myopia is defined
as: not
eyesight abnormality resulting in
faulty refractive ability
lack of discernment or
long range perspective in
"An amoral
concept cannot be
legislated into morality."

Variables must be seen to be
Rational dissociation
eventually leads to failure.
Shaping principles
direct focus toward issues to be
The corporate
failures of:
Long-Term Capital Management;
Quaker Oats;
Johnson &
General Motors;
Countrywide Financial;
Washington Mutual;
Waste Management;
International Group;
Bear Stearns;
Lehman Brothers;
Goldman Sachs;
Freddie Mac;
Fannie Mae bears witness to
a global Ponzi scheme.
Corporate failures stem from
breaks in perception and
To perceive reality
correctly requires structured self-reflection and the
ability to overcome
failure to perceive
reality clearly results in leaders adopting
faulty thought
proccess' over strategic
December 4, 1973
William Simon launched and administered
the Federal Energy Administration at the
height of the oil
Simon uses Wesray Corporation and some directors of Anchor Glass to form
the Anchor Glass Container Corporation.
leveraged buy-outs are financed
by takeover artists.
William Simon gains control, sell assets back to a
new parasite incorporation, and then leases the assets back to the victim
incorporation at a hefty profit.
Anchor borrows money and then re-loans
it to Simon and his friends.
They use that money to buy the land and
buildings of various glass plants.
The plants are leased back to Anchor
at a hefty profit, all perfectly legal.
Anchor Glass Container is sold to a Mexican company which immediately closes
four plants in California, Pennsylvania and Mississippi.
July 13, 2002 "In the normal course of business,
William E. Simon & Sons does not track its global
year-to-year returns, according to the firm.
Instead, it monitors
returns only by specific investments, said Michael Lenard, a managing director
of the firm.
Its $1-billion portfolio is a labyrinth of partnerships,
corporations, real estate projects, bonds and other securities.
like to be under the radar; we like to be under the radar," Lenard said." -
Michael Finnegan, Los Angeles
This same scenario of sucking the assets out of the
corporation is repeated over and over in a variety of different
Another is the "deal of the century" - a joint stock
incorporation touted by the Money Power controlled press as
an underpriced stock.
The value of the stock then skyrockets and the
original shareholders, members of the money power like William Simon, sell for
immense profits.
Thereafter it is discovered the stock was vastly
overpriced and all those who fell for the propaganda and purchsed Class B stock
lose invested capital.
Boeing -
Raytheon - $9,669,133,423
Bechtel - $4,007,482,139
Humana - $2,220,238,793 Boeing had contracts for the air launched cruise missile,
the MX missile, the Minuteman missile, and adapted its B-52 bombers to use
cruise missiles.
Boeing is a
subcontractor for the Stealth advanced technology bomber and was a principal
contractor for Strategic Defense Initiative 'Star Wars'.
General Electric
operated a plant in Florida that makes neutron generators for nuclear
General Electric makes the reentry vehicle for the
Minuteman missile; the propulsion systems for nuclear submarines and jet
aircraft engines; the engine for the Stealth bomber and are involved in
electronic warfare.
International is the main B-1B bomber and space shuttle contractor and they
work on the MX and Trident missiles.
Rockwell helped operate the
Department of Energy facility at
Hanford that produced plutonium for nuclear weapons,
and they manage the Rocky Flats Colorado facility that produces
triggers for hydrogen
United Technologies Chemical Systems Division built
rocket motors for Titan, Minuteman III, Trident, and
Tomahawk cruise
Northrop was a lead contractor on the Stealth
advanced technology bomber.
Northrop had contracts for MX
missile guidance systems.
TRW Corporation was a leader in
Strategic Defense Initiative Star Wars contracts. TRW was a MX missile
Tenneco Inc. operated the Newport News
Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Co. and built nuclear submarines capable of
carrying nuclear warhead armed
missiles and built Nimitz class nuclear propelled aircraft
Westinghouse contracts
include radar for the B-1B bomber and launch tubes for the Trident
Packard contracted on the B-52 bomber and Pershing missile.
General Dynamics,
primarily in the weapons business, building Trident nuclear missile submarine,
cruise missiles, and FB-111 bombers.
