
A Timeline of CIA Atrocities

Bridget Rose Nolan, PhD dissertation,
University of Pennsylvania, 2013

CIA sociologist empolyeed at the National Counterterrorism Center

"The CIA was conceived at the end of World War II as the way America could fight as dirty as any other nation.

So we needed in a bad world something as evil as the Soviet KGB.

This has done more to destroy the goodwill formerly enjoyed by America across the face of the Earth than anything we've done.

In addition, even in the intelligence arena, the CIA has failed us on many important issues in the last 20 years.

Let's start over in keeping with our core values." - T. Willard Hunter

September 18, 1947 Truman signs the National Security Act creating the Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Council.

"From the very beginning of the postwar era, Washington looked for proxies to combat the threat it perceived of world revolution." - Peter Dale Scott

1948 Frank Wisner is appointed director of the Office of Special Projects, renamed the Office of Policy Coordination shortly therafter.

Wisner creates an organization concentrated on "propaganda, economic warfare; preventive direct action, including sabotage, anti-sabotage, demolition and evacuation measures; subversion against hostile states, including assistance to underground resistance groups, and support of indigenous anti-Communist elements in threatened countries of the free world."

Wisner establishes Mockingbird to influence the domestic American media.

Frank Wisner recruits Philip Graham to run the project in national media.

Philip Graham recruits James Truitt, Russell Wiggins, Phil Geyelin, John Hayes, Alan Barth, Stewart Alsop, Joseph Alsop and James Reston.

1951 Cord Meyer, married to Mary Eno Pinchot, second daughter of Amos Pinchot, is recruited by Allen Welsh Dulles.

(Mary Eno Pinchot Meyer is murdered in Georgetown, October 1964.

"I saw a neat and almost bloodless bullet hole in her head.

When Mary Meyer died, no one knew about her affair with John Kennedy, or about her ex-husband' job managing the CIA' clandestine services.

The papers noted that Mary, 43, was a Georgetown artist, born to a wealthy Pennsylvania family, daughter of Amos Pinchot, the Progressive lawyer, and niece of Gifford Pinchot, the conservationist and Teddy Roosevelt's chief forester." - Lance Morrow

Mistress of JFK Murdered

Amos Pinchot, educated at Yale, was a member of Skull & Crossbones.

Deborah Davis claimed Meyer became Mockingbird's "principal operative".

Commissioned writers included:

Stewart Alsop (New York Herald Tribune);

Ben Bradlee (Newsweek);

James Reston (New York Times);

Charles Douglas Jackson (Time Magazine);

Walter Pincus (Washington Post);

Walter Winchell (New York Daily Mirror);

Drew Pearson, Walter Lippmann, William Allen White;

Edgar Ansel Mowrer (Chicago Daily News);

William C. Baggs, Hal Hendrix & Herb Gold (Miami News);

Whitelaw Reid (New York Herald Tribune);

Jerry O'Leary (Washington Star);

Charles L. Bartlett (Chattanooga Times).

Mockingbird had a major influence over individuals within 25 newspapers and wire agencies including:

William Paley (CBS);

Henry Luce (Time magazine and Life magazine);

Arthur Hays Sulzberger (New York Times);

Helen Rogers Reid (New York Herald Tribune);

Dorothy Schiff (New York Post);

Alfred Friendly (managing editor of the Washington Post);

Barry Bingham (Louisville Courier-Journal);

James S. Copley (Copley News Services).

Henry Luce, the owner of a large media empire, became a key figure in Operation Mockingbird.

August, 1952 Office of Policy Coordination and the Office of Special Operations merge to form the Directorate of Plans (DPP).

Frank Wisner is head of this new organization and Richard Helms became his chief of operations.

Frank Wisner hires Desmond Fitzgerald as executive officer of the Office of Policy Coordination's Far Eastern Division.

FitzGerald arranged for over 200 agents to be parachuted into China.

Over a two year period 101 were killed by local peasants, the rest captured and imprisoned.

He also 'purchases' $152 million worth of foreign weapons and ammunition for guerrilla groups that never exist in China.

Based in Taiwan FitzGerald organized covert operations during the Korean War.

FitzGerald personally organized three different plots to assassinate Fidel Castro.


LSD laced mystery of a CIA scientist's death

5 Real CIA Experiments from Project MKULTRA

MK ULTRA Mind Control Revealed - The True Story (1998)

1953 Morse Allen orders the production of The Black Art detailing the ease of hypnosis - for vetted employees only.

Official CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception appears in 2007.

CIA begins experiments in mind control.

LSD and other drugs are given to American subjects without their knowledge and against their will, causing several to commit suicide.

Subproject 147 - study psychotomimetic drugs (produce psychosis)

Funded in part by the Rockefeller and Ford foundations, research includes propaganda, brainwashing, public relations, advertising, hypnosis, and other forms of suggestion.

Mind altering projects go under the code names of Project Chatter, Project Bluebird, Project Artichoke, Project MKNAOMI, MKUltra, and MKDelta.

