
Maurice Greenberg is ousted amid an accounting scandal.
$1.6 billion
fine and criminal charges for multiple executives.
Financial statements
are restated from 2000 through 2003.
"Today's agreement settles the
indisputable fact that Mr. Greenberg has denied for 12 years: that Mr.
Greenberg orchestrated two transactions that fundamentally misrepresented AIG
finances." - New York state Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, February 12,
2008 "Moral hazard" is
a term applied to financial
contracts, under which one party is obliged to pay
another money if a specific event takes place.
Moral hazard refers
to situations in which the
very existence of the contract alters the behavior of one party
increasing the
probability of the occurrence of the event or
the size of the monetary
payoff based on that event, or both.
Joseph Cassano is "highly
confident they will realize no losses" on the
credit default swap portfolio
less than 3 months before posting an $11 billion loss.
September 16, 2008
"Between July and September of
2008, AIG spent more than $2 million to lobby Congress, the
Treasury Department,
the Federal Reserve and the White House." - Ben
American International Group receives an $85 billion
infusion from the Federal Reserve for an 80% non-voting equity stake.
AIG, the 18th-largest publically traded corporation on Earth, is
delisted from the Dow Jones
Industrial Average on September 22, 2008.
AIG is
the largest underwriter of
commercial and industrial insurance, holds at this time a $447 billion
portfolio of credit
default swap contracts.
solvency and liquidity
is in our national interest.
It operates in 130 countries. There's no
entity like it in the world.
It serves many, many purposes for the US.
So to have AIG go down would be very negative to the US' interest, and business
in those countries.
They won't understand our government let this
happen to it.
I think it would
undermine the credibility
of our own government.
When you're starting to unwind counterparty
transactions worldwide in a incorporation the size of AIG, it will take about
ten years to do.
sellers would short AIG stock driving the stock down.
Stock value loss required more
collateral on credit default swap business.
The governor of New
York has worked with the insurance department to modify the regulations
permitting AIG subsidiaries to move up about $20 billion of excess assets as a
means of helping.
On the regulatory front,
other than a bridge loan,
that's all they need." - Maurice R. Greenberg, September 17, 2008, Council of Foreign
Raymond "Hank" Greenberg, previous chairman and controlling owner of AIG
insurance, manager of the third largest capital investment pool in the world,
was floated as a possible CIA Director in 1995.
Former AIG Executives Reach Settlement in Accounting Fraud
January 2009 Three trustees, Jill
Considine (NY Fed, Depository Trust & Clearing Corp., Ambac Financial Group
Inc.), Chester Feldberg (NY Fed, Barclays Americas) and Douglas Foshee (NY Fed,
Halliburton & El Paso Corp.), are appointed to
control AIG by the Federal Reserve
Bank of New York to oversee
the federal
government 77.9% equity stake.
The New York Fed retains the right
to remove the trustee.
New York Fed President William Dudley worked
until 2007 as the chief economist for Goldman Sachs.
Friedman, who resigned as New York Fed chairman May 7, was once CEO of Goldman
JP Morgan
Chase CEO Jamie Dimon and Richard Carrion, chairman and CEO of Banco
Popular de Puerto Rico, are also on the New York Fed board, along with
General Electric CEO Jeffrey
May 2009 The US Treasury loans $182.5
billion to American International Group to pay off
credit default swap
These banks receive bailout funds through AIG on
defaulting securties:
Deutsche Bank AG ($5.4
billion), Société Générale ( $11 billion),
Goldman Sachs ($8.1
billion), Citadel Investment Group, Calyon, Barclays, Bank of America, Merril
Lynch, Union Bank of
Switzerland, DZ Bank, Bank of Montreal, Rabobank, Royal Bank of Scotland,
HSBC and
observers outside Wall Street understand that the hundreds of billions of
dollars pumped into by the Federal Reserve of New York and
Treasury, funds used
to keep the creditors from a default, has been used to fund the payout at face
value of credit default swap
contracts or "CDS," insurance written by AIG against senior traunches of
collateralized debt
The Paulson/Geithner model for dealing with
troubled financial
institutions such as AIG with net
unfunded obligations
to pay CDS contracts seems to be to
simply provide the needed
liquidity and hope for the best.
