"Its pretty basic stuff - secrecy invites
corruption." Steven Aftergood

"National Declassification Center
listing of 134 record collections that have undergone
declassification review." - FAS
"In 1997, 20 officials in the US government were
empowered to wield the top secret stamp.
In 2006 there are 1,300." -
Paul McMasters

"In too many cases,
claims of state
secrets have succeeded in keeping important cases out of court entirely or
preventing courts from considering evidence vital to the
outcome of a case," said Rep. John Conyers, Chairman of the House Judiciary
Committee, at a January 29, 2008 hearing on "Reform of the State Secrets
"In recent years, the executive branch has asserted
privilege more frequently and broadly than before, typically to seek dismissal
of lawsuits at pleadings.
Facing allegations
of unlawful Government conduct ranging from
domestic warrantless
surveillance, to employment discrimination, to
against whistleblowers, to torture and 'extraordinary rendition,'
the Bush administration invoked privilege in an
effort to shut down civil suits against both
government officials and private parties. Courts have acquiesced.
strong public perception has
emerged that sees the privilege as a tool for
Executive abuse." - Senate
Judiciary Committee Report 110-442, 8/1/08
Central to the global right
to information movement is the belief that information held by government
should be publicly available unless government officials can make a good case
that legitimate interests perhaps the
public interest in
preserving national
security or the need to protect
citizen privacy would be harmed by releasing that information.
Even though citizens assume
transparency is a basic
principle of representative government
access to information
has always been closely tied the distribution of political
The political
philosopher Jean Bodin
revived the term used by the Roman historian Tacitus to describe the "secrets of imperial policy" that had
to be protected against prying: the arcana imperii.
Following Tacitus,
Jean Bodin and other supporters of absolutist
rule argue that the ability to
maintain the integrity of the state will be undercut if arcana imperii is not
Revolutions in England (1688) and France (1789) ended
the concept that the
true purpose of laws must be kept secret for the state to
retain authority.
Social philosophers of the time
noted secret law led to both revolutions.
right to free
speech became gradually entrenched, legislatures improved their capacity to
monitor taxing and spending, and the process of lawmaking became more open to
public scrutiny.
1789 Drafters of the Constitution of the United States of
America emphasize the need for open lawmaking by requiring publication
of a "regular statement of account of
the receipts and expenditures of all public money," as well as
journal of Congressional proceedings.
British House of Commons acknowledges the right of the press to sit in
the public gallery and record debates.
The Hansard, the daily record of British parliamentary debates, begins
"Arnold Burns, former United States deputy attorney
general, has said that federal grand juries can be used as a "vicious tool."
They can be used to violate Constitutional rights and basic standards
of fairness, while all records are secret forever.
Unseal records after
10 years so abuses can come to light." - Elaine Fleeman1900
Western democracies have achieved
a level of basic transparency.
rule of law is established,
the process of lawmaking is open to
public view, and the
right to speak freely about government affairs is protected.
Within the bowels of government,
secret plans are still the rule.
The concept of the "official secret" is
the specific invention of
government and nothing is so
defended as the "official
Every government seeks
to keep knowledge and intentions secret to shield
intended actions from critical
examination by the general public.
Government naturally welcomes
a poorly informed populace
in so far as ignorance
agrees with the government's interests of concealing
knowledge and
intentions behind the
Veil of the "Official
1946 US Chamber of
Commerce, under the Rockefeller fight of the spread of communism, proposed
removing liberals, socialists and
communists from public venues
such as schools, libraries, newspapers and entertainment.
August 3, 1948 Whittaker Chambers, a former US
Communist Party member, testifies under subpoena before the House Un-American
Activities Committee (HUAC) that Alger Hiss has secretly been a Communist while
in federal service.
October 6, 1948
employees of the Radio Corporation of
America (RCA), an Air Force contractor, are killed when a bomber crashes
near Waycross, Georgia.
The widows of three crew members who die in the
crash of the Boeing B-29
Superfortress bomber request an accident report on the
The Air Force denies the request and files affidavits with the
Supreme Court claiming withheld reports contain information about a
secret mission.
The Air Force affidavits describe
secret electronic equipment
on board that has to be protected from falling into the hands of the
January 1950 Alger Hiss is found
guilty of
Americans are being warned communists are infiltrating the
1951 Edward Hunter coins
a new word: brainwashing.
