"The way of Nature has always been to slay the
hindmost, there is no other way, unless we can prevent those who would
become hindmost being born.
It is in the
sterilization of failures, and not in the
selection of successes for breeding, that the possibility of an improvement of
the human stock lies." - HG Wellsvirulent (adj.) c.
1400, in reference to wounds, ulcers, etc., "full of corrupt or poisonous
matter," from Latin virulentus "poisonous," from virus "poison" (see virus).
Figurative sense of "violent, spiteful" is attested from c. 1600.
virus (n.) late 14c., "poisonous substance" (a sense now archaic), from
Latin virus "poison, sap of plants, slimy liquid, a potent juice," from
Proto-Italic *weis-o-(s-) "poison," which is probably from a PIE root *ueis-,
perhaps originally meaning "to melt away, to flow," used of foul or malodorous
fluids, but with specialization in some languages to "poisonous fluid" (source
also of Sanskrit visam
"venom, poison," visah "poisonous;" Avestan vish- "poison;" Latin viscum
"sticky substance, birdlime;" Greek ios "poison," ixos "mistletoe, birdlime;"
Old Church Slavonic vinja "cherry;"
Old Irish fi "poison;" Welsh
gwy "poison").
The meaning "agent that
causes infectious disease" emerged by 1790s gradually out of the earlier
use in reference to venereal disease (by 1728); the modern scientific use dates
to the 1880s.
The computer sense is from 1972.
1770 "VIRUS: a kind of watery
stinking Matter, which issues out of Ulcers, being endued with eating and
malignant Qualities." -
Bailey's dictionary
HG Wells publishes War of the Worlds in which a
bacteria stops the Martian
1909 First typhoid
inoculation occurs at the Army Medical School.
1918 1918
Spanish Influenza is a vaccine induced disease caused by extreme body poisoning
from the amalgamation of many different vaccines.
Althoug this epidemic
is attributed to widespread use of vaccines this information is suppressed.
After the World War I, vaccine makers have an
excess supply of vaccines (originally
intended for soldiers to treat yellow fever), as a result of the relatively
unexpected short duration of the war.
A huge
vaccination campaign is
drummed up to vaccinate the
population against "foreign illnesses."

1931 Cornelius Packard
Rhoads, a pathologist from the Rockefeller Institute
for Medical Research, purposely infects human guinea pigs in Puerto
Rico with cancer cells.
Japan engage in a false flag operation in order
to start the Manchurian war.
Japanese army engineers secretly blow up
the Japanese-owned South Manchurian Railway near Shenyang.
The Japanese
government then immediately blames the explosion upon Chinese soldiers
garrisoned nearby.
Japan then attacks the Chinese troops, sleeping in
their barracks at the time.
"Biological warfare unit led by Shiro Ishii
are established throughout Manchuria and
China in Japanese army
occupied territory.
At these locations Chinese freedom fighters and
civilians are used as lab rats.
Given lethal doses of bubonic plague,
cholera, smallpox, typhus and typhoid
bodies of infected prisoners are cut
open, often while people still lived, to study the effects of the biological
The Japanese biological warfare program uses infected
rats and fleas, dropped
from airplanes, to spread the deadly diseases killing entire Chinese
villages. Hundreds of
thousands of innocent Chinese civilians were killed by Japan.
American prisoners of war
were experimented on in Japanese labs as well.
Following Japanese surrender at the end of WW II one would
have thought that these war
crimes against humanity would have been exposed and punished, similar to
Nazi war crimes at the
Nuremberg trials.
This was not the case. General Douglas MacArthur made a deal with
Japan's chief BW expert, Shiro Ishii, protecting him from prosecution by
literally covering up the entire BW story.