Until we rid the markets of
CDS, there will be no
restoring investor confidence in financial
institutions." - Chris Whalen

American International Group had
four public relations firms on its payroll - Kekst & Company,
Sard Verbinnen, Hill
& Knowlton and Burson-Marsteller
- in addition to its own PR staff.
On a conference call, AIG chief
restructuring officer Paula Reynolds quipped that it might be 'better to go to
jail' than have to deal with the intricacies of securities laws.
Michael Weisskopf reports that Sard Verbinnen & Co. "helps
to structure statements on the bailout, Kekst & Co.
focuses on sales of assets
to pay back federal loans, Burson-Marsteller handles controversial
issues and Hill & Knowlton fields inquiries from Capitol Hill and
prepares congressional testimony for corporation officials."
AIG pays
$218 million in bonuses.
73 AIG employees are paid over $1 million
Defense contractors in Iraq were required to buy life and
casualty coverage.
AIG estimates the cost of insurance at $73.1 million
from 2003 to 2006 but charges Kellogg, Brown &
Root nearly 4 times that amount $284.3 million.
Federal Reserve is buying
an reinsurance corporation?
Where exactly is that covered in the Federal Reserve Act?
banking industry just bought the world's largest insurance incorporation, and
they used taxpayer money to do it.
The Federal Reserve is a private
corporation owned by member banks.
The Federal Reserve returns the
interest on the bonds it "monetizes" to the government after deducting
operating costs and a 6% guaranteed return.
The upshot is
the American
people will be paying
interest to the banks to bailout the banks from their own follies!" - Ellen
Hodgson Brown
"We are mortgaging the future of our
children and grandchildren at
record rates, and
that is not only an issue of fiscal irresponsibility, it's an issue of
immorality." - David Walker,
former Comptroller General of the US
"Recovery will fail unless we break
the financial oligarchy blocking reform." Simon Johnson, former chief
economist at the International Monetary Fund
Erle Halliburton, a Tennessean, begins lining oil well shafts with cement
to seal the shaft from water
contamination and cave-ins.
Cementing is now an essential step in
currently drilling oil wells - and Halliburton dominates this process in the
oilfield business.
1981 Halliburton revenues
soar to $8.5 billion, profits are $674 million.
Halliburton employes
more than 110,000 workers.
1995 Richard Bruce Cheney is hired
to run Halliburton.
Richard Bruce
Cheney, a career politician with head of state contacts, serves as
global salesman-in-chief as Halliburton desperately needs work overseas.
Dave Lesar, after 16 years at Arthur Andersen as the Halliburton
auditor with no experience operating a business is appointed
CFO of Halliburton.
Richard Bruce Cheney fires
Tommy Knight - a respected 32-year Brown & Root veteran - and names Dave
Lesar as CEO of Brown & Root, in addition to his duties as CFO of
The Interros Group obtains a majority stake in
Russia's industrial production continues to fall, barter is
replacing monetary payments, the fabric of commercial activity is coming apart
at the seams.
Russian government run loans-for-shares auctions create
opportunities to control and manage the largest mineral extraction companies.
UNEXIM-MFK Group wins an auction to manage a 51% stake in the SIDANKO
oil company.
Another 40% is acquired at investment tenders.
1997 British Petroleum pays a half-billion
dollars to buy a 10 percent stake in the Russian oil conglomerate
SIDANKO is one of the five largest oil
companies in Russia.
BP increases stake in Sidanko to 25pc

1998 In February under the direction of
Richard Bruce Cheney Halliburton
makes a $7.7 billion purchase of Dresser Industries.
Dresser Industries, based in
Dallas, is nearly as big as Halliburton, with separate oilfield and engineering
divisions of its own.
"A win-win combination for both companies'
shareholders, customers, and
employees. We went
from being a second-tier, second-rank energy-services company to being the
biggest on Earth." - Richard Bruce Cheney
Halliburton buys Dresser
Industries at a 16% premium valuation.
One of first moves
Dick made after the
deal closed was to cut 10,000 jobs.
Dresser Industries faced 66,000
asbestos claims at the
time of purchase.