Communists have found
ways of controlling people's minds.
Brainwashing in Red China - Edward Hunter
July 1952 Colonel Frank Schwable, is shot down
over Korea and captured, the highest ranking military officer to meet that
February 1953
Frank Schwable and other
prisoners of war confess to
using germ warfare against the Koreans, dropping everything from anthrax to the
plague on unsuspecting civilians.
American public shock
ballooned when 5,000 of the 7,200 POWs petitioned the US government to end the
war or signed confessions of war crimes.
The final blow came when 21 American soldiers refused
Milo Radulovich is discharged from the Air Force Reserve
after members of his family are believed to have Communist
He was given the opportunity to resign but refuses and
requests a hearing.
During the hearing, the prosecution waves around a
sealed manila envelope claiming there is evidence in it that cannot be seen as
they are state secrets.
Radulovich is severed from the Air Force
Loyalty is
never questioned.
"As the Senator will recall, John Service was arrested.
is the case which Hoover says was a
100-percent airtight case.
Joseph Grew, who was then Under
Secretary of State, was very vigorous in insisting on the prosecution of
Grew resigned.
Dean Acheson took
A few days later, John Service was reinstated.
The man
who stole the documents for Amerasia, an outfit which is clearly
communist controlled, and who is the subject of this espionage case was picked
by Dean Acheson." - Senator Joseph
"A very substantial fraction of the funding for
academic US research into
social psychology and into many aspects of mass communication behavior
during the first 15 years of the cold war was directly controlled or strongly
influenced by a small group
of men who had enthusiastically supported elite psychological operations as
an instrument of policy since World
War II.
This was not a "conspiracy," in the hackneyed sense of that
It was rather precisely the type of "reference group" or informal
network that is so well known to sociologists." - Christopher Simpson,
Science of Coercion
An article in the Detroit Press is read by
Alfred Friendly.
They have been
searching for a story to illustrate the dangers of McCarthy.
The case is
based on Radulovich's father and sister political orientation.
Emigrants from
Serbia, his father subscribes to several Serbian newspapers, one of which was
classified as Communist by the US government.
His sister is labeled a
sympathizer as she supported liberal causes
though she has declared that she has no political sympathies.
film crew interviews Radulovich, his family, and his attorneys.
Murrow broadcasts the report on October 20, 1953.
The impassioned interviews make
an impression on the country.
Thousands of letters pour into
CBS in support of
"First time any of us appreciated the power of television."
- Fred Friendly
Radulovich is reinstated to reduce
Murrow did a great service to the deep state by shifting the
focus of the ability of the government to produce secret evidence from state
secrets to the political affilation of the subject.
The following
theatrics of the Red Scare shift the focus off the ability of the State to use
secret evidence to convict onto
political orientation.
March 9,
1953 The Supreme Court, citing the
Air Force claim, rules in favor of the Air Force, establishing the State
Secrets Privilege.
Supreme Court decision in United States vs Reynolds sets as the
cornerstone of
national security secrecy policy the "state secrets privilege",
which relies on fraud, as the precedential basis for asserting that there are
"military matters which, in the interest of national security, should not be
Eventually the Air Force accident report is
It contains nothing about
a secret mission or
sensitive electronic
The declassified Air Force accident report highlights
negligence in training crew members, negligence in maintenance of the
aircraft and pilot error.
There is absolutely no mention of 'classified
secrets' in the accident report. Permanent flying crews had not been
established for the experimental flights of 3150th Electronics Squadron.
Civilian passengers and crew were not briefed prior to take off on
emergency procedures.
The commanding officer failed to exercise
adequate supervision.
The pilot inadvertently hit the feathering switch
on engine #4 when hitting the feathering switch of engine #1.
orders, as to maintenance, were not complied with so the aircraft was not
considered to have been safe to fly.
legal precedent that granted
the US government the 'state secrets privilege' was based on false and
misleading information provided by a US government agency, the Air Force.
The US government has used the state secrets privilege to cover up
government negligence and mistakes that would be embarrassing to government
officials and that might prove government officials liable.
"A court
that automatically accepts the 'state secrets' argument,
without ever looking at the documents in question, aligns the judiciary with
the executive branch and eliminates any
chance of a fair trial." - Louis Fisher
April 27,
1961 "The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and
open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to
secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings.