Cryptonym: MKNAOMI

Project MKNAOMI is a joint project between the CIA and the Army's Special Operations Division involving the use of chemical and biological agents for a variety of purposes including incapacitation and elimination.

Items developed range from "attaché cases rigged to disseminate an agent in the air; a cigarette rigged to disseminate an agent when lighted; a fountain pen dart launcher; an engine head bolt designed to release an agent when heated; a fluorescent light starter to activate the light and then release an agent …"

Chemicals tested include:

morphine, demerol, seconal, scopolamine, ditan, atrophine, psilocybin, BZ (benzilate), atrophine substitutes, dimethyltryptamine, chlorpromazine, LSD with Dibenzyline (blocking agents), LSM (Lysergic acid morpholide), LSD like compounds and various chemical glycolate agents.

Agents are then enlisted to harass the test subjects:

"Gather information on their immorality.

Show them as scurrilous and depraved.

Call attention to their habits and living conditions.

Explore every possible embarrassment.

Send in women and sex, break up marriages.

Have members arrested on marijuana charges.

Investigate personal conflicts or animosities between them.

Send articles to the newspapers showing their depravity.

Use narcotics and free sex to entrap.

Use misinformation to confuse and disrupt.

Get records of their bank accounts.

Obtain specimens of handwriting.

Provoke target groups into rivalries that may result in death."

An eight-page CIA manual titled A Study of Assassination is penned by Sidney Gottlieb.

The contrived accident is the most effective technique the manual advises:

"When successfully executed, it causes little excitement and is only casually investigated. The most efficient accident, in simple assassination, is a fall of 75 feet or more onto a hard surface. It will usually be necessary to stun or drug the subject before dropping him. Care is required to insure that no wound or condition not attributable to the fall is discernible after death. A rock or heavy stick will do, and nothing resembling a weapon need be procured, carried, or subsequently disposed of. Blows should be directed to the temple."

Operation Ajax

CIA admits role in 1953 Iranian coup

Newly Declassified Memos Reveal Britain
Pushed US to Organize 1953 Iran Coup

Sixty years on, CIA finally admits role in Iran coup

It Was the First Time the CIA Overthrew a Government

"The US played a significant role in orchestrating the overthrow of a popular prime minister of Iran, Mohammed Mossadegh.

The Eisenhower administration believed its actions were justified for strategic reasons, but the coup was clearly a setback for the political development of Iran.

It is easy to see now why many Iranians continue to resent this intervention by America in their internal affairs." - Madeleine Albright

1953 CIA funds the overthrow of the democratically elected Mohammed Mossadegh in a military coup, after he threatens to nationalize British oil.

The CIA replaces him with a dictator, the Shah of Iran, whose secret police, SAVAK, is as brutal as the Gestapo and the Department of Homeland Security.


CIA funds the overthrow of the democratically elected Jacob Arbenz in a military coup.

Arbenz has threatened to nationalize the Rockefeller-owned United Fruit Company, in which CIA Director Allen Welsh Dulles, a Pilgrims Society member, owns stock.

Arbenz is replaced with a series of right-wing dictators whose bloodthirsty policies will kill over 100,000 Guatemalans in the next 40 years.

Wisner arranges for the funding the Hollywood production of Animal Farm.

1954-1958 Edward G. Lansdale spends four years trying to overthrow the communist government of North Vietnam, using the usual dirty tricks.

The CIA also attempts to legitimize a tyrannical puppet regime in South Vietnam, headed by Ngô dình Diem.

These efforts fail to win the hearts and minds of the South Vietnamese.

The Diem government is opposed to true democracy, land reform and poverty reduction measures.

The continuing failure of the CIA results in escalating American intervention, and culminates in the Vietnam War.

1955 Subproject 42 - Operation Midnight Climax.

Shocking Blue - Venus

1956 Radio Free Europe incites Hungary to revolt by broadcasting Khruschev's Secret Speech(pdf), in which he denounces Stalin.

It also hints that American aid will help the Hungarians fight.

This aid fails to materialize.

Hungarians launch a doomed armed revolt inviting a major Soviet invasion.

The conflict kills 7,000 Soviets and 30,000 Hungarians.

September 25, 1957

In their authoritative book about the CIA entitled The Invisible Government, Washington correspondents Thomas Ross and David Wise relate how the US supplied a right-wing rebel force in Indonesia with arms and a small air force of B-26 bombers in an attempt to overthrow Soekarno.

The attempt fails, but not before one of the American pilots, Allen Lawrence Pope, is captured by loyalists.

"No wonder Soekarno doesn't like us very much. He has to sit down with the people who tried to overthrow him. " - John F. Kennedy

"His deep mistrust of the white West was understandably compounded in the case of the United States by his knowledge that in 1958 the CIA had participated in an effort to overthrow him." - Arthur Schlesinger, Jr.

1957-1973 CIA carries out approximately one coup per year trying to nullify Laos' democratic elections.