Asbestos claims later
escalated to 274,000, dating back to a former Dresser subsidiary in
Pittsburgh, Harbison-Walker.
Until the 1970s, Harbison-Walker had used
asbestos in industrial
products it sold, such as insulating bricks and
Halliburton pays a $7.5 million penalty to the SEC for
failure to disclose an
accounting change that allowed it to hit its quarterly earnings
Cheney sued over accounting fraud
Under Cheney, Halliburton Altered Policy On
Dick Cheney Lectures CEOs on Corporate
The engineering business, MW Kellogg, is merged with
Brown & Root to form Kellogg,
Brown & Root, or KBR.
Kellogg Brown & Root, Inc. History
like Halliburton that run big construction projects thrive on cost overruns -
the extra cash that they get from customers like the Pentagon beyond what they
bid to do the job. Beginning in 1998, Halliburton started to estimate how much
extra it would ultimately be paid in overruns, reporting the figure as income
on its statements. The accounting pick-me-up boosted the company's bottom line
by $100 million. Guess which accounting firm audited Halliburton's cooked
books? Arthur Andersen, of course." - Alan Maass, June 7, 2002, Cheney's
corporate rap sheet
August 11
Amoco announces it will
merge with British Petroleum.
October Halliburton
Energy Services enter into an agreement with Moscow-based Tyumen Oil Company
Efforts are focused on the four western Siberia fields, the
first one being the Samotlorskoye field.
Tyumen Oil purchases Sidanko's prize unit, Chernogorneft allegedly making the
BP Amoco's investment worthless.
Tyumen offers to cooperate with BP
Amoco on the development of Chernogorneft but BP Amoco is not interested.
TNK has proven oil reserves of 4.3 billion barrels and possibly as many
as 6.1 billion barrels, with crude oil production and refining capabilities of
420,000 barrels/day and 230,000 barrels/day, respectively.
TNK markets
gasoline through 400 retail outlets.
2002 To avoid
wiping out shareholders Halliburton used legal shenanigans to place pieces of
itself into Chapter 11 to retain control.
In the end,
the price tag for asbestos
claims soared to $5.1 billion.
(If not for Iraq
no-bid contracts
Halliburton would have been sold off!)
August 2000 to February 2005
Halliburton reported net losses of $2 billion.
Halliburton and Sibneft,
Russian crude oil producer, sign an agreement.
Sibneft will use
Halliburton's new technologies to improve well construction and processing
while Halliburton directs all project management.
2004 Pentagon Defense Contract Agency reports
that Halliburton charged $27.5 million to deliver $82,100 worth of liquefied
petroleum gas at a profit of more than $27.4 million on an expenditure of less
than $100,000.
2005 Federal prosecutors
investigating Halliburton sidestepping
sanctions against doing business
with Iran, a KBR chairman'
involvement in a Nigerian bribery scandal and
bid-rigging overseas are stymied by
1946 DynCorp began in as the employee-owned air cargo business
California Eastern Airways, flying
in supplies for the Korean War.
DynCorp' earliest "police" contracts
is protecting Haitian President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, and, after he was
ousted, providing the "technical advice" bringing military officers involved in
coup into Haiti National Police.
High-ranking members of the
Haitian National Intelligence Service (SIN), set up and financed in the
1980s by the CIA war on
drugs, are involved in the coup, and were reportedly still receiving
funding and training from the CIA for intelligence-gathering activities at the
time of the coup.
John Conyers (D-Michigan) expressed concern the only
US agency to publicly recognize the Haitian junta' role in drug trafficking was
the DEA.
Despite a
wealth of evidence provided by the DEA proving the junta's drug connections,
the Clinton
administration downplayed this factor rather than
use it as a hedge (as had done against General Manuel
1985 Revolutionary Armed Forces
of Colombia lays down its arms and enters a peace process with the
government of Belisario Betancur.
The Patriotic Union is founded
to participate in electoral activities.
In few years as many as 5,000
Patriotic Union elected officials, candidates, trade unionists,
community organizers and activists have been murdered by Colombian security
forces and government-linked right-wing death squads, especially the notorious
United Self-Defense Forces of Colombia (AUC).