We decided
long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent
facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it." -
John F. Kennedy,
Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City
Erwin Griswold confesses in a Washington Post op-ed there was
no actual national
security damage from the publication of the Pentagon
1992 Records are found in Hungarian Interior Ministry archives
in which self-confessed Soviet spy Noel Field names
Alger Hiss as a fellow
Noel Field, an American Quaker citizen, grew up in
Field attended
Harvard and worked in the
US Foreign Service from 1929 until 1936, when he left the State
Department for a job at the
League of Nations
in Geneva helping refugees from the
Spanish Civil War.
During World War II, Field, who never concealed he was a Communist,
headed a Unitarian Services organization to aid displaced persons in
Marseilles, before fleeing to
Geneva, where he
collaborated with Allen
Dulles of the OSS (who was based in
After the war ended Field traveled to Prague were he was seized
by Stalinist security services and
accused of organizing an
anti-Communist resistance network in Eastern Europe for the OSS during the
Held for five years in solitary confinement, interrogated under
torture in Hungary, Field eventually broke down and confessed to being an
"The complicity of Alger
Hiss of the State Department is settled, as is that of
Harry Dexter White of the
Treasury Department." - Patrick
Venona document, #1579, actually mentioned "HISS" by
William Jefferson Clinton signs
Executive Order 12958 which mandates that
25-year-old documents be automatically declassified unless exempted for
national security or other
hidden knowledge

Throughout history humans have
formed groups that hold knowledge close.
By doing so these groups gain
an advantage by using specialized knowledge.
Obvious examples of a
material advantage can be seen in armaments.
First man had to find the things that
fit his fist.
Then came the knives, the short sword,
steel long sword, short
and long bow, catapults, then gunpowder, nitroglycerin, bullets, finally
nuclear warheads.
most obvious examples of a spiritual or psychological advantage can still be
seen in the major institutionalized religious centers of Christianity, Islam,
Buddhism that drew people in off the land and into
When a
corporation owns
knowledge it is proprietary knowledge.
knowledge has created adverse effects for the human race.
Proprietary knowledge includes the
true status of
activities in Colombia, Bolivia, Peru, Iraq and Afghanistan.
Proprietary knowledge
includes chemical industry
knowledge that asbestos,
polychlorinated biphenyls,
bisphenol A,
polybrominated diphenyl
ethers, perchlorate
and trichloroethylene are
harmful to the environment and to human health.
As corporations always
search for strategic advantages in the search of profitbarriers to
access to proprietary knowledge have always been erected.
Corporations, just like individuals, can easily become reactive and
spread themselves thin as they vainly seek to
sense and respond to all stimuli.
Unless they have a clear sense of
direction that can help them filter and prioritize knowledge flows that matter,
they will be easily
"Filtering knowledge flows and engaging with
knowledge flow participants matters little if we lack the ability to apply the
knowledge acquired.
Once a critical mass of knowledge flows is
achieved, flows begin to concentrate at an increasing rate and the value
generated from these flows grows exponentially." - John Hagel III and John
Seely Brown
A shift is now underway in which it is easier to access
unknown knowledge flows due to the internet.
This shift undermines the
structural advantage of knowledge barriers erected by corporations by
systematically reducing those barriers.
"The free use of scientific
discoveries is increasingly limited by legal ownership over their applications.
In the realm of biomedical science, the traditional free exchange of
information, strains of organisms, etc.
is crumbling because
genetically engineered micro-organisms can now be patented;
made into property.
Past scientific progress was based on
coöperation more than competition:
People shared
results in journals and
through informal
exchange, protected by their university salaries from
the compulsion to profit
now depend mostly on corporate research funding.
Observers and
universities have a pecuniary interest in patenting results.
A new era of secrecy has dawned.
It originates from the
profit potential inherent in the
patentability of new pharmaceuticals,
vaccines and
genetically modified
11, 2001
"Since 911 government agencies have restricted access
to unclassified information in federal agency libraries, EPA libraries,
archives, Web sites, and official databases.
Once freely available, a growing number of these sources are now barred
to the public as "sensitive but unclassified" or "for official use only."
No comprehensive catalog of deleted information exists.
information blackout serves the interests of
the Bush crime family, who
is allergic to criticism or
probing questions.