The problem is the Pathet Lao, a leftist group with enough popular support to be a member of any coalition government.

In the late 50s, the CIA even creates an "Armee Clandestine" of Asian mercenaries to attack the Pathet Lao.

After the Armee Clandestine suffers numerous defeats, the US starts bombing, dropping more bombs on Laos than all the US bombs dropped in World War II.

A quarter of all Laotians eventually become refugees, many living in caves.

Bombing Missions Over Laos From 1965-1973

"One of America's early proxy armies, the remnants of Nationalist Chinese KMT forces in Burma and later Thailand, would continue to receive U.S. support into the 1960s.

Like the mafias in Europe and the yakuza in Japan, these drug proxies had the advantage for secrecy of being off-the-books assets, largely self-supporting through their drug dealing, and firmly anticommunist.

With needed US support, above all in the form of airlift and arms, Li Mi's irregulars were soon marketing, in the words of Richard Stilwell (chief of OPC Far East), "almost a third of the world's opium supply."" - Peter Dale Scott

1958 Gloria Steinem Discussing Her Time in the CIA

1959 Military intelligence helps "Papa Doc" Duvalier become dictator of Haiti.

He creates his own private police force, the "Tonton Macoutes," who terrorize the population with machetes.

They will kill over 100,000 during the Duvalier family reign.

The US does not protest the dismal human rights record.

About 362 tonnes of weapons, ammunition and equipment – as well as 85 trained guerilla warfare specialists are dropped into Tibet.

Following the 1959 uprising, Tenzin Gyatso flees into India.

How CIA helped the Dalai Lama end up in exile


The CIA's Student-Activism Phase

How the CIA helped Disney conquer Florida

Gloria Steinem Discussing Her Time in the CIA

'Chaos: Charles Manson, the CIA and the Secret History of the Sixties'

CIA Involvement in the Assassinations of JFK and Dag Hammarskjold

1960 CIA stages a coup and installs Phoumi Novosan in Laos.

Time magazine interviews a CIA officer who states a plan is in operation to polarize the communist and anti-communist factions in Laos.


Operation Mongoose

1,500 Cuban exiles invade Castro's Cuba at the Bay of Pigs but the invasion fails, due to poor planning, security and backing.

The planners had imagined that the invasion will spark a popular uprising against Castro - which never happens.

A promised American air strike also never occurs.

Kennedy fires CIA Director Allen Welsh Dulles.

CIA assassinates Rafael Trujillo, a genocidal dictator of the Dominican Republic Washington has supported since 1930.

Trujillo's business interests have grown so large (about 60% of the economy) that they have begun competing with American business interests.

In Ecuador the CIA-backed military forces the democratically elected President Jose Velasco to resign.

Vice President Carlos Arosemana replaces him; the CIA fills the now vacant vice presidency with its own man.

Democratically elected Patrice Lumumba in the Congo is assassinated.

Public support for Lumumba is so high his opponents cannot be installed.

Years of political turmoil follow whenever assassinations occur.

1963 General Abdel Karim Kassem is disposed by the Baath Party.

The Central Intelligence Agency helps the new Baath Party government in ridding the country of suspected leftists and Communists including hundreds of doctors, teachers, technicians, lawyers and other professionals as well as military and political figures.

CIA overthrows the democratically elected Juan Bosch in a military coup.

The CIA installs a repressive, right-wing junta in the Dominican Republic.

CIA-backed military coup overthrows President Arosemana of Ecuador , whose independent policies have become unacceptable to Washington.

A military junta assumes command, cancels the 1964 elections, and begins human rights abuses.

August 24

DEPTEL 243 is drafted by W Averell Harriman, Roger Hilsman, Michael Forrestal and approved by Richard Helms to Henry Cabot Lodge:

"Cannot tolerate situation in which power lies in Nhu's hands. If Diem remains obdurate and refuses Diem himself cannot be preserved. Tell appropriate military commanders we will give them direct support in any interim breakdown of central government mechanism."

CIA Document 1035-960: Foundation of a Weaponized Term

1964 CIA-backed military coup overthrows the democratically elected government of Joao Goulart of Brazil.

The junta that replaces it becomes one of the most bloodthirsty in history.

General Humberto de Alencar Castelo Branco creates Latin America's first death squads, bands of secret police who hunt down "communists" for torture, interrogation and murder.

Often these "communists" are no more than Branco's political opponents.

Later it is revealed that the CIA trains the death squads.

Branco is the first of five Generals to serve as President during a twenty-one year military dictatorship.

Branco's government, unlike previous directly elected Presidents Juscelino Kubitschek, Jânio Quadros and João Goulart, is bankrolled from the start by loans from World Bank and International Monetary Fund.

Overthrow of Cheddi Jagan in British Guiana

political expediency

Harry Wastes Central Services

CIA used Crypto AG encryption devices to spy

1965 Desmond Fitzgerald is appointed as head of the Directorate for Plans.

Soekarno leads Indonesia in its struggle for independence from the Netherlands and makes the takeover of Western New Guinea a focus of his continuing struggle against Dutch imperialism.