Eight congressmen,
70 councilmen, dozens of deputies and mayors and hundreds of trade unionists
and peasant leaders are slain and in 1989-1990 two of its presidential
candidates are murdered within seven months.
FARC rearms and seeks
refuge in the southeast of Columbia.
expands as part of the paramilitary drug eradictaion efforts in .
Aerial spraying of glyphosate
herbicide, a method of coca eradication reminiscent of Operation Ranch
Hand, takes place in Colombia exclusively because of that government's
willingness to coöperate with the US in the militarized eradication of
coca after signing Plan Colombia in 2000.
Typically the spraying
is carried out by American
contractors, including DynCorp, using planes and helicopters to
spray glyphosate
on coca plants.
Recently, Boliviana negra, a glyphosate resistant
genetically engineered coca plant was found to have an increased
DynCorp oversees an aerial fleet of forty-six helicopters and twenty-three
fixed-wing aircraft which operated from twenty-three locations spread out over
Colombia, Bolivia and Peru.
Representative Janice D. "Jan" Schakowsky,
Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, claims
US taxpayers have been
funding a secret war with the potential to draw America further into a
DynCorp' day-to-day operations in South America are
overseen by State
Department officials; the INL Air Wing,
unreformed cold
warriors, leftovers from 80s operations in Central America, now global
PHRMA security.
Essentially a State Department private air force in the
Andes, with access to satellite-based recording and mapping
"Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement
Affairs Office of Aviation (INL Air Wing), oversees a combined fleet of
more than 110 active airplanes and helicopters.
INL fleet of aircraft
flies more than 13,000 hours annually in support of missions related to
counternarcotics, counterterrorism, border security, law enforcement, and
embassy transportation.
The Air Wing operates in several countries in
South America, the Middle East, and South Central Asia on a continuous basis,
as well as at other temporary locations as required by the Department." -
February 7, 2019
Ecuadorian Indians file a class action lawsuit,
charging DynCorp recklessly sprayed their farms, causing illnesses and deaths
and destroying crops.
Dyncorp develops
military logistics centers
coordinating "anti-terror" training.
DynCorp, headquartered in Reston, Virginia, is the nation's 13th largest
military contractor
with $2.3 billion in revenue when it is acquired by Computer Sciences.
Dyncorp "wins the contract" to
protect Hamid
Karzai. DynCorp contract is a prime example of how the
executive branch unilaterally implements policy by taking
shortcuts to the rule of law.
No one knows what DynCorp specifically is contracted as
requiring disclosure would compromise
proprietary knowledge
of DynCorp - protected by the "trade secrets exemption" in
the Freedom of Information Act.
"The kind of routine oversight
that official military activities would be subjected to are evaded by
contractors as a matter of course.
This highlights how privatizing
military functions has enabled the government to
evade oversight to a
shocking degree." - Steven Aftergood
DynCorp builds a private police force in
post-Saddam Iraq with some
funding diverted from an
drug eradication
program for Afghanistan.
November 2003
Quito's El Comercio, reveals arrangement, hidden from the National
Defense Council, making DynCorp a
US diplomatic
Exposure of the
secret covenant signed
by Aeronautics Industries Directorate of the Air Force results in the
election of Juan Evo Morales Ayma.
In Colombia, DynCorp's coca
eradication led to pitched battles with rebels.
US contract pilots flew
Black Hawk helicopters carrying Colombian police officers who raked the
countryside with machine gun fire.
DynCorp's "trainers" simply ignored
congressional rules, including those that restrict the US from aiding
military units linked to
human rights abuses.
forty years an
estimated 40,000 are killed and 2 million displaced as a result of the fighting
in Columbia between government forces and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of
Colombia (FARC).
"Are we outsourcing to
avoid public
scrutiny or embarrassment?
If there is a potential for
a privatized Gulf of Tonkin
incident, then the American
people deserve to have a full and open debate before this policy goes any
further." - Rep. Schakowsky upon submitting legislation to prohibit US
funding for private military corporations in the Andean
Dyncorp becomes a leading private military corporation,
hiring former soldiers and police officers to implement US foreign policy.
The push to privatize war
began under the Nixon Administration.