Brand of the Beast =
Six massive corporations - Monsanto,
Bayer, and
Syngenta - create the
seeds, grow the GMO crops, and manufacture the pesticides for ALL
Modified Organism production.
Six behemoth
broadcasters -
Time Warner,
News Corp,
of Germany, Viacom (formerly
CBS) and General Electric (NBC) - control 89% (Sony 9%) of the
mainstream media
within the United States.
Six colossal
weapons producers - L3
Communications, Raytheon,
General Dynamics, Northrop
Grumman, Boeing and Lockheed Martin -
manufacture weapons for the
New World Order.
Six Leviathan petrochemical
maufactures - Merck,
Bristol-Myers Squibb manufacture
petrochemicals for
prescription consumption and
vaccines to
induce autoimmune disorders helping impliment the
Eugenicists Genocidal
This web site is not a commercial web site and
is presented for educational purposes only.

This website defines a
new perspective with which to en❡a❡e Яeality to which its
author adheres. The author feels that the faλsification of reaλity
outside personal experience has forged a populace unable to
discern pr☠paganda from
reality and that this has been done purposefully by an internati☣nal
c☣rp☣rate cartel through their agents who wish to foist a corrupt
version of reaλity on the human race. Religi☯us int☯lerance
☯ccurs when any group refuses to tolerate religi☯us practices,
religi☸us beliefs or persons due to their philosophical ideology. This
web site marks the founding of a system of philºsºphy nªmed The
Mŷsterŷ of the Lumière Infinie - a ra☨ional
gnos☨ic mys☨ery re☦igion based on reaso🐍 which
requires no leap of faith, accepts no tithes, has no supreme leader, no church
buildings and in which each and every individual is encouraged to develop a
pers∞nal relati∞n with Æon and Sustainer through the pursuit
of the knowλedge of reaλity in the hope of curing the spiritual
c✡rrupti✡n that has enveloped the human spirit. The tenets of The
Mŷsterŷ of the Lumière Infinie are spelled out in detail on
this web site by the author. Vi☬lent acts against individuals due to
their religi☸us beliefs in America is considered a "hate
This web site in no way c☬nd☬nes
vi☬lence. To the contrary the intent here is to reduce the violence that
is already occurring due to the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate
cartels desire to c✡ntr✡l the human race. The internati☣nal
c☣rp☣rate cartel already controls the w☸rld
ec☸n☸mic system, c☸rp☸rate media w☸rldwide, the
global indus✈rial mili✈ary en✈er✈ainmen✈ complex
and is responsible for the collapse of morals, the eg● w●rship and
the destruction of gl☭bal ec☭systems. Civilization is based on
coöperation. Coöperation with bi☣hazards at the
point of a gun.
social mores and values have declined precipitously over the last century as
the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartel has garnered more and more
power. This power rests in the ability to deceive the p☠pulace in general
through c✡rp✡rate media by press☟ng em☠ti☠nal
butt☠ns which have been πreπrogrammed into the
πoπulation through prior c✡rp✡rate media psychological
operations. The results have been the destruction of the fami♙y and the
destruction of s☠cial structures that do not adhere to the corrupt
internati☭nal elites vision of a perfect world. Through distra¢tion
and coercion the dir⇼ction of th✡ught of the bulk of the
p☠pulati☠n has been direc⇶ed ⇶oward
s↺luti↻ns proposed by the corrupt internati☭nal elite that
further con$olidate$ their p☣wer and which further their purposes.
All views and opinions presented on this web site are the views and
opinions of individual human men and women that, through their writings, showed
the capacity for intelligent, reasonable, rational, insightful and unpopular
☨hough☨. All factual information presented on this web site is
believed to be true and accurate and is presented as originally presented in
print media which may or may not have originally presented the facts
truthfully. Øpinion and
☨hough☨s have been adapted, edited, corrected, redacted, combined,
added to, re-edited and re-corrected as nearly all opinion and
☨hough☨ has been throughout time but has been done so in the spirit
of the original writer with the intent of making his or her
☨hough☨s and opinions clearer and relevant to the reader in the
present time.
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