Soekarno, the first President of Indonesia (1945 to 1967), forges a fragile balance of power between the military, political Islam, communists, and nationalists that underlay his "Guided Democracy".

The CIA has been trying to eliminate Soekarno since 1957, using everything from attempted assassination to sexual intrigue and is involved in the "training" of over 1,200 officers, "including senior military figures."

On the dawn of 1 October 1965, six of Indonesia's most senior army generals are kidnapped and murdered by the "30 September Movement".

The 30 September Movement consisted of members of the Presidential Guards, Brawidjaja Division, and Diponegoro Division, under the command of a Lieutenant-Colonel Untung bin Sjamsuri, a known communist sympathizer who participated in the 1948 Partai Komunis Indonesia rebellion.

The 30 September Movement takes control of the only radio station and broadcasts a statement declaring the kidnappings are meant to protect Soekarno from a coup attempt by CIA influenced generals.

His successor, General Suharto, goes on to massacre between 500,000 to 1 million civilians accused of being "communist."

The United States and the Overthrow of Soekarno, 1965-1967

A popular rebellion breaks out in the Dominican Republic, promising to reinstall Juan Bosch as the country's elected leader.

The revolution is crushed when US Marines land to uphold the military regime by force.

In Greece the king is pressured to George Papandreous as prime minister.

Papandreous has failed to vigorously support US interests in Greece.

In Congo a CIA-backed military coup installs Mobutu Sese Seko as dictator.

The hated and repressive Mobutu exploits his desperately poor country.

"Supplying arms opens the way to influence on the military and also on the political policies of the recipient countries.

Experience has demonstrated that when an arms deal is concluded, the military hardware is only the first step.

Almost invariably, a training mission is needed and the recipient country becomes dependent on the supplier for spare parts and other ordinance." - Eugene J. McCarthy, July 9, 1966, Saturday Review

1966 The Ramparts Affair

Ramparts begins a series of unprecedented antiCIA articles.

Among their scoops: the CIA has paid the University of Michigan $25 million dollars to hire "professors" to train South Vietnamese students in covert police methods.

MIT and other universities have received similar payments.

Ramparts also reveals that the National Students' Association is a CIA front.

Students are sometimes recruited through blackmail and bribery, including draft deferments.

Richard Helms becomes director.

1967 CIA backed military coup overthrows the government of Greece two days before the elections.

The favorite to win is George Papandreous, the liberal candidate.

During the next six years, the "reign of the colonels" - backed by the CIA - will usher in the widespread use of torture and murder against political opponents.

When a Greek ambassador objects to Lyndon Johnson about US plans for Cypress, Johnson tells him: "Fuck your parliament and your constitution."

Desmond Fitzgerald dies of a heart attack while playing tennis in Virginia.

PHOENIX program - The CIA helps South Vietnamese agents identify and murder alleged Viet Cong leaders operating in South Vietnamese villages.

A 1971 congressional report says Phoenix kills about 20,000 "Viet Cong."

1968 Operation CHAOS - The CIA has been illegally spying on American citizens since 1959 Lyndon Johnson dramatically boosts the effort.

CIA agents go undercover as student radicals to spy on and disrupt campus organizations protesting the Vietnam War.

They are searching for Russian instigators, which they never find.

CHAOS will eventually spy on 7,000 individuals and 1,000 organizations.

Military operation captures legendary guerilla Che Guevara in Bolivia.

The CIA wants to keep him alive for interrogation, but the Bolivian government executes him to prevent worldwide calls for clemency.

The CIA helped jail Nelson Mandela

notorious CIA torturer Dan Mitrione

"If you plan to do evil, you will be lost." - Proverbs 14:22

10 of the Most Lethal CIA Interventions in Latin America

1969 CIA torturer Dan Mitrione arrives in Uruguay.

Motto: "The precise pain, in the precise place, in the precise amount, for the desired effect."

Right-wing forces previously use torture only as a last resort, Mitrione convinces them to use it as a routine, widespread practice.

The torture techniques he teaches to the death squads rival the Nazis'.

He becomes so feared that he is kidnaped and murdered.

Long-secret diplomatic documents reveal Richard Nixon wanted Uruguay's government to threaten to kill leftist prisoners in an attempt to save the life of Dan Mitrione.

1970 CIA overthrows Prince Sahounek, highly popular among Cambodians for keeping them out of the Vietnam War.

He is replaced by CIA puppet Lon Nol, who immediately throws Cambodian troops into battle.

This unpopular move strengthens once minor opposition parties like the Khmer Rouge, which achieves power in 1975 through mass execution.

Over the past decade the Alliance for Progress subsidy program for US exporters and private investors has created a trade imbalance with Latin America of 15 billion dollars.

"Latin America through the Alliance for Progress has contributed to the economic development of the US and has gone into debt to do it.