Ishii and his BW team gave
their expertise to the US." - Bruce K. Gagnon
"Not only did they escape
war crimes proceedings and public scrutiny by virtue of their cooperation with
the US occupation authorities, they
also became prominent public
health officials and respected academic figures in Japanese university and
government circles. A few became quite wealthy as executives of
companies." - Daniel Barenblatt, A Plague Upon Humanity
1932 A
letter Rhoads had written in
November 1931, which disparaged Puerto Ricans, claiming he killed and
intentionally injected cancer cells into his
patients, was given by a lab assistant to Puerto Rican
nationalist leader Pedro Albizu
Campos, he publicized the letter in the Puerto Rican and American media, which
led to a scandal, an official investigation, and
a whitewashing
campaign to protect Rhoads and Rockefeller interests.
1938 The Archives of Pediatrics describes medical
studies of the severe gum disease Vincent's angina in which
doctors transmit the disease from sick
children to healthy children with oral swabs.
1940 Cornelius
Rhoads becomes director of Memorial Hospital for Cancer Research in New
1941 Cornelius Rhoads injects mental
patients at Elgin State Hospital in Illinois are
Dr. William C. Black
infects a 12-month-old baby with
herpes as part of a
medical experiment.
Researchers give 800
poverty-stricken pregnant
women at a Vanderbilt
University prenatal clinic "cocktails" including radioactive iron in
order to determine the iron
requirements of pregnant women.
Drs. Francis and Jonas Salk and
other observers at the University of Michigan spray large amounts of
wild influenza virus directly into the
nasal passages of "volunteers" from
institutions in Michigan.
1942 Biochemist
Edward Cohn injects 64 prisoners with cow
US establishes a biological weapons program at Fort Detrick,
Maryland, to create biological weapons and develop defensive
Fort Detrick
main objectives include
investigating whether diseases are transmitted by inhalation, digestion or
through skin absorption.
These biological weapon experiments rely on
the use of human subjects.
Frank Olson is
recruited to work in the secret
biological weapons program.
Olson's duties eventually include
experiments with aerosolized anthrax.
US Navy
doctors infect 400 prison inmates in
Chicago with
The Chemical Warfare Service begins mustard
gas and lewisite experiments on 4,000 military personnel without
"Program F" is
implemented by the US Atomic Energy Commission (AEC).
This is
the most extensive American study of the health effects of
fluoride, which is a key
chemical element in atomic bomb manufacturing.
Fluoride, one of the
most toxic chemicals
known to man, is found to cause marked adverse effects on the
central nervous system.
The information is squelched in
the name of national security
for fear that lawsuits would undermine full-scale production of
atomic bombs.
1944 Captain AW Frisch,
an experienced microbiologist, begins experiments on 4 inmates of the state
prison at Dearborn, Michigan, inoculating prisoners with hepatitis.
University of Chicago Medical
School professor Dr. Alf Alving infects
psychotic patients at
Illinois State Hospital with malaria through
blood transfusions.
US Navy
begins Project Chatter to identify and test so-called "truth
Mescaline and
the central nervous system
depressant scopolamine are among
the many drugs tested on human guinea pigs.
The US Navy sprays a cloud
of Bacillus globigii bacteria from ships over the San Francisco
Eight thousand residents of San Francisco inhale five
thousand or more bacteria, many become
sick with pneumonia like
Dr. Joseph Strokes of the University of
Pennsylvania infects 200 female prisoners with viral hepatitis.
Doctors at Cleveland City Hospital inject human
guinea pigs with spinal
anesthesia then insert needles in their jugular veins and brachial arteries
to watch the reaction.
1948 The US
Navy's Project Bluebird, rebranded Project Artichoke, begins
medical experiments on human
guinea pigs to test the
effectiveness of LSD, sodium pentothal and
hypnosis for the
interrogative purposes as described in Project Bluebird
Edgewood Arsenal human experiments begin.
soldiers take part in these experiments over the next few years.
than 250 different chemicals are tested on human subjects.
DoD begins
open air tests using disease-producing
bacteria and virus.