The information blackout is a disservice to
the American people.
information policies are conditioning Americans to
lower their
expectations of government accountability and
to doubt political leaders.
Information is the
oxygen of democracy." - Steven
"They're doing
everything to remove our
I have always called jokingly the
United States of Amnesia will be
worse than an amnesiac, it will
have suffered a lobotomy
and electroshock, there will
be no functioning historical memory of
our history." - Gore
John Yoo pens
Justice Department memorandum on torture which is followed by the
administration when it came to matters of
"The law in this country includes not just statutes and
regulations, which the public can readily access, it also includes
binding legal
interpretations made by courts and the executive
Interpretations are increasingly
being withheld from Congress.
The code of secrecy also extends to
changes to executive orders.
The administration takes the position a president can "waive" or
"modify" a published executive order without any
public notice - by ignoring it.
Doing so without public notice works a
secret change in the law.
Keeping the law secret gives the
government free rein to operate without oversight or accountability." - Senator
Russ Feingold
March 2003 GW Bush affirms and
amends Executive Order 12958.
Executive Order 12958 goes too far by allowing any information that involves
'scientific, technological, or economic
matters relating to national security' to be classified.
It can be
argued that all information relates to one of these three categories -
'scientific, technological, or economic' should and can be withheld since
security includes profitability of
federal government business'.
technological, or
economic matters that relate to
hedge funds,
leveraged buyouts,
money management,
government bonds,
consumer products,
medical products and
information services could all be
connected to national
security in one way or another.
Environmentalists sight
environmental impact studies to point out that federal land-use plans for
national parks and forests will have long-term negative effects on the
environment for decades or centuries to come.
Solution: Feds stop
conducting environmental impact studies and begins shuttering Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) libraries.

October 1,
2003 United States vs Reynolds case is refiled as
Herring v. United States in the US District Court for the
Eastern District of Pennsylvania.
The trial court finds no fraud
in the government's claim of privilege.
"Over time, the desire to
protect military secrets has started to look a good deal like the impulse to
cover up mistakes, avoid embarrassment and gain
insulation from
liability." - Barry Siegel
subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root
routinely stamps information, ie. number of meals served, as
"There's over 50% of the information that, while it may
meet the criteria for classification, really should not be classified in terms
of what we lose." - Information Security Oversight Office director
William Leonard at an August 24, 2004 hearing of the House Government Reform
Army Corp of Engineers stamped "secret" on
flooding dangers in
Information on 140 Superfund sites,
sites contaminated with
dangerous highly toxic carcinogenic materials, have been stamped
July 22, 2004 911 Commission
Report report is published.
It shines a light on government
secrecy as a national security
August 2004 DoD
official testifies before Congress that perhaps 50% of classified documents did
not need that designation.
Department of Education data shows
public charter schools, promoted as a solution to public school woes lag
regular public schools in performance.
Solution: Feds stop collecting
data on charter school performance.
Annual costs attributable to
the national security
classification system reach a record high of $9.2 billion according to a
report from the Information Security Oversight Office.
of Appeals for the Third Circuit upholds Herring v. United States in
new litigation, in which District
Court determines "no fraud as the documents,
read in their historical
context, could have revealed secret information about equipment
being tested on the plane and, on a broader reading, the claim of privilege
referred to both the mission and the workings of the B-29".
"It quickly
becomes apparent to any person who has experience with classified material that
there is massive over classification and that the
principal concern of
the classifiers is not with national security, but with
governmental embarrassment of one
sort or another."- Erwin Griswold, who as United States solicitor general
prosecuted the New York
Times in the Pentagon Papers case in 1971
The truth is
quite ugly. If the US government allowed the State Secrets Privilege to be
overturned it would be bankrupt and
out of business.
Congressionally mandated annual State Department report on
international terrorism showed that terrorism worldwide is on the rise.
Solution: Feds stop inclusion of statistics on international

2006 Feds decide
public information in
many federal libraries should no longer be publically available.
This is
not the first time.
HW Bush operatives
stripped American libraries of
cannabis knowledge after Reagan became president.
The knowledge proved cannabis should
not be Schedule I.
Thousands of people lose access to research
materials as the US government closes and downsizes libraries that house
collections vital to scientific investigation and
the enforcement of environmental
The work of John C. Mather, leading to the astrophysicist
sharing of the 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics for shedding new light on the
Big Bang theory , was done at the
NASA library in Greenbelt, Maryland - slated for closure.