No wonder we prop up these governments and put down the revolutionaries." - Philip Burnett Franklin Agee

1971 After half a decade of CIA-inspired political turmoil, a CIA-backed military coup overthrows President Juan Torres in Bolivia.

In the next two years, dictator Hugo Banzer will have over 2,000 political opponents arrested without trial, then tortured, raped and executed.

"Papa Doc" Duvalier dies, leaving his 19-year old son "Baby Doc" Duvalier the dictator of Haiti.

His son continues his bloody reign with full knowledge of the CIA.

1972 Case-Zablocki Act

Congress passes an act requiring congressional review of executive agreements.

In theory, this should make CIA operations more accountable.

In fact, it is only marginally effective.

Congress votes to cut off CIA funds for its secret war in Cambodia.

A team of burglars wiretap Democratic offices at Watergate.

The team members have extensive CIA histories, including James McCord, E. Howard Hunt and five Cuban burglars.

They work for the Committee to Reelect the President (CREEP), which does dirty work like disrupting Democratic campaigns and laundering illegal campaign contributions.

CREEP's activities are funded and organized by another CIA front, the Mullen Company.

"I'm the Guy They Called Deep Throat"

1973 Salvador Allende nationalizes American-owned firms in Chile.

ITT offers the CIA $1 million for a coup.

Jorge Alessandri Rodríguez, son of Arturo Alessandri (El presidente de la República de Chile: 1920 to 1925; and 1932 to 1938), presented a 189-page "Program for Economic Development" called El ladrillo ("The Brick") in 1969 haciendo campaña es el jefe when he loses in 1970 to Salvador Allende.

September 11

CIA facilitates the overthrow and assassination of Allende in Chile.

The main objective of the US-supported military coup in Chile is the imposition of the global neoliberal economic agenda.

Sweeping macro-economic reforms including privatization, price 'liberalization' and the freeze of wages are implemented based on El ladrillo.

"I started to understand the role of military-intelligence operations in support of what is described as a process of "economic restructuring".

In my earlier writings on the Chilean military Junta, I looked upon the so-called "free market" reform as an instrument of "economic repression."

Two years later, I returned to Latin America as a visiting professor at the National University of Cordoba in the industrial heartland of Argentina.

My stay coincided with the 1976 military coup d'État.

Tens of thousands of people were arrested; Desaparecidos were assassinated.

The military takeover in Argentina was "a carbon copy" of the CIA-led coup in Chile.

Behind the massacres and human rights violations, "free market" reforms had also been prescribed, this time under the supervision of Argentina's New York creditors." - Michel Chossudovsky, Globalization of Poverty and the New World Order

30,000 People Were 'Disappeared' in Argentina's Dirty War

Augusto Pinochet tortures and 'disappears' thousands of his own countrymen in a crackdown on political labor leaders.

Project Disappeared: Chile

The Other 9/11: A CIA Agent Remembers Chile's Coup

Chile, September 11, 1973: Military Coup, Imposition of Neoliberal Agenda

Watergate Scandal

Washington Post, in the pocket of the CIA, reports Richard Nixon's crimes long before any other newspaper takes up the subject.

Two reporters, Woodward and Bernstein, make almost no mention of the CIA's many fingerprints all over the scandal.

It is later revealed that Woodward is a Naval intelligence briefer to the White House, and knows many important intelligence figures, including General Alexander Haig.

His main source, "Deep Throat," is probably one of those.

Richard Nixon fires CIA Director Richard Helms for failing to cover up the Watergate Scandal.

Plague of American Authoritarianism

1974   Pulitzer prize winning journalist Seymour Hersh outs domestic surveillance and infiltration of anti-war and civil rights groups in the US.

Congress holds hearings on the illegal domestic spying efforts of James Jesus Angleton, chief of counterintelligence.

His efforts included mail-opening campaigns and secret surveillance of war protesters.

Angleton is fired.

Hughes Ryan Amendment

Congress passes an amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 requiring the president to report nonintelligence CIA operations to the relevant congressional committees in a timely fashion.

Victor Marchetti and John Marks publish "The CIA and the Cult of Intelligence" - a whistleblowing history of CIA crimes and abuses.

Marchetti spent 14 years in the CIA, eventually becoming an executive assistant to the Deputy Director of Intelligence.

Marks spent five years as an intelligence officer in the State Department.

1975 Henry Kissinger convinces Gerald Ford to to back Jonas Savimbi in Angola, a Reagan administration policy continuation.

Angola, of little strategic importance, is not threatened by communism.

This polarizes Angolan politics and drives his opponents into the arms of Cuba and the Soviet Union for survival.

Congress will cut off funds in 1976, but the CIA is able to run the war off the books until 1984, when funding is legalized again.

This entirely pointless war kills over 300,000 Angolans.

CIA helps topple the democratically elected, left-leaning Australian government of Prime Minister Gough Whitlam.

The CIA does this by giving an ultimatum to its Governor-General, John Kerr.