After the
Gulf War the Pentagon paid a
Halliburton subsidiary nearly $9 million to study how private military
corporation could support US soldiers in combat zones, according to a Mother
Jones investigation.
Richard Bruce Cheney, CEO of
Halliburton and Kellogg, Brown and Root,
wins billions to construct and run military bases, some in secret
2004 State Department further expanded
DynCorp role as a US surrogate with a $1.75 billion, five year contract
to provide law
enforcement personnel for civilian policing operations in "post-conflict
areas" around the world.
2006 Remnants of the
Taliban, with the support
of the Afghan people, begin staging more effective guerilla
With DynCorp overwhelmed, the American military gets back
into the business of opium poppy
'eradication' business.
Taliban Surges as US Shifts Some Tasks to NATO
Taliban Launches
'Spring Offensive'
This new push will destroy the livelihood of poor
Afghani people.
killing of Afghans
civilians marked as mujahideen will backfire.
Foreigners conquering
Afghanistan through history are eventually defeated.
civilization has an
opportunity to create prosperity in Afghanistan.
On Earth there is
a shortage of opiates.
Civil unrest always
occurs when living
conditions are harsh.
opium poppy crops with 2-4,D
is not the answer.
"Afghan peasants grow opium
as they can sell for a decent price.
Will we
win their hearts and
minds by burning their fields ?
Offer a price equal to or slightly
above what the drug lords pay.
Offer the peasants protection against
drug lords who object.
Refine our purchases into opium to sell (or
better, give) to hospitals.
Keep doing this year after year until we
can help the growers find an equally lucrative crop to
sustain their meager
lifestyles. " - Charles Bell
2007 William
Wood transfers to Afghanistan to oversee the application of the Colombian model
of 'counterinsurgency' -
capturing drug
"In 2007
private security
guards working for Blackwater and Dyncorp were
earning up to $1,222 a day or $445,000 a year.
An Army sergeant earned
$140 to $190 a day in pay and benefits, a total of $51,100 to $69,350 a year."
- Joseph
2009 Afghanistan accounts for over
90% of the 'illegal'
opium production'.
A Tale of Two Surges
One week prior to the WTC attack, Zim
Shipping, half owned by the State of Israel, moves out of offices in the WTC,
breaking a $50,000 lease.
On 911 five Israeli operatives, fake movers
from the Mossad
"front" Urban Moving Systems, are observed celebrating and photographing the
destruction of the World Trade
The Israelis make a video with the burning towers behind
them as they flick cigarette lighters, laugh, and celebrat as hundreds of
innocent people die.
The five Israelis - Sivan Kurzberg, Paul Kurzberg, Yaron Shmuel, Oded
Ellner and Omer Marmari.
caught with multiple
passports, box cutters and thousands of dollars, driving a van testing
positive for explosives, are actually on a list of
foreign agents
known to US law
enforcement authorities at the time.
"We are Israeli. We are not
your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are the
problem." - Sivan Kurzberg
As a result of this arrest, the Mayor of
Jerusalem (and future Prime Minister of Israel), Ehud Olmert, personally calls
New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani, with instructions for him to intervene in
this matter.
Arresting New Jersey Police officers from are told to keep
lips zipped.
In November 2001, the five Israeli agents and terror
suspects are returned to Israel for "visa violations" although they had
repeatedly refused to talk.
All fail lie detector tests about their
involvement in 911.
The on record owner of Urban Moving Systems flees
to Israel.
Later the Israelis appear on radio and television in Israel
where they state they were in New York City on September 11th to "document the

200 Israelis with
ties to "moving" corporations very active at the World Trade Center in the
months prior to the attack are subsequently arrested on suspicion of
involvement when bomb residue is discovered in some vans.
Under the
direct orders of Michael
Chertoff, a dual United States/Israeli citizen whose father is a rabbi and
mother was one of the first Mossad operatives, the Israelis are deported to
Israel as a result of "visa violations."
The US government classifies
all of the evidence related to the Israeli agents.
The Israeli military
has a documented history of conducting military and false-flag terror attacks
against the United States.