Military scientists use the Dugway Proving
Ground to determine how Brucella suis and Brucella melitensis
spread in human populations.
Experts claim we are all infected with
these agents as a result of these experiments.
Under Project MKNAOMI the
CIA stockpiles
biological toxins - paralytic shellfish toxin,
lethal botulism toxin,
snake venom and the severe skin
disease-producing agent microsporum gypseum.
The development of
all of this "gadgetry" requires human guinea pigs.
purposely blister the abdomens of 41 children, ranging in age from eight to 14,
with cantharide in order to study how severely the substance irritates the
US military releases clouds of zinc
cadmium sulfide gas
over Winnipeg; St. Louis; Minneapolis; Fort Wayne; the Monocacy River Valley in
Maryland; and Leesburg, Virginia.
Joint Army-Navy-CIA experiments are
conducted in which tens of thousands of people in New York and San Francisco
are exposed to the airborne germs Serratia marcescens and Bacillus
1951 Holmesburg prison experiments
Biowarfare Research History of Willy Burgdorfe
Dow Chemical pays Albert
M. Kligman $10,000 to learn how dioxin - a highly toxic, carcinogenic molecule
in Agent Orange - and other herbicides affect human skin as workers at the
chemical plant have been developing an acne-like condition called Chloracne.
"All I saw before me were acres of skin," Kligman told a newspaper
reporter. "It was like a farmer seeing a field for the first time."
part of the study, Albert M. Kligman applies roughly the amount of
dioxin Dow Chemical
employees are exposed to on the skin 70 prisoners some of which develop
systemic lupus erythematosus.
The US Army pays $386,486 to University
of Pennsylvania professors Albert M. Kligman* and Herbert W. Copelan to run
medical experiments on 320 inmates of Holmesburg Prison to determine the
effectiveness of seven mind-altering drugs.
The observers' objective is
to determine the minimum effective dose of each drug needed to
disable 50% of any given
population (MED-50).
1952 Heinz Edgar Lehmann begins
experiments on psychiatric patients.
April 13, 1953 A memorandum by
Richard Helms to CIA director
Allen Welsh Dulles renames
Project Artichoke - Project
A special procedure, designated MKDelta, is
established to govern the use of biological materials abroad.
materials are used on a number of occasions.
Richard Helms later destroyed
the MKUltra records, it is
impossible to reconstruct
the operational use of biological materials overseas.
Use of these
materials abroad began as early as 1950 to study the use of biologicals "for
harassment, discrediting and disabling

November 18,
1953 A group from the SO Division, including Vincent Ruwet,
chief of the division, John Schwab, Frank Olson, Ben Wilson, Gerald Yonetz, and
John Malinowski, drive out to Deep Creek Lake.
The Detrick group is met
at the lodge by Sidney Gottlieb and his deputy Robert Lashbrook.
On the
second day of the retreat, Gottlieb spikes a bottle of Cointreau with lysergic
acid diethylamide, or LSD.
House of Horrors: Abominable Dr. Gottlieb
Frank Olson is deeply involved in
bacteriological warfare at Fort Detrick.
Theory: Under the influence
of LSD Olson shares his recognition of the moral culpability of America for the
loss of life in the human experiments and is compromised.
Olson asks to
quit the biowarfare program one week after the retreat.
He is referred
to Harold Abramson
who undertakes a psychological evalutaion.
November 28,
1953 Frank Olson is executed by a blow to the forehead by
Robert Lashbrook and thrown from a
thirteen story window.
"The death of Frank Olson on 28 November 1953
was a murder, not a
This is not an
LSD drug-experiment story, as it was represented in 1975.
This is a
biological warfare story.
Frank Olson did not die because he was an
experimental guinea pig who experienced a 'bad trip'.