Kerr, a longtime CIA collaborator, exercises his constitutional right to dissolve the Whitlam government.

The Governor-General is a largely ceremonial position appointed by the Queen; the Prime Minister is democratically elected.

The use of this archaic and never-used law stuns the nation.

Constitutional coup of Gough Whitlam and his Labor party is financed by $2.4 million slush fund most likely provide by Black Eagle Trust.

"The push to remove Whitlam from office came from Ted Shackley, with the blessing of Secretary of State Henry Kissinger." - Patricia Goldstone

Whitlam opposed the US bombing of the civilian population of North Vietnam and Cambodia and the use of the highly sensitive technology of the joint US-Australian space research facility at Pine Gap for espionage.

The British-American coup that ended Australian independence

Moral outrage compels Congress to hold hearings on CIA crimes.

The official CIA Assassination Manual, released to the public under a court order, contained detailed instructions on the methods of elimination of political obstacles.

Here is one such example: “For secret assassinations…the contrived accident is the most effective technique. When successfully executed, it causes little excitement and is only casually investigated. The most effective accident .. is a fall of 75 feet or more onto a hard surface.

Elevator shafts, stair wells, unscreened windows and bridges will serve. The act may be executed by sudden, vigorous grabbing of the ankles, tipping the subject over the edge.”

Senator Frank Church heads the Church Committee Senate investigation, and Representative Otis Pike heads the House investigation.

CIA Targeted Assassinations by Induced Heart Attack and Cancer

Despite a 98% incumbency reelection rate, both Church and Pike are defeated in the next elections.

The investigations lead to a number of reforms which prove ineffective, as the Iran-Contra scandal reveals.

Gerald Ford creates Rockefeller Commission, headed by Nelson Rockefeller, which attempts to reduce the damage done by the Church Committee.

Five of the commission's eight members are also members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

White House Altered Rockefeller Commission Report

1977 Richard Helms, executive director of the CIA who authorized the September Plan, is convicted of perjury for lying to a Senate committee about the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Chile and the assassination of Salvador Allende.

"I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves." - Henry Kissinger


January 16

CIA fails to predict the fall of the Shah of Iran, a longtime puppet, and the rise of Muslim fundamentalists who are furious at SAVAK, the Shah's bloodthirsty secret police.

Iranian 'students' take 52 Americans hostage in the US embassy in Tehran.


Central Intelligence Agency begins providing assistance to the Afghani mujahideen in a program called Operation Cyclone.

Between $3 - $20 billion in American funds are funneled into Afghanistan over the next several years to train and equip mujahideen.

Usamah bin Mohammad bin Laden is provided weapons including Stinger surface-to-air missiles and training in the latest terrorist tactics.

Soviets invade Afghanistan five months after the CIA begins supplying arms to any faction willing to fight the Soviets.

Sheik Abdel Rahman, who will become involved in the first World Trade Center bombing, is trained at this time.

July 17

In Nicaragua Anastasios Somoza II falls.

Marxist Sandinistas, committed to land and anti-poverty reform, ascend.

Samoza has a personal army - the National Guard.

The Guard become the Contras and begin a CIA-backed guerilla war.

October 15

The Myth of the Liberal Coup

Adolfo Arnaldo Majano Ramos and Jaime Abdul Gutiérrez Avendaño perform a coup d'état in El Salvador with the support of Guillermo Ungo, Mario Antonio Andino and Román Mayorga Quirós.

This launches a full-fledged civil war that lasts for more than 12 years.

Civilians are terrorizied and targeted of by death squads, children recruited as child soldiers and other violations of human rights, mostly by the military.

An unknown number of people disappeared during the conflict, and the UN reports that more than 75,000 were killed.


Archbishop Oscar Romero of San Salvador pleads with Jimmy Carter "Christian to Christian" to stop aiding the military government slaughtering his people. Carter refuses.

March 23

Roberto D'Aubuisson has Oscar Romero, a liberation theologist, shot dead after saying Mass.

El Salvador dissolves into civil war, with the peasants in the hills fighting against the military government.

The CIA and US Armed Forces supply the government with overwhelming military and intelligence superiority throughout the Carter and Reagan administrations.

CIA trained death squads roam the countryside deliberate terrorizing and targeting civilians, inducting child soldiers and committing atrocities like that of El Mazote, where they massacre between 700 and 1000 Christian men, women and children.

UN reports more than 75,000 are killed.

Contras begin planting harbor mines, blowing up pipelines and threatening to sink civilian ships in attempts to overthrow the democratically elected Sandinista government of Nicaragua.

December 8

Assassination of John Lennon


CIA begins selling arms to Iran at high prices, using the profits to arm the Contras fighting the Sandinista government in Nicaragua.

Freedom Fighter's Manual disbursed to the Contras includes instruction on economic sabotage, propaganda, extortion, bribery, blackmail, interrogation, torture, murder and political assassination.

March 30

Attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan by John Hinckley, Jr.

