"It is possible that
Mount Olympus may have supplied the
poets with the hint for saying that Jupiter obtained
the kingdom of heaven, as Olympus is
the common name both of the mountain and of heaven." -
Greeks anthropomorphized the forces of
human nature (human emotions and
desires - Eros, ) in combination with
the forces of natural reality
lightning, wind, sea,
storm, etcetera).
forces came to be known as the Hellenistic gods.
"The nineteenth
century, the century of reason, was devoid of myths, and only the "poets"
(falsifiers!) regretted this.
Then along came
the psychology of the
subconscious, then sociology and
history, to give a fresh meaning, and
thereby vigor, to these dusty
tales incorporated in Greco-Latin
No longer were they
a childish invention to
lend color to a naive religion.
Men perceived instead subtle
expressions of the profound and
complicated tendencies of man, and the
divinities involved in these myths were
no longer simply gods of thunder and of time.
Analysis of the myths themselves led
to a far deeper understanding of
something permanent in
man, of a certain relation with the universe and a
certain structural pattern within his
soul." - Jacques Ellul
335 BC Alexander the
Great signs a peace treaty with the Celts before embarking on his conquest of
281 Lured by the wealth accumulated in Greek temples by
Alexander, the Galatian Celts invade Macedonia.
279 Delphi is sacked by the Galatian Celts.
"Rational consciousness
produced the technical phenomenon, aptly described as
the quest for the one best method
in every field.
It is the aggregate of these methods that produces
consciousness allowed a rapid spread of technique." - Jaques
"It is amazing how the characteristics of the gods of the
Greek pantheon so closely resemble
the ambitions of technological
they possessed immortality, eternal youth, and
flawless physical beauty;
they could travel at
incredible speeds and fly through the air; and they possessed
lordship over the processes of
Today we
aspire through
technology the status of gods." - Charles Eisenstein
Prometheus the Titan
creates mankind and Zeus demands the USDA choice
meat in sacrificial worship
as payment for resources used.
Prometheus watching his children dwindle
in stature decides to trick Zeus.
Prometheus tricks
Zeus by asking him to choose between two
offerings; beef hidden inside an ox's stomach (something pleasing hidden inside
a repelling exterior) or bones wrapped in glistening fat (something inedible
hidden inside a pleasing
When Zeus chooses the
fat a precedent is set, from this moment on humans could
keep the meat for themselves and
burn the bones as a sacrifice to
As a result of the Trick at Mecone,
Zeus becomes
infuriated and decides to
hide fire from mortals as punishment so
they will be unable to cook meat.
Prometheus manages to steal fire
back and give it back to the mortals.
Enraged Zeus orders
Hephaestus to create
Pandora, the first woman, who,
according to Hesiod, would bring
troubles to mankind kinda like Eve.
Zeus chains
Prometheus to a rock where
he wriggles in agony as an eagle eats his
liver out during the day.
Titans are immortal
so the liver of Prometheus
regenerates during the night only to be eaten again the next day condemning
Prometheus to an eternal damnation of
Lucikly for Prometheus,
the son of a mortal woman impregnated
by Zeus, later frees him from his
bonded debt.
Pandora opens her jar to peak
The Veil of Cognitive
Blindness descends
blinding men.
Iron Age begins when
unnatural desire is unleased bringing with
it the technologies of fire
Poseidon, Hermes, and
Zeus inseminate the hide of a bull
and bury it.
Nine months later Orion sprouts and is so named by his
three fathers.
Orion, son of three gods, represents the elements of
Water, Air and Earth.
Orion, composed of stars then
becomes Fire.
Being born from the semen of
three gods is a "male divine virgin birth".
a handsome giant,
could walk on water like all of
Poseidon's sons.

"Everything is burning!"
said the Buddha almost 25 centuries ago.
"Burning with what? Burning
with the fires of greed, hatred and delusion." - Samyutta Nikaya 35.28
These words seem prophetic as the planet is slowly warmed by fires
blazing in furnaces and engines, by the explosion of bullets and bombs, and by
the raging delusions around which world is organized." - Andrew Olendzki
Greek mythweavers were
either practioners of precognition or they had already witnessed tremendous
change wrought by technological use of
The Greek mythweavers understood
the implicit doom in the power of
Traditional ancient Hellenism proposes a mode of life in which
mortals attempt to align themselves with the Will of the Gods.
The Will of the Gods is simply the manner
in which Nature functions
Hellenism deifies forces of Nature which
including human emotion.
Will of the Gods is arbitrary and always takes advantage of
the weakness in human
Hellenism emphasizes the fragility and difficulty of human
polytheism, designed to enable human beings
to establish their true place in
the world, offered a vision of what humans might reasonably expect during a
lifetime even though mortals, unable
to control the events of their lives, left it to Fate. Hellenism
lives on well in the 21st century as Hellenismos, Hellenic Polytheism,
Dodekatheism, or Olympianism.