He died because
of concern that he would divulge information concerning a highly classified CIA
interrogation program in the early 1950s, and concerning
the use of biological weapons by
the United States in the Korean War." - Ted Olson
Control and the New World Order
Family Questions CIA Role in Scientist's Bizarre
How a deadly fall revealed the CIA's darkest secrets
"I was very upset that a human being had been killed." - Sidney
1954 US Air Force
medical officers assigned to Fort Detrick's Chemical Corps Biological
Laboratory begin Operation Whitecoat - experiments involving
exposing human guinea pigs to hepatitis,
plague, yellow fever,
encephalitis, Rift
Valley fever, rickettsia and intestinal
Human subjects include 2,300 Seventh Day Adventist
military personnel.
The Tampa Bay, Florida experienced a sharp rise in
whooping cough cases,
including 12 deaths, after a CIA
test where a bacteria withdrawn from the Chemical and Biological Warfare
arsenal is released.
In Savannah, Georgia and Avon Park, Florida, the
Army carries out field tests in which mosquitoes infected with
yellow fever and dengue fever are
released into residential neighborhoods.
Approximately 300 members of
the US Navy are exposed to radiation
when the Navy destroyer Mansfield detonates 30 nuclear bombs off the coasts of
Pacific Islands during Operation Hardtack.
Researchers at the
Laurel Children's Center in Maryland test experimental acne antibiotics
on children and continue their tests even after half of the young test subjects
develop severe liver
Chester M. Southam injects 22 senile, Black female patients
at the Brooklyn Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital with live cancer cells
in order to observe the
immunological response.
Researchers at the University of
Washington directly irradiate the testes of 232 prison inmates to determine
the effects of radiation on testicular
In a National
Institutes of Health sponsored study, a
researcher transplants a bamboon kidney into a human and the experiment
New York University researcher Saul Krugman promises parents
with mentally disabled children
indefinite enrollment into the Willowbrook State School in Staten
Saul Krugman deliberately infects these children with viral
hepatitis by feeding them an extract made from the feces of infected
Researchers at the University of California's Department of
Pediatrics use 113 newborns ranging in age from one hour to three days old
in a series of experiments
used to study changes in blood pressure and
blood flow.
one study, doctors insert a catheter through the newborns' umbilical arteries
and into their aortas and then immerse the newborns' feet in ice water while
recording aortic pressure.
In another experiment,
doctors strap 50 newborns to a
circumcision board, tilt the table so that all the blood rushes to their
heads and then measure their blood
DoD uses
Canadian soldiers wearing butyl-rubber outfit and M9A1 gas masks to conduct 35
trials near Fort Greely, Alaska, as part of "Operation Elk Hunt".

VX nerve gas tests are designed to measure the amount of VX
nerve agent put on the clothing of people moving through VX-contaminated areas
or touching contaminated vehicles, and the amount of ambient VX vapor.
VX operates by cutting off the
nervous system.
binds to the enzyme that transmits signals to the nerves inhibiting
The nerves become isolated and uncontrollable.
antidote, atropine, is a
toxin itself but it counteracts the effect of the VX by removing it from the
It is an anti-nerve agent so does the reverse of the VX, a
nerve agent.
Atropine is normally
injected into the arm or thigh but for gaseous attacks the atropine must go
immediately into the heart.
2,000 workers help make more than 4,400 tons
of the VX nerve agent for the DoD at the Newport Chemical Depot, starting in 1961.
part of a test codenamed "Big Tom," the
DoD sprays
Oahu, Hawaii's most heavily populated
island, with Bacillus
The US Army dispensed Bacillus subtilis variant
throughout the New York City subway system.
The CIA places a chemical in
the drinking water supply
of the FDA headquarters in Washington, DC to
see whether it is possible to spike drinking water with LSD and other
Researchers inject pregnant women with
radioactive cortisol to
see if the radioactive
material will cross the placentas and affect the fetuses.
Dr. Robert
MacMahan, the Deputy Director of Research and Technology for the DoD,
requests funding for a project to produce a synthetic biological agent for which humans
have not yet acquired a natural immunity.