John Hinckley, Jr. granted a full-time release

May 24 President of Ecuador Jaime Roldós Aguilera, known for his human rights leadership, dies in a plane crash.

July 31 Panamanian President Omar Efraín Torrijos Herrera, critical of the US role in the region, dies in a plane crash.


After the Boland Amendment is enacted, it becomes illegal under American law to fund the Contras; National Security Adviser Robert MacFarlan, Deputy National Security Adviser Admiral Poindexter, National Security Council staffer Lt. Col. Oliver North and others continued an illegal drugs-for-weapons operation to fund the Contras which leads to the Iran-Contra.


CIA gives Honduran military officers the Human Resource Exploitation Training Manual.

"While we do not stress deplore the use of coercive techniques, we do want to make you aware of them and the proper way to use them."

Honduras' notorious "Battalion 316 then uses these techniques on leftist dissidents.

At least 184 are murdered.

1983 CIA Document Reveals Plan To Destroy Syria


Philip Agee publishes a diary of his life - "Inside the Company".

Agee worked in covert operations in Latin America during the 60s, and details the crimes in which he took part.

Last of a series of Boland Amendments is passed.

These amendments have reduced CIA aid to the Contras; the last one cuts it off completely.

CIA Director William Casey is already prepared to "hand off" the operation to Lt. Col. Oliver North, who illegally continues supplying the Contras through the CIA's informal, secret, and self-financing network.

This includes "humanitarian aid" donated by Joseph Coors and William Simon, and military aid funded by Iranian arms sales.


Nicaragua shoots down a C-123 transport plane carrying military supplies to the Contras.

The lone survivor, Eugene Hasenfus, turns out to be a CIA employee, as are the two dead pilots.

The airplane belongs to Southern Air Transport, a CIA front.

The incident makes a mockery of claims that the CIA is not illegally arming the Contras.

Iran-Contra scandal finally captures the media's attention.

Congress holds hearings, and several key figures, including Lt. Col. Oliver North, lie under oath to protect the intelligence community.

CIA Director William Casey dies of brain cancer before Congress can question him.

All reforms enacted by Congress after this scandal are purely cosmetic.

1987 The Jonathan Pollard Spy Case

1989 US invades Panama to overthrow a dictator on the CIA payroll, General Manuel Noriega, who has been transporting cocaine for them.

1990 With "Baby Doc" Duvalier deposed, "leftist priest" Jean-Bertrand Aristide captures 68% of the vote competing against 10 comparatively wealthy candidates.

After eight months in power, the CIA-backed military deposes him and brutalizes the country.

Thousands of Haitian refugees escape the turmoil in barely seaworthy boats.

As popular opinion calls for Aristide's return, the CIA begins a disinformation campaign painting the courageous priest as mentally unstable.

1991 Saddam Hussein, a creature of the CIA, invades Kuwait.

With US encouragement, Hussein invaded Iran in 1980.

During this costly eight-year war, the CIA built up Hussein' forces with sophisticated arms, intelligence, training and financial backing.

This cemented Hussein's power at home, allowing him to crush the many internal rebellions that erupted from time to time, sometimes with poison gas supplied by the US.

1992 In the years following the end of the Cold War, the CIA is increasingly used for economic espionage.

This involves stealing technological secrets of competing foreign companies and giving them to American ones.

1993 Chaos in Haiti grows so bad that William Jefferson Clinton has no choice but to depose the Haitian military dictator, Raoul Cedras, on threat of US invasion.

The US occupiers do not arrest Haiti's military leaders for crimes against humanity, instead ensure their safe rich retirements.

Aristide is returned to power only after being forced to accept an agenda favorable to the country's ruling class.

1996 Gary Stephen Webb prints his "Dark Alliance" series San Jose Mercury News detailing Iran-Contra scandal.

CIA's Venture-Capital Firm

CIA and Google's Joint Investment Raising Eyebrows

"In the intelligence community, it is taught that the best way to
hide something is to place it in open view." - Dr. John Coleman

In-Q-Tel: A Glimpse Inside the CIA's Venture-Capital Arm

CIA is Investing in Artificial Intelligence That Actually Works

1999  How the CIA made Google

2001  CIA Lost Office In WTC

54 countries participated in the CIA rendition program

December 10, 2004 Gary Stephen Webb dies of two 33. caliber gunshot wounds to the back of the head.