The Olymipians chained
Prometheus to a rock to have his his liver eternally eaten out by an eagle for
giving humans the power to be like them, to become, through
the technologies of fire, the "lords and possessors of nature",
usurping what was once a divine function.
"Prometheus, you have outwitted
me and stolen fire ... but I will give men as the price for fire
an evil thing in which they may
all be glad of heart while they embrace their own destruction."
did humanity receive Pandora's Box
(pithos) - an unfolding of
the technologies of fire which brought with them
the narcotic of technological addiction
so desirable but filled with the strife, disease, and the ruin of the
Earth that humanity has experienced since
the first technologic mastering
of the use of fire to modify and control nature.
Australians used fire to clear brush and revitalize ecosystems.
Eskimos could not have survived in the North but for the blubber
Bronze age
metallurgists gave us bronze swords to cleave hide and bone.
Alchemists used fire to purify substances
giving humanity distilled
Abraham Gesner distilled
coal oil from
coal and then from crude
A byproduct of kerosene production from
petroleum was
Friedrich August
Kekulé envisioned six snakes eating each other tails and understood the
true nature of benzene.
Midgley added tetraethyl lead
lead to create anti-knock aviation fuel which made mass airplane production
possible for Nazi Germany.
Eventually the
penultimate technology of
fire - nuclear fission -
the power to obliterate large swaths of humanity in the hands of the
Nuclear Missile Combat Crew
thanks to the Manhattan and Redstone Rocket programs.
(Redstone rocket
program courtesy of the OSS and
Operation Paperclip.)
Technological utopians
or transhumanists believe that just
one more 'technological
breakthrough' will solve humanities problems (or do they?).
They failed to read and understand Greek mythology

asking of each what he could bestow upon the race about to
be born, the Sun first replied:
"I will
The moon promised enlightenment in her
adding she had already conjured
Fear, Silence,
Sleep, and
Kronos announced he had
begotten Justice and
order to spare the future race perpetual wars,
I have
generated Fortune,
Hope, and
Peace," Zeus added.
declared himself Father of
Conflict, impetuous Zeal, and

Aphrodite did not wait to be
called upon:
"I bestow Desire, voluptuous Joy and Laughter,
that the
penalty, to which our sister souls are
may not weigh on them too hardly."
Words of
Aphrodite, O my Son, were welcomed gladly.


This web site is not a commercial web site and
is presented for educational purposes only.

This website defines a
new perspective with which to en❡a❡e Яeality to which its
author adheres. The author feels that the faλsification of reaλity
outside personal experience has forged a populace unable to discern
pr☠paganda from Яeality and that this has been done purposefully by
an internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartel through their agents who
wish to foist a corrupt version of reaλity on the human race.
Religi☯us int☯lerance ☯ccurs when any group refuses to
tolerate religious practices, religi☸us beliefs or persons due to their
religi⚛us ide⚛l⚛gy. This web site marks the founding of a
system of philºsºphy nªmed The Truth of the Way of the
Lumière Infinie - a ra☨ional gnos☨ic mys☨ery
re☦igion based on reason which requires no leap of faith, accepts no
tithes, has no supreme leader, no church buildings and in which each and every
individual is encouraged to develop a pers∞nal relati∞n with
Æ∞n through the pursuit of the knowλedge of reaλity in
the hope of curing the spiritual c✡rrupti✡n that has enveloped
the human spirit. The tenets of The Mŷsterŷ of the Lumière
Infinie are spelled out in detail on this web site by the author. Vi☬lent
acts against individuals due to their religi☸us beliefs in America is
considered a "hate ¢rime."
This web site in no way
c☬nd☬nes vi☬lence. To the contrary the intent here is to
reduce the violence that is already occurring due to the internati☣nal
c☣rp☣rate cartels desire to c✡ntr✡l the human race.
The internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartel already controls the
w☸rld ec☸n☸mic system, c☸rp☸rate media
w☸rldwide, the global indus✈rial mili✈ary
en✈er✈ainmen✈ complex and is responsible for the collapse of
morals, the eg● w●rship and the destruction of gl☭bal
ec☭systems. Civilization is based on coöperation. Coöperation
with bi☣hazards at the point of
a gun.
American social mores and values have declined precipitously
over the last century as the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartel
has garnered more and more power. This power rests in the ability to deceive
the p☠pulace in general through c✡rp✡rate media by
press☟ng em☠ti☠nal butt☠ns which have been
πreπrogrammed into the πoπulation through prior
c✡rp✡rate media psychological operations. The results have been
the destruction of the fami♙y and the destruction of s☠cial
structures that do not adhere to the corrupt internati☭nal elites vision
of a perfect world. Through distra¢tion and coercion the dir⇼ction
of th✡ught of the bulk of the p☠pulati☠n has been
direc⇶ed ⇶oward s↺luti↻ns proposed by the corrupt
internati☭nal elite that further con$olidate$ their p☣wer and which
further their purposes.
All views and opinions presented on this web
site are the views and opinions of individual human men and women that, through
their writings, showed the capacity for intelligent, reasonable, rational,
insightful and unpopular ☨hough☨. All factual information presented
on this web site is believed to be true and accurate and is presented as
originally presented in print media which may or may not have originally
presented the facts truthfully. Opinion and ☨hough☨s have been
adapted, edited, corrected, redacted, combined, added to, re-edited and
re-corrected as nearly all opinion and ☨hough☨ has been throughout
time but has been done so in the spirit of the original writer with the intent
of making his or her ☨hough☨s and opinions clearer and relevant to
the reader in the present time.
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