Under H.R. 15090, Dr. Robert MacMahan receives funding to begin CIA
supervised mycoplasma research at Fort Detrick's Special Operations
1954 Plum Island Animal Disease
Center of New York (PIADCNY) is a federal research facility dedicated to
the study of animal diseases.
During the Cold War a secret biological
weapons program targeting livestock is conducted at the site.
study more than 40 foreign animal diseases, including
hog cholera and African
swine fever.
Cholera is
closely linked to unsanitary water supplies.
Bioweapons attacks have
been a favorite
weapon of fear mongers since the Korean War.
1964 June Almeida peers into her electron microscope and sees
a round, grey dot covered in tiny spikes.
She and her colleagues note
the spikes form a halo around the virus.
Dr Almeida holds a doctorate at
the Postgraduate Medical School in London.
She finished her
career at the Wellcome Institute, where she was named on several patents
in the field of imaging virus.
In the late 1980s when she 'helped' take
novel pictures of the HIV
Everything you
need to know about amyl nitrite
Nitrite Inhalants,
HIV Infection among conversion in China
Results: association between
HIV infection and use of amyl nitrite
1972 The virus section of Fort
Detrick's Center for Biological Warfare Research is placed under the
supervision of the National Cancer
this point in time astute observers can see that Fort Detrick major success
has been in creating autoimmune disorders
through a variety of means.
distorting the
configuration of the native protein, the immune system attacks its own antigens,
resulting in an autoimmune or allergic
Retrovirologists at
Fort Detrick use molecular biology
techniques to create a virus to which no
natural immunity exists.
A human T-lymphotropic
virus appears simultaneously in Japanese in the Kyushu area of Japan; Africans
from Jamaica, Trinidad, South Central and West
Africa; Kayapo indigenous people of the Amazon and
urban Brazilian
populations; American Indians; Mashadi of northern
Iran and a tribe of
hunter-gatherers in the Borneo and is later named HTLV (human T lymphocyte leukaemia virus). (HTLV-III =
1973 Two former associates and one
vice-chairman of the American Medical Association Council on Drugs
testify before Congress.
They accuse the
American Medical
Association of being "held captive of and beholden to
the pharmaceutical industry."
1977 US Army publicly admits that hundreds of
biological warfare tests in the US have been carried out over a period of
decades since World War II, including 25 major operations targeting the
American public employing known disease-causing agents.
Crop disease
substances were used 31 times.
A flu strain re-emerges that is
genetically identical to one that had disappeared before 1957.
The World Health
Organization (WHO), begins injecting HIV-laced
smallpox vaccine
into Africans. Army Conducted 239 Secret, Open-Air Germ Warfare
1978 Center
for Disease Control (CDC) begins vaccine trials with
HIV-laced hepatitis B vaccine begin in New York,
Los Angeles and San Francisco.
Ads for research subjects for the
experimental hepatitis B vaccine specifically ask for
promiscuous homosexual men.
AIDS first
appears as a public health risk ten years later in
gay men who had been the test
subjects of the hepatitis B vaccine trials.
First cases of AIDS are
confirmed in homosexual men in New
York, Los Angeles and San Francisco.
"Something happened to the
negative air pressure system that is designed to force air into the laboratory
instead of allowing disease organisms to spread outside.
contractors were sent to showers, given laboratory clothing and sent from Plum
Employees working in
the laboratory were brought to the showers, clothed and hustled off Plum
Infected and healthy animals had to be killed and the toll
reached 200.
Of these, 100 were
cattle, and the balance
included pigs, sheep and ponies.
The animals were quartered and burned
in incinerators at 1,500 degrees." - Irvin Molotsky,
On Isolated Plum Island
1981 In detention centers in Miami and Puerto Rico many male
Haitian refugees developed
an unusual condition called "gynecomastia", in which
males develop full female breasts.
