"Wisdom in the ways of the world can be achieved by
careful observation of how people act and
a study of history." -
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli
"The capitulation of academic
institutions to the cult of pragmatic materialism is
the reason for the demise of the
Enlightenment and the resurrection of
The seeds of the
Enlightenment were
laid during the Middle Ages
when European universities forged the liberal arts curriculum - a
combination of arts,
mathematics and
The objectives
were breadth of knowledge
and freedom of thought.
Academic institutions
today are dominated by
professional schools.
Administrators are good fund raisers and
students are interested only in jobs.
During 37 years of teaching
history at four universities, I never ceased to be amazed at the
appalling ignorance of political
and social history.
College graduates are trained but
not educated."
- Forrest G. Wood, Professor of History Emeritus Cal
State Bakersfield

"Historians, especially
the writers of textbooks
used in schools and
colleges, tend to emphasize a nation's accomplishments.
We read
about battles, wars won, conquests
made focusing on achievement.
We rarely read about the
failures, the frauds and
deceptions, the
injustice, the
bigotry, the
violence, and the
The consequence is that the peoples of great
nations think far more highly of themselves than reality justifies and
therefore tend to neglect their
faults which fester and expand until
they become so overwhelming that the nation collapses in its own
The lessons of history that we need to know if we
are not to be doomed to repeat
it is not the history commonly taught but
the history that is commonly
ignored, for only by correcting faults can nations become better." - John
When digging back into written records,
observers always retrieve
selected fragments of an
immense historical continuum and carefully
shape and
edit them, intent upon lending credibility
to their respective thesis of the past.
This is the nature of
"history"- it is always being
reviewed, revised,
changed, adjusted, and selectively reedited.
decades pass
perhaps millennium

Emphasis changes,
certain facts are
accentuated, others are left
Relevant historical
information is overlooked or cast aside while new hypothesis are
being formulated.
that have the luxury and/or determination to review and
reconstruct history color it entirely as they wish.
Modern popular belief is
validated by selected evidence from the
While the
time-rooted "facts" of events can sometimes be documented,
the hows and whys of history
have no such absolute mooring.
What was written in the past is always
biased, and that considered credible today reflects the biases of writers and
observers today.
The events propelling social upheavals
occurring in the past are explained away by
pseudo-historians as chaotic
unplanned accidental aberrations.
There is a
propensity to ignore certain
facts which point to
disruptive elements that carefully plan the manipulation of social cultural
rules of conduct with
malicious intent that inevitably leads
to social cultural collapse.
Politicians and pseudo-historians
conceptualize upheaval events as happening by accident - propelled upon the
mysterious unexplainable tide of
and well-meaning people, in a
natural desire not to appear naive,
assume the attitudes and
repeat the cliches of the opinion
A false version of
history is then spread and imbedded in popular culture.
"In Egypt persons were appointed, we are told, whose
office it was, to examine into the
conduct of their deceased sovereigns;
if it had been such as had been
beneficial to the kingdom, the
warmest tribute of praise was paid to their memories; if bad, their conduct
was censured and their memory
reprobated, to serve as a
warning to their successors." - Robert Bland 1814 |
This web site is not a commercial web site and
is presented for educational
purposes only.

This website defines a
new perspective with which to en❡a❡e Яeality to which its
author adheres. The author feels that the faλsification of reaλity
outside personal experience has forged a populace unable to
discern propaganda from
Яeality and that this has been done purposefully by an
internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartel through their agents who wish
to foist a corrupt Ѵersion of Яeality on the human race.
Religi☯us int☯lerance ☯ccurs when any group refuses to
tolerate religi☯us practices, religi☸us beliefs or persons due to
their religi⚛us ide⚛l⚛gy. This web site marks the founding of
a system of philºsºphy nªmed the Mŷsterŷ of the
Lumière Infinie - a ra☨ional gnos☨ic mys☨ery
re☦igion based on reaso🐍 which requires no leap of faith, accepts
no tithes, has no supreme leader, no church buildings and in which each and
every individual is encouraged to develop a pers∞nal relati∞n with
Æ∞n through the pursuit of the knowλedge of reaλity in
the cu☮ing the spi☮itual co☮☮uption that has enveloped
the human spirit. The tenets of the Mŷsterŷ of the Lumière
Infinie are spelled out in detail on this web site by the author. Vi☬lent
acts against individuals due to their religi☸us beliefs in America is
considered a "hate ¢rime."
This web site in no way
c☬nd☬nes vi☬lence. To the contrary the intent here is to
reduce the vi☬lence that is already occurring due to the
internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartels desire to
c✡ntr✡l the human race. The internati☣nal
c☣rp☣rate cartel already controls the w☸rld
ec☸n☸mic system, c☸rp☸rate media w☸rldwide, the
global indus✈rial mili✈ary en✈er✈ainmen✈ complex
and is responsible for the coλλapse of moraλs, the eg●
w●rship behavior and the destruction of gl☭bal ec☭systems.
Civilization is based on coöperation. Coöperation with
bi☣hazards of a gun.
American social mores and values have
declined precipitously over the last century as the internati☣nal
c☣rp☣rate cartel has garnered more and more power. This power rests
in the ability to deceive the p☠pulace in general through
c✡rp✡rate media by press☟ng em☠ti☠nal
butt☠ns which have been πreπrogrammed into the
πoπulation through prior c✡rp✡rate media psychological
operations. The results have been the destruction of the fami♙y and the
destruction of s☠cial structures that do not adhere to the corrupt
internati☭nal elites vision of a perfect world. Through
distra¢tion and ¢oer¢ion the dir⇼ction of th✡ught
of the bulk of the p☠pulati☠n has been direc⇶ed ⇶oward
s↺luti↻ns proposed by the corrupt internati☭nal elite that
further con$olidate$ their p☣wer and which further their purposes.
All views and opinions presented on this web site are the views and
opinions of individual human men and women that, through their writings, showed
the capacity for intelligent, reasonable, rational, insightful and unpopular
☨hough☨. All factual information presented on this web site is
believed to be true and accurate and is presented as originally presented in
print media which may or may not have originally presented the facts
truthfully. Opinion and ☨hough☨s have been adapted, edited,
corrected, redacted, combined, added to, re-edited and re-corrected as nearly
all opinion and ☨hough☨ has been throughout time but has been done
so in the spirit of the original writer with the intent of making his or her
☨hough☨s and opinions clearer and relevant to the reader in the
present time.
Fair Use Notice

This site may contain
copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically
authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our
efforts to advance understanding of ¢riminal justi¢e, human
rightϩ, political, e¢onomi¢, demo¢rati¢,
s¢ientifi¢, and social justice
iϩϩueϩ, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any
such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright
Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site
is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in
receiving the included information for rėsėarch and ėducational
purposės. For more information see:
www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml. If you wish to use copyrighted
material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you
must obtain permission from the copyright owner. |
© Lawrence Turner All Rights Reserved |