How the CIA Watched Over the Destruction of Gary Webb

2007  CIA in South America

Chiquita fruit company 'funded death squads'

2008  Body of Lies: The CIA's involvement with US film-making

2009  CIA expands investments in semis

2010  Startups Backed By The CIA

Exclusive: Google, CIA Invest in 'Future' of Web Monitoring

CIA and Google's Joint Investment Raising Eyebrows

2011 Extreme Prejudice - CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer

2012 CIA Jet Crashes With 4 TONS of Cocaine on Board

CIA Torture Jet wrecks with 4 Tons of COCAINE

25 Cutting Edge Firms Funded By The CIA

The CIA and Jeff Bezos Bet on Quantum Computing

2013 Declassified Documents Reveals Secrets About Area 51 and UFOs

'Black budget': US spy network's successes, failures and objectives

In Virginia's Fairfax County, Robbing Banks for the CIA

In-Q-Tel: A Glimpse Inside the CIA's Venture-Capital Arm

HyTrust Receives Investment from CIA's Venture Capital Arm

Narrative Science: The CIA is Investing in Artificial Intelligence That Actually Works

CIA Investment Arm Has Its Sights -- And Money -- Set On Security Startups

The CIA's Program to Spread Polio in Pakistan is Working

The CIA, the Murder of Lumumba, and the Rise of Mobutu

2014 Google Is Not What It Seems by Julian Assange

The CIA style guide goes online: Write like a spy ~!

LA Times Reporter Cleared Stories With Agency Before Publication

How the CIA Launched the «Financial Pearl Harbor» Attacks on Russia and Venezuela

NPR Presents CIA-Backed Group as Independent Expert on Snowden's 'Harm'

2015CIA's Hidden Hand in 'Democracy' Groups

CIA Reorganizes to Speed Analysis, Focus More on Cyber-Es

How the Makers of "Zero Dark Thirty" Seduced the CIA with Fake Earrings

Judge Orders CIA To Pay $400,000 In Legal Fees To FOIA Requester It Jerked Around

12 Early- And Mid-Stage Startups Backed By The CIA, Pentagon, And US Army

2016 CIA agent recruiting police and military personnel

"Stories Manufactured By A Really Small Number Of Idiots"

CIA 'Siren Servers' can predict social uprisings 3-5 days in advance

Man Who Ousted the Australian Government in 1975

CIA's Venture Capital Arm Is Funding Skin Care Products That Collect DNA

2017 The History of the CIA

CIA uses a secret tool to spy on NSA, FBI and other intel partners

US admits role in Operation Lava Jato

2020 Operation Warp Speed is Using a CIA-Linked Contractor

2021 Opening the CIA Can of Worms

unique library index

This web site is not a commercial web site and is presented for educational purposes only.

This website defines a new perspective with which to engage reality to which its author adheres. The author feels that the falsification of reality outside personal experience has forged a populace unable to discern propaganda from reality and that this has been done purposefully by an international corporate cartel through their agents who wish to foist a corrupt version of reality on the human race. Religious intolerance occurs when any group refuses to tolerate religious practices, religious beliefs or persons due to their religious ideology. This web site marks the founding of a system of philosophy named The Truth of the Way of the Lumière Infinie - a rational gnostic mystery religion based on reason which requires no leap of faith, accepts no tithes, has no supreme leader, no church buildings and in which each and every individual is encouraged to develop a personal relation with the Creator and Sustainer through the pursuit of the knowledge of reality in the hope of curing the spiritual corruption that has enveloped the human spirit. The tenets of the Truth of the Way of the Lumière Infinie are spelled out in detail on this web site by the author. Violent acts against individuals due to their religious beliefs in America is considered a "hate crime."

This web site in no way condones violence. To the contrary the intent here is to reduce the violence that is already occurring due to the international corporate cartels desire to control the human race. The international corporate cartel already controls the world economic system, corporate media worldwide, the global industrial military entertainment complex and is responsible for the collapse of morals, the elevation of self-centered behavior and the destruction of global ecosystems. Civilization is based on coöperation. Coöperation does not occur at the point of a gun.

American social mores and values have declined precipitously over the last century as the corrupt international cartel has garnered more and more power. This power rests in the ability to deceive the populace in general through corporate media by pressing emotional buttons which have been preprogrammed into the population through prior corporate media psychological operations. The results have been the destruction of the family and the destruction of social structures that do not adhere to the corrupt international elites vision of a perfect world. Through distraction and coercion the direction of thought of the bulk of the population has been directed toward solutions proposed by the corrupt international elite that further consolidates their power and which further their purposes.

All views and opinions presented on this web site are the views and opinions of individual human men and women that, through their writings, showed the capacity for intelligent, reasonable, rational, insightful and unpopular thought. All factual information presented on this web site is believed to be true and accurate and is presented as originally presented in print media which may or may not have originally presented the facts truthfully. Opinion and thoughts have been adapted, edited, corrected, redacted, combined, added to, re-edited and re-corrected as nearly all opinion and thought has been throughout time but has been done so in the spirit of the original writer with the intent of making his or her thoughts and opinions clearer and relevant to the reader in the present time.

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This site may contain copyrighted material the use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in our efforts to advance understanding of criminal justice, human rights, political, economic, democratic, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. We believe this constitutes a 'fair use' of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law. In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, the material on this site is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes. For more information see: If you wish to use copyrighted material from this site for purposes of your own that go beyond 'fair use', you must obtain permission from the copyright owner.

Dedicated to the establishment of knowledge, truth, justice and a clear understanding of reality as the American way!
Copyright © Lawrence Turner
All Rights Reserved