A number of the internees at Fort
Allen in Puerto Rico claim that they were forced to undergo
a series of injections which they believed to be
The "official"cause of the of gynaecomastia among Haitian
refugees is purported to be phenothrin, a chemical element in delousing agents
possessing antiandrogenic activity.
Biowarfare development trumps the welfare of tens of thousands of GIs used as
human guinea pigs for inoculation with experimental unlicensed anthrax vaccines
containing squalene - an oil-based
adjuvant known for decades to cause severe autoimmune disorders in lab
A report to Congress reveals that the US government's
current generation of biological agents includes:
modified virus,
naturally occurring toxins, and agents that are altered through genetic
engineering to change immunological character and prevent treatment by all
existing vaccines.
DoD admits that, despite a treaty banning research
and development of biological agents, it continues to operate research
facilities at 127 facilities and universities around the nation.
Ravenholt, director of the Office of Population of the Agency for
International Development (AID), publicly announced the agency's goal to
sterilize ¼ of the world's
In reports by the St Louis Post-Dispatch, Ray
Ravenholt cites the reason - corporate interests want to
avoid the threat of revolution spawned by chronic unemployment.
More than 1500 six-month old black and hispanic babies in Los Angeles
are given an "experimental" measles
vaccine that had never been
licensed for
use in the US.
CDC later admits that parents were never informed that
the vaccine being injected to their children was experimental.
Larry C.
Ford travels to South Africa
undercover as an AIDS researcher
to train microbiologists at the military run Roodeplaat Research
Laboratory (RRL), a key component of South Africa's chemical-weapons
program and a front for the apartheid South African Defense Force.
Ford return often to teach RRL scientists how to produce biological
agents such as anthrax and botulinum toxin for use as weapons against
antiApartheid forces and against blacks in general.
Dr. Ford promised to
meet his wife and three children in heaven.
''I was set up by evil,''
he wrote. ''Fear not. I will be with you forever.''
Alan Cantwell Jr, MD links AIDS to the hepatitis B
viral vaccine experiments.
This information is suppressed at the
AIDS International Conference by officials
of the World Health Organization.
With a
technique called "gene
tracking," Dr. Garth Nicolson at the MD Anderson Cancer Center in
Houston, TX discovers that many returning Desert Storm veterans are infected
with an altered strain of Mycoplasma incognitus, a microbe used in
the production of
biological weapons.
Incorporated into its molecular structure is
40% of an HIV protein coat, indicating it has been
Key HIV Protein Structure Revealed
HIV-1 Env Protein: A Coat of Many Colors
Dr. Garth Nicolson,
uncovers evidence that the biological agents used during the
Gulf War have been manufactured in Houston, Texas and Boca Raton, Florida
and tested on prisoners in the Texas Department of Corrections.
1990 This regulation permits the FDA to inject American
military personel with unapproved experimental drugs or vaccines without
The FDA merely needs to deem it "not feasible" to obtain
the soldiers permission.
Health Letter, Washington, DC. Public
Citizens Health Research Group "400,000 Human Guinea Pigs in the Persian
Gulf", Feb 12, 1991
1991 Operation Desert Storm. American troops are given
experimental vaccines against biological agents.
Within months
thousands of troops sicken with a communicable cancer causing virus.
Disease is named "Gulf War Syndrome".
Government denies all
Over 8,000 troops are vaccinated with Botulism, over
150,000 troops were given anthrax vaccine, and all 500,000 troops were given
Pyristigimine, an experimental nerve agent.
All chemical and biological
agents are experimental.

Restraining order is enacted against a two-year-old WHO and UNICEF tetanus
vaccine program.
Two labs found "B-hCG" sterilizing agent in the
tetanus vaccine.
The Filipino program
had already "vaccinated" 3.4 million people - all women, mainly between the
ages of twelve and 45.
The hormone-laced vaccine is also discovered in
Mexico, Nicaragua, Tanzania, India and Nigeria.
