
Tactics in the Art of Self-Interrogation
Questioning to the Nth Degree Tactic
Solutions to psychological dilemma are
found in the root of
Once a solution has been settled upon
it must then be carefully re-analyzed
for inbuilt biases, incongruities, preconceived notions and opinionated
preconceptions not found to be congruent with
the Natural Order.
Self-interrogation is the
path to integral
consciousness = self-awareness.
This tactic is all about
poking holes in sacred
assumptions and deliberately
shattering images of hypocrisy.
A truly spiritual individual
does not identify with any ideology,
religion, or
The heretical
blasphemer, The Fool, is
left free to create and modify ideas,
concepts and
symbols spiraling around him
playing with cultural memes
in an attempt to inject compassion and
This heroic
individual worldview is truly symbolic of the Natural
thorough repair, renovation, or revision of a perceptual
This tactic focuses on
perception, both
phenomenal and psychological.
question, "Is the glass half-full
or half-empty?" serves to demonstrate, not only the way
an object can be perceived
in different ways, but concepts
and emotional states can be perceived in different ways,
even by the same person in
different places and/or at different times.
The ideal state
achieved by the Perception Overhaul Tactic is one of plasticity and fluidity
through the overall awareness of perceptual fluctuations, both personal and
Counter-Weltanschauung Dynamics Tatic
Is simply a
challenging of worldviews and the bringing into question of the
framework of ideas and beliefs that individuals
use to interpret and interact with their world.
Weltanschauung is German for
worldview, a perspective of reality imprinted socially and culturally.
Counter-Weltanschauung Dynamics is a way of
questioning worldview
by describing its polar opposite, so as to arrive at
a more open-minded
understanding of one's interpretation of the world as a whole.
ideal mental state achieved by the Counter-Weltanschauung Dynamics tactic is
one of cross-cultural
open-mindedness and anti-dogmatic empathy for
other-than-self worldviews.
This tactic emphasizes the fact
that humans are always
rationalizing but are seldom rational beings about things unseen outside
the periphery of their personal environment.
and analyzing the cognitive dissonance in oneself and within others,
a self-interrogator
discovers, hidden cognitive
bias, prejudices, and
false beliefs.
self-interrogator realizes reality can be counter-intuitive:
While it seems that a group of
people gathered together by capital to form corporations
might help benefit mankind
by bringing
products and services to market that benefit mankind that single individuals
could not hope to accomplish the truth is that
by forming syndicates
that exclude wide swaths of people they are, in truth, benefitting only
This tactic focuses on making sense of human senselessness
by throwing away ideas, hypothesis, and theories that do
not adhere to the natural order.
To discern aesthetic and shed the
superfluous use Occam's Razor regularly.
In conjunction with Occam's
Razor its dialectic opposite
Crabtree's Bludgeon must be considered:
"No set of mutually
inconsistent observations can exist for which a human intellect cannot conceive
a coherent explanation, however complicated."
The ideal state
achieved by the Occam's razor Tactic is one of aesthetic elegance in the face
of superfluity (elegance is the
soul of acumen) and a personification of Shakespeare's quote, "Brevity is
the soul of wit."
This is being injected with
a PCP/LSD cocktail,
receiving a traumatic brain
injury or having a
near death experience!
This is
a tactic of outright
decapitation; a
pruning, scalping, and beheading of the intellect and its tainting of
Natural Order (wishing things to be different than they are).
tactic strips away the
ignorance of human opinion and replaces it with natural dictation.
It goes beyond shedding superfluity and
cuts the human intellect
out of the equation so that
the soul shines forth:
open-minded, non-dogmatic, fluid, and plastic in its
of the original equation.
Self-actualization, a
never-ending, gradual process of self-improvement, requires
so there is a clear demarcation between
individuals and emotionally conditioned
individuals still laboring under
the spell of power.
Self-actualization is a
process that occurs simultaneously on both
conscious and
subconscious levels but
is begun by conscious
Traits of self-actualized individuals may appear
contradictory at first glance as these indiviudals have moved beyond the need
to fulfill basic desires.
Self-actualizing individuals are
open to new experiences; eager
to learn new skills;
examine new ideas
and concepts; do not wear
masks or role
play, feel inhibited or restricted in thought,
feeling or action.
In contrast to
emotionally conditioned
individuals self-actualizing individuals do
not tend to repress perceptions
in order to fit preconceived
notions, prejudices, religious dogma
or c✡rp✡rate media
individuals experience no
contradiction between what they
feel on an intuitive
subconscious level and what they think on
a conscious rational
level as they Walk
the Thinspace.
Self-actualizing individuals have
an accurate perception of reality
having navigated obstacles while
Walking the Thinspace on
the Way of Gnosis.
A self-actualizer
experiences beauty, joy, awe and
wonder in
simple unadulterated natural
experiences such as "stopping to smell the
By accepting
joy in this eternal
moment by fully opening the heart a
self-actualizer is
constantly reborn into
higher states of
The sense of beauty, wonder or revivification a
self-actualizer experiences is triggered by
a recognition of the beauty
in the complexity of pattern.
self-actualizer can enjoy
and re-experience well-known stimuli in a new manner termed by Abraham Maslow
as freshness of
appreciation or what Daniel Gilbert would describe as a
re-setting of the
hedonic thermostat.
