come
After the second vaccination (NJ11440) on 18th November, her
moods were worse, and the warts were back within two weeks and were burned off
on the 28th January 2009.
After Jasmine's third vaccine (NJ11440) on
17th March 2009 like clockwork, within two weeks, the warts were
Jasmine's immune
system really struggled to cope with anything.
temperament became agitated and she was snappier.
She complained about
a weak arm and tiredness.
Jasmine started to complain of sore legs and a
sore upper back.
June onwards, Jasmine started to complain of feeling
In July, Jasmine intermittently complained of chest pain, and a
racing heart.
Eating more than normal didn't seem to fit with a
constantly tired sick girl.
We started to notice that Jasmine's thinking
wasn't right.
She stopped being able to make her own decisions or work
out how to do simple things.
At the beginning of August, her nose
started running.
She complained of a sore achy back abdominal pain.
And the warts came back.
Jasmine died on the 22nd of September."
- Hilary Butler, January 14, 2010
This web site is not a commercial web site and
is presented for educational purposes only.

This website defines a
new philosophical ideology to which its author adheres. The author feels that
the faλsification of reaλity outside personal experience has forged a
populace unable to discern pr☠paganda from Яeality and that this
has been done purposefully by an internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate
cartel through their agents who wish to foist a corrupt version of reaλity
on the human race. Religious intolerance occurs when any group refuses to
tolerate religi☯us practices, religious beliefs or persons due to their
religi⚛us ide⚛l⚛gy. This web site marks the founding of a
mystery school ªptly nªmed the Mŷsterŷ of the
Lumière Infinie - a ra☨ional gnos☨ic mys☨ery
re☦igion based on reaso🐍 which requires no leap of faith, accepts
no tithes, has no supreme leader, no church buildings and in which each and
every individual is encouraged to develop a pers∞nal relati∞n with
Æ∞n through the pursuit of the knowλedge of reaλity in
the cu☮ing the spi☮itual co☮☮uption that has enveloped
the human spirit. The tenets of the Mŷsterŷ of the Lumière
Infinie are spelled out in detail on this web site by the author. Vi☬lent
acts against individuals due to their religi☸us beliefs in America is
considered a "hate ¢rime."
This web site in no way condones
violence. To the contrary the intent here is to reduce the vi☬lence that
is already occurring due to the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate
cartels desire to control the human race. The internati☣nal
c☣rp☣rate cartel already controls the world banking system,
c☸rp☸rate media w☸rldwide, the global industrial military
entertainment complex and is responsible for the coλλapse of
moraλs, the eg● w●rship and the destruction of gl☭bal
ec☭systems. Civilization is based on coöperation. Coöperation
with bi☣hazards at the point of a gun.
American social mores and
values have declined precipitously over the last century as the
internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartel has garnered more and more
power. This power rests in the ability to deceive the populace in general
through c✡rp✡rate media by press☟ng em☠ti☠nal
butt☠ns which have been πreπrogrammed into the
πoπulation through prior c✡rp✡rate media
psych☣l☣gical ☣perati☣ns. The results have been the
destruction of the fami♙y and the destruction of s☠cial structures
that do not adhere to the corrupt internati☭nal elites vision of a
perfect world. Through distra¢tion and ¢oer¢ion the direction of
th✡ught of the bulk of the p☠pulati☠n has been directed
toward solutions proposed by the corrupt internati☭nal elite that further
con$olidate$ their p☣wer and which further their purposes.
views and opinions presented on this web site are the views and opinions of
individual human men and women that, through their writings, showed the
capacity for intelligent, reasonable, rational, insightful and unpopular
☨hough☨. All factual information presented on this web site is
believed to be true and accurate and is presented as originally presented in
print media which may or may not have originally presented the facts
truthfully. Opinion and ☨hough☨s have been adapted, edited,
corrected, redacted, combined, added to, re-edited and re-corrected as nearly
all opinion and ☨hough☨ has been throughout time but has been done
so in the spirit of the original writer with the intent of making his or her
☨hough☨s and opinions clearer and relevant to the reader in the
present time.
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efforts to advance understanding of ¢riminal justi¢e, human
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© Lawrence Turner All Rights Reserved |