Senior officials of the Israeli
government, the Mossad, and Israeli military intelligence, a group known as
"Aman," have a long history of carrying out false-flag terror attacks against
the United States and Britain, at least as far back as the bombing of King
David Hotel on July 22, 1946 in Jerusalem.
Irgun Zvai Leumi and Haganah
terrorists, disguised as Arabs, set off 7
large demolition bombs in the
basement of the King David Hotel destroying intelligence documents identifying
Israeli terrorists.
The Zionist motive was to kick-start their
long-planned US led "War on
Terror" with a spectacular terror attack against the United States.
Instant messages warning of the attack at the WTC, precise to the
minute, sent via the Mossad owned Odigo messaging system hours before the first
plane hit the North
Tower, are evidence that members of Israeli intelligence agencies had very
specific and accurate knowledge of the terror attacks before they occurred.
1200 Israelis worked in the Twin Towers.
"There were, in fact,
only three Israelis who had been confirmed as dead: two on the planes and
another who had been visiting the towers on business and who was identified and
buried." - New York Times,
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this or
I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about
pressure. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it." -
Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel
Sharon, speaking to Shimon Peres, Kol Yisrael
This web site is not a commercial web site and
is presented for educational purposes only.

This website defines a new
philosophical ideology to which its author adheres. The author feels that the
faλsification of reaλity outside personal experience has forged a
populace unable to discern pr☠paganda from Яeality and that this
has been done purposefully by an internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate
cartel through their agents who wish to foist a corrupt version of reaλity
on the human race. Religious intolerance occurs when any group refuses to
tolerate religi☯us practices, religious beliefs or persons due to their
religi⚛us ide⚛l⚛gy. This web site marks the founding of a
mystery school ªptly nªmed the Mŷsterŷ of the
Lumière Infinie - a ra☨ional gnos☨ic mys☨ery
re☦igion based on reaso🐍 which requires no leap of faith, accepts
no tithes, has no supreme leader, no church buildings and in which each and
every individual is encouraged to develop a pers∞nal relati∞n with
Æ∞n through the pursuit of the knowλedge of reaλity in
the cu☮ing the spi☮itual co☮☮uption that has enveloped
the human spirit. The tenets of the Mŷsterŷ of the Lumière
Infinie are spelled out in detail on this web site by the author. Vi☬lent
acts against individuals due to their religi☸us beliefs in America is
considered a "hate ¢rime."
This web site in no way condones
violence. To the contrary the intent here is to reduce the vi☬lence that
is already occurring due to the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate
cartels desire to control the human race. The internati☣nal
c☣rp☣rate cartel already controls the world banking system,
c☸rp☸rate media w☸rldwide, the global industrial military
entertainment complex of America and is responsible for the coλλapse
of moraλs, the eg● w●rship and the destruction of global
ecosystems. Civilization is based on coöperation. Coöperation does
not occur at the point of a gun.
American social mores and values have
declined precipitously over the last century as the corrupt international
cartel has garnered more and more power. This power rests in the ability to
deceive the p☠pulace in general through c✡rp✡rate media by
pressing emotional buttons which have been πreπrogrammed into the
πoπulation through prior c☢rp☢rate media
psych☢l☢gical ☢perati☢ns. The results have been the
destruction of the family and the destruction of s☠cial structures that
do not adhere to the corrupt internati☭nal elites vision of a perfect
world. Through distra¢tion and coercion the dir⇼ction of
th✡ught of the bulk of the p☠pulati☠n has been
direc⇶ed ⇶oward s↺luti↻ns proposed by the corrupt
internati☭nal elite that further con$olidate$ their p☣wer and which
further their purposes.
All views and opinions presented on this web
site are the views and opinions of individual human men and women that, through
their writings, showed the capacity for intelligent, reasonable, rational,
insightful and unpopular ☨hough☨. All factual information presented
on this web site is believed to be true and accurate and is presented as
originally presented in print media which may or may not have originally
presented the facts truthfully.
Øpinion and
☨hough☨s have been adapted, edited, corrected, redacted, combined,
added to, re-edited and re-corrected as nearly all opinion and
☨hough☨ has been throughout time but has been done so in the spirit
of the original writer with the intent of making his or her
☨hough☨s and opinions clearer and relevant to the reader in the
present time.
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