The B-hCG hormone
causes not only sterilizations but also incurable
autoimmune disorders,
miscarriages and
Suicide Leaves Many Troubling Mysteries
Plum Island Reports Disease Outbreak
Government admits accidents at Plum Island biolab 2016
Feds release gas in NYC subway to study for potential terror
DARPA and the future of synthetic biology
DARPA Targets Animal-Based Viral Threats
technique stores cellular "memory" in DNA
DARPA Seeks Innovations in Rapid DNA Molecule
Hearing Loss Reported After COVID Vaccines
David E.
Martin - German Corona Inquiry Committee July 9th, 2021
This web site is not a commercial web site and
is presented for educational purposes only.

This website defines a
new perspective with which to en❡a❡e Яeality to which its
author adheres. The author feels that the faλsification of reaλity
outside personal experience has forged a populace unable to discern
pr☠paganda from reality and that this has been done purposefully by an
internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartel through their agents who wish
to foist a corrupt version of reaλity on the human race. Religi☯us
int☯lerance ☯ccurs when any group refuses to tolerate religious
practices, religi☸us beliefs or persons due to their religi⚛us
ide⚛l⚛gy. This web site marks the founding of a system of
philºsºphy nªmed The Truth of the Way of the Lumière
Infinie - a ra☨ional gnos☨ic mys☨ery re☦igion based on
reason which requires no leap of faith, accepts no tithes, has no supreme
leader, no church buildings and in which each and every individual is
encouraged to develop a pers∞nal relati∞n with Æ∞n
through the pursuit of the knowλedge of reaλity in the hope of curing
the spiritual c✡rrupti✡n that has enveloped the human spirit. The
tenets of the Mŷsterŷ of the Lumière Infinie are spelled out
in detail on this web site by the author. Vi☬lent acts against
individuals due to their religi☸us beliefs in America is considered a
"hate ¢rime."
This web site in no way c☬nd☬nes
vi☬lence. To the contrary the intent here is to reduce the violence that
is already occurring due to the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate
cartels desire to c✡ntr✡l the human race. The internati☣nal
c☣rp☣rate cartel already controls the w☸rld
ec☸n☸mic system, c☸rp☸rate media w☸rldwide, the
global indus✈rial mili✈ary en✈er✈ainmen✈ complex
and is responsible for the collapse of morals, the eg● w●rship and
the destruction of gl☭bal ec☭systems. Civilization is based on
coöperation. Coöperation with bi☣hazards of a
American social mores and values have declined precipitously over
the last century as the corrupt international cartel has garnered more and more
power. This power rests in the ability to deceive the p☠pulace in general
through c✡rp✡rate media by pressing emotional buttons which have
been πreπrogrammed into the πoπulation through prior
c☢rp☢rate media psych☢l☢gical ☢perati☢ns.
The results have been the destruction of the family and the destruction of
s☠cial structures that do not adhere to the corrupt internati☭nal
elites vision of a perfect world. Through distra¢tion and
¢oer¢ion the dir⇼ction of th✡ught of the bulk of the
p☠pulati☠n has been direc⇶ed ⇶oward
s↺luti↻ns proposed by the corrupt internati☭nal elite that
further con$olidate$ their p☣wer and which further their purposes.
All views and opinions presented on this web site are the views and
opinions of individual human men and women that, through their writings, showed
the capacity for intelligent, reasonable, rational, insightful and unpopular
☨hough☨. All factual information presented on this web site is
believed to be true and accurate and is presented as originally presented in
print media which may or may not have originally presented the facts
truthfully. Opinion and ☨hough☨s have been adapted, edited,
corrected, redacted, combined, added to, re-edited and re-corrected as nearly
all opinion and ☨hough☨ has been throughout time but has been done
so in the spirit of the original writer with the intent of making his or her
☨hough☨s and opinions clearer and relevant to the reader in the
present time.
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