Self-actualization involves a
constant modification of
understanding of the evolving schemata of reality while keeping
a generally playful attitude towards
problem-solving and
Self-actualizing individuals
recognize and are unconcerned with conforming
to contradictory social controls as
they see control for
what it is.
Lack of inhibition
or tension may be misunderstood in Avatars.
Filter Consciousness to share with
the rest of mankind in the
domains of art,
religion, theology as well as the insight into
everyday tasks such as gardening,
woodworking and
An Avatar holds
a general attitude of acceptance
of things as they are.
Actualities beyond their control are duly
noted and shared with mankind.
Avatars are concerned
with social cultural
conditions of collapse.
Avatars are
critical thinkers
challenging their fellow men to become
critical thinkers as well as
asking them to consider the
causes of social upheaval,
ecosystem destruction
and extinction of
hold well-developed moral
values aided by unbiased
situations of uncertainty Avatars postpone judgement.
having a general feeling of empathy and kinship towards humanity as a whole,
devote their life to a general
"mission" and in so doing tend to meld
'work' and 'leisure' while finding both those terms constricting.
Avatars enjoy
solitude and
detachment to pursue
their interests.
Avatars are many times
misunderstood as self-focused,
absent-minded and
short of temper - especially
if distractions are
undermining concentration.
thinking in an unique and
unconventional manner, are capable of
intense and profound
interpers∞nal relati∞nships.
Avatars prefer
associations, self-disclosure and
dropping of defense
mechanisms which allows
spontaneous contributions
of new knowledge.
There is no need to be
afraid of the flexible intelligence of a Luminary.
This web site is not a commercial web site and
is presented for educational purposes only.

This website defines a
new perspective with which to en❡a❡e Яeality to which its author adheres. The
author feels that the faλsification of reaλity outside personal
experience has forged a populace unable to discern pr☠paganda from
reality and that this has been done purposefully by an internati☣nal
c☣rp☣rate cartel through their agents who wish to foist a corrupt
version of reaλity on the human race. Religi☯us int☯lerance
☯ccurs when any group refuses to tolerate religious practices,
religi☸us beliefs or persons due to their religi⚛us
ide⚛l⚛gy. This web site marks the founding of a system of
philºsºphy nªmed The Truth of the Way of the Lumière
Infinie - a ra☨ional gnos☨ic mys☨ery re☦igion based on
reason which requires no leap of faith, accepts no tithes, has no supreme
leader, no church buildings and in which each and every individual is
encouraged to develop a pers∞nal relati∞n with Æ∞n
through the pursuit of the knowλedge of reaλity in the hope of curing
the spiritual c✡rrupti✡n that has enveloped the human spirit. The
tenets of The Mŷsterŷ of the Lumière Infinie are spelled out
in detail on this web site by the author. Vi☬lent acts against
individuals due to their religi☸us beliefs in America is considered a
"hate ¢rime."
This web site in no way c☬nd☬nes
vi☬lence. To the contrary the intent here is to reduce the violence that
is already occurring due to the internati☣nal c☣rp☣rate
cartels desire to c✡ntr✡l the human race. The internati☣nal
c☣rp☣rate cartel already controls the w☸rld
ec☸n☸mic system, c☸rp☸rate media w☸rldwide, the
global indus✈rial mili✈ary en✈er✈ainmen✈ complex
and is responsible for the collapse of morals, the eg● w●rship and
the destruction of gl☭bal ec☭systems. Civilization is based on
coöperation. Coöperation with bi☣hazards of a
American social mores and values have declined precipitously over
the last century as the corrupt international cartel has garnered more and more
power. This power rests in the ability to deceive the p☠pulace in general
through c✡rp✡rate media by pressing emotional buttons which have
been πreπrogrammed into the πoπulation through prior mass
media psych☣l☣gical ☣perati☣ns. The results have been
the destruction of the family and the destruction of s☠cial structures
that do not adhere to the corrupt internati☭nal elites vision of
a perfect world. Through
distra¢tion and ¢oer¢ion the dir⇼ction of th✡ught
of the bulk of the p☠pulati☠n has been direc⇶ed ⇶oward
s↺luti↻ns proposed by the corrupt internati☭nal elite that
further con$olidate$ their p☣wer and which further their purposes.
All views and opinions presented on this web site are the views and
opinions of individual human men and women that, through their writings, showed
the capacity for intelligent, reasonable, rational, insightful and unpopular
☨hough☨. All factual information presented on this web site is
believed to be true and accurate and is presented as originally presented in
print media which may or may not have originally presented the facts
truthfully. Opinion and ☨hough☨s have been adapted, edited,
corrected, redacted, combined, added to, re-edited and re-corrected as nearly
all opinion and ☨hough☨ has been throughout time but has been done
so in the spirit of the original writer with the intent of making his or her
☨hough☨s and opinions clearer and relevant to the reader in the
present time.
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This site may contain
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authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our
efforts to advance understanding of ¢riminal justi¢e, human
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