"It is
completely absurd. The
library is a national treasure. It is probably the single strongest library for
space science and engineering." - John C. Mather, 2006 Nobel Prize in Physics
withdrawal greases the wheels of corporate corruption.
headquarters library where previously patrons conducted research on
real estate,
and government finance is
Department of Energy library which collected
literature for government scientists and
citizens on the effects of radiation
exposure is shuttered.
EPA headquarters library as well as the
chemical library in DC that helped toxicologists assess health effects of
pesticides and
chemicals as well as
regional libraries in Chicago,
Kansas City and Dallas are
These libraries handled over 134,000 research requests the
previous year.
EPA libraries house and catalog an estimated 50,000
documents on environmental
issues available nowhere else.
EPA libraries serve as repositories
for internal documentation and commercially published literature about an array
of environmental topics.
EPA libraries operate public reading rooms that
provide access to EPA publications and databases.
"Crucial information
generated with taxpayer dollars is now not available to the public and the
scientists who need it.
This is the beginning of the elimination of all
these government libraries.
We have an administration that does not
have a commitment to access to information." - Emily Sheketoff, American
Library Association's
"The Medical Library Association (MLA)
and the Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries (AAHSL) wish
to express our concern regarding the $2.5 million cut to the Environmental
Protection Agency Library Network (EPA) that was included in the FY07
President's budget request.
A $2.5 million cut reduces the EPA Library
Network's budget by 80%.
The EPA has already begun to shut down its
libraries and to reassign staff.
We understand that EPA library
services are now greatly reduced or no longer available to the
public in agency regional offices serving 19 states." - Jean Shipman, AHIP,
President Medical Library Association & Logan Ludwig, President
Association of Academic Health Sciences Libraries
"We understand
that the EPA is in the process of closing libraries and dispersing and
destroying materials.
Over the past 36 years, EPA libraries have
accumulated a vast and
invaluable trove of public health and environmental information, including
at least 504,000 books and reports, 3,500 journal titles, 25,000 maps, and 3.6
million information objects on microfilm.
EPA officials are dismantling
what is likely one of our country's most comprehensive and accessible
collections of environmental materials.
These actions are being
undertaken in accordance with the budget request the President submitted for
fiscal year 2007.
Congress, however, has approved neither the
President's 2007 budget request nor the library closure." - Bart Gordon,
Ranking Member Committee on Science; John D. Dingell, Ranking Member Committee
on Energy and Commerce; Henry Waxman, Ranking Member Committee on Government
Reform; James L. Oberstar, Ranking Member Committee on Transportation and

December 31, 2006
700 million pages of secret government
documents - 400 million formerly classified pages at the National Archives,
another 270 million at the FBI, 30 million from other agencies became
Fifty archivists can process 40 million pages in a year so
they will need a hundred years to process 400 million.
The backlog,
inside the National Archives II facility in College Park, measures 160,000
cubic feet inside a massive classified vault with special lighting and climate
controls to preserve old paper.
Row upon row of electronically operated
steel shelves hold hundreds of thousands of document boxes buffered to fight
destructive acidity.
Documents are to be scrutinized and processed
according to classification instructions written on them by staffers of any one
of several agencies.
Jeanne Schauble holds the Orwellian title of
director of the Initial Processing and Declassification
Archivists, overwhelmed by the number of
documents that arrived at the facility, face a mumbo jumbo of competing
declassification instructions from various agencies with arcane rules and
layers of document review.
March 20, 2007
A memorandum from Daniel B. Mulhollan, the director of the
Congressional Research Service, directed all agency staffers to not
allow any information to be disseminated to the public.
Congressional Research Service in the past released information that it
had gleaned at taxpayer's expense.
The idea was the spreading of
knowledge gathered at the public's expense.
Information Security
Oversight Office reports the cost of implementing the
national security classification
system in government and industry reaches an all-time high of $9.91
This classification cost figure includes physical security,
computer security and other aspects of classified information security is a 4.6%
increase over the year before and is the highest amount ever reported by the
Information Security Oversight Office.
9, 2009 Douglas N. Letter,
a justice department
lawyer for the Obama administration,
surprises a panel of federal
appeals judges with an argument for preserving state secrets to continue to
shield those involved with rendition and torture under
George W Bush.
science progresses by building on
the results of previous science the indefinite withholding of
propertystymies scientific development.
The conversion of scientific
knowledge into property encloses the
Intellectual property rights were initiated to compensate
creators of original works - not to withhold knowledge to
enrich international
Allowing corporations to withhold
proprietary knowledge that
could benefit the human race is immoral and constitutes
a crime against
proprietary knowledge
ownership by global
amalgamations is paid for with
avoidable human suffering
and avoidable loss of human

September 15,
2009 Director of National Intelligence Admiral Dennis C. Blair,
discloses that the current annual budget for the 18 agency US "Intelligence
Community" (IC) is $75 billion and employs some 200,000 operatives world-wide,
including private
Admiral Blair states that
the "traditional fault line"
separating secretive military programs from overall intelligence activities "is
no longer relevant."
Domestic enemy
watchlists can be accessed by law
enforcement personel through the Homeland Security Data Network or
the Secret Internet Protocol Router Network (SIPRNet) at
a fusion center.
This web site is not a commercial web site and
is presented for educational purposes only.

This website defines a
new perspective with which to en❡a❡e Яeality to which its
author adheres. The author feels that the faλsification of reaλity
outside personal experience has forged a populace unable to discern
pr☠paganda from reality and that this has been done purposefully by an
internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartel through their agents who wish
to foist a corrupt version of reaλity on the human race. Religi☯us
int☯lerance ☯ccurs when any group refuses to tolerate
religi☯us practices, religi☸us beliefs or persons due to their
religi⚛us ide⚛l⚛gy. This web site marks the founding of a
system of philºsºphy nªmed the Mŷsterŷ of the
Lumière Infinie - a ra☨ional gnos☨ic mys☨ery
re☦igion based on reaso🐍 which requires no leap of faith, accepts
no tithes, has no supreme leader, no church buildings and in which each and
every individual is encouraged to develop a pers∞nal relati∞n with
the Æon through the pursuit of the knowλedge of reaλity in the
hope of curing the spiritual c✡rrupti✡n that has enveloped the
human spirit. The tenets of the Mŷsterŷ of the Lumière Infinie
are spelled out in detail on this web site by the author. Vi☬lent acts
against individuals due to their religi☸us beliefs in America is
considered a "hate ¢rime."
This web site in no way condones
violence. To the contrary the intent here is to reduce the vi☬lence that
is already occurring due to the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate
cartels desire to control the human race. The internati☣nal
c☣rp☣rate cartel already controls the world central banking system,
mass media worldwide, the global indus✈rial mili✈ary
en✈er✈ainmen✈ complex and is responsible for the
coλλapse of moraλs, the eg● w●rship and the
destruction of gl☭bal ec☭systems. Civilization is based on
coöperation. Coöperation with bi☣hazards at the
point of a gun.
social mores and values have declined precipitously over the last century as
the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate cartel has garnered more and more
power. This power rests in the ability to deceive the p☠pulace in general
through mass media by press☟ng em☠ti☠nal butt☠ns which
have been preprogrammed into the population through prior mass media
psych☣l☣gical ☣perati☣ns. The results have been the
destruction of the fami♙y and the destruction of social structures that
do not adhere to the corrupt internati☭nal elites vision of a perfect
world. Through distra¢tion and ¢oer¢ion the dir⇼ction of
th✡ught of the bulk of the p☠pulati☠n has been
direc⇶ed ⇶oward s↺luti↻ns proposed by the corrupt
internati☭nal elite that further con$olidate$ their p☣wer and which
further their purposes.
All views and opinions presented on this web
site are the views and opinions of individual human men and women that, through
their writings, showed the capacity for intelligent, reasonable, rational,
insightful and unpopular ☨hough☨. All factual information presented
on this web site is believed to be true and accurate and is presented as
originally presented in print media which may or may not have originally
presented the facts truthfully.
Øpinion and
☨hough☨s have been adapted, edited, corrected, redacted, combined,
added to, re-edited and re-corrected as nearly all opinion and
☨hough☨ has been throughout time but has been done so in the spirit
of the original writer with the intent of making his or her
☨hough☨s and opinions clearer and relevant to the reader